Confessions of a Pizza Delivery

Hello, I am a simple American graduate student that has worked as a pizza delivery person for the last three years in an impoverished area.

In my employment, I have encountered many minorities. They are a curious bunch. As many people well know, blacks do not tip. This is not just empirical, it is an objective truth. I would go to these ghettos and risk my life only to get stiffed time and time again.

These neighborhoods would be full of trash. Literal trash. For some reason, these monkeys would think it is OK to just throw whatever they have in their hand onto the ground in front of their own home. Perhaps, they never thought about what will happen if they all did that, yet they all did the same. There was garbage piled up everywhere. In hall ways to apartments, on the street, even right outside of their door.... they just threw trash there because they knew other people *grounds crew* would eventually pick it up for them.

Obsession with cars is a constant in the ghetto community. These animals will live in a garbage heap with other gangsters, will have a home full of roaches and rats, yet the most important thing in their life is a shitty vehicle from the 90s with rims. They have no cable or tv and just stand outside of their trash heap all day and grab their dick and talk jiggaboo to other nigs.

I often had to walk past these crowds of shitbirds while carrying a pizza and a pocket full of money. They always had the same joke, "yo, dats my pizza@! right here, bro!" That is when I roll my eyes and keep walking. Sometimes they would try to get violent, rarely.

I won't lie, I was picked on less due to my size. I am 6'5" and 270. I am a giant muscle and an imposing figure. Everyone I have worked with got robbed at least once. I had a few assholes step up in a giant group and i would just beat the shit out of the most aggressive one and the rest would run off. *skiddish nigs* (I even beat one with a pizza bag with a pizza in it).

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Its over guys Trump won.

That's a nice masturbatory fantasy you've got going there.

They live in absolute squalor and are proud of it. When I bring a pizza to someone, they think it is a service that is owed to them. They are so fucking lazy and so poor, yet they refuse to get groceries or plan ahead. I feel that is the main difference between whites and other races.... A failure to grasp the future. There is no consequence, no plan, no abstract thought other than the right here, right now, what i feel at this moment, how i can fix the current moment. That is why so many are in prison. They absolutely have no concept off the future or what their decisions may lead to.

These poor people living in a trash heap then call for a pizza. They, certainly, cannot go and plan a meal. Get free money from the government to do so. Why not?!?!? Why not be a lazy piece of shit that just uses free money to get food cooked for them.?

That's a top story there Pauly. Now stop bludging and get back to work or I'll dock ya.

So when called, I must go to these assholes. I have to wade through the filth and roughnecks to get to a door that houses a family *10 people in a 2 bedroom* that smells like cockroaches *yes they have a distinct smell* and full of naked child monkeys dancing to loud music.

They answer the door and I am as cordial as I can be after being accosted by gangsters outside. I offer them their food after waiting 5 minutes for someone to answer the door *although i hear people screaming inside*. The monkey comes to get it and tries to give me what they owe but only 25c short. This is a tactic by the monkey to get over on me. I stand my ground and say that i would rather throw this shit in the trash than accept one penny less. They say ok and go inside to only come out with a miracle 20$ bill. I give change and ask if they want their full amount back...(hint for tip)
EVERY FUCKING TIME.... yes, I want it all.

That is when I learned how to deal with these assholes. I stopped asking if they want to tip and just take it. Blacks are so subservient to whites that if you tell them that they have to do something, then they will. I began just walking off with their change. .... guess what? 95% of them say nothing!~ They are so fucking dumb that they think that is just how it goes. They never ask why except for rare cases.


those that object, you just say that it is policy that we can't give change and they shrug and take their dumb ass back into their hovel.


What about Indian families?
I've heard that they are generous and tip $20 minimum

That girl look afraid, probably pimped out by her nigger 'boyfriend' to this nigger mob.

that was my life in 2002
