Is spanking your kid justifiable in any circumstance?


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Yes, if he refuses to poop in the street like a normal Indian boy

I hope your mother doesn't serve you food with the same hand she spanks you with pajeet


> confusing spanking and beating.
India please.

I was spanked only once during my childhood. And I was being a stupid brat, who didn't listen, because I previously spent too much time with my grandmother, who spoiled me too much with "Oh, he is just a child!" attitude.
Mom was an ex-police officer and wasn't having any of that shit.
Did me a lot of good on the long run.

Father was a piece of shit during the early childhood, but things eventually got better. He always preached the idea that you must use everything you can think of to solve the situation, before resorting to violence.
And the more thinns you can come up with, the smarter you are.
But if you have to fight, make sure they get your point.
I live by that principle.


hitler's father was a cuck


