Sup Forums "sort yourself out" thread

ITT: we help each other with life advice, careers and guidance

Mantra: sort yourself out

If you guys wanna sort your self out then watch Peterson's university lectures. watch his Personality And Its Transformations and Maps of Meaning courses as they are literally the blueprint to how to sort your self out and improve your self so you can live the best life you can live.

>develop your social skills
>dress and groom your self well
>lift weights
>read books
>get your self some hobbies and shiet
>try being more "moral" person, and play a positive role in your life and to those around you. Listen to your conscious

>serious threads on Sup Forums
Newfags, it's the most pointless thing ever
Go back to shitposting

Learn to cook with slow cookers. Very healthy, easy, high quality food, ready when you get home from work. saves you about an hour worth of time and stress every day. And if you have flatmates you can cook for them and either demand favours in return (they always wash up) or get them to pay for all the food.

Recommended book : 365 days of slow cooking

image attached is a recipe. I can post more if interested.

Go for it!

You are all degenerate smartphone using retards.
Eventually we will run out of resources and either you or your descendants will die from starvation :^)

I've got no friends. How do I talk to people?

All my life I've been a very lonely person. I'm not autistic or anything, and I like to believe I'm not hideously ugly, but it seems I just can't form bonds with other people. I'm starting to believe that I'm simply a boring person, a nobody, an NPC. People in general just don't seem interested in talking to me.

26 neet no degree skills or any job experience
drop out of architecture
my father screams at me everyday
what do?

-Brush your teeth daily
-Shave every two days and oil your beard so food doesn't stick to it.
-Don't smoke, avoid heavy metals
-Take omega 3 and a multi-vitamin once in awhile
-Cardio will help you lose weight if you are fat, watch your diet as well
-Don't do drugs, getting high or drunk once in awhile is ok, but if you do it everyday chances are you are a fat fucking retard.
-Read stuff
-Study your local area, know where fresh water is and how to bug out easily.
-Get a hobby that gets you away from Sup Forums, looking at depressing shit all day isn't going to help.
-Get a trade at least so even if you don't work.
-Don't take anti-depressants or any other medications unless you are running around screaming at people, then maybe think about it.

That is about all I got.

You can be my friend.