Who wants to help me start a pro-Trump protest in Melbourne tomorrow?

Who wants to help me start a pro-Trump protest in Melbourne tomorrow?

Bring your MAGA hats with you.

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Come on you pussies.

Flights will cost $318 in total. Sorry, not worth.

Cunt why the fuck are we going to rally for a foreign leader.

What is being protested?

bump for bants

Don't be a bitch.

If the leftist cucks in our country can rally against foreign leaders, then why can't we rally for foreign leaders?

Anti-Leftism, aka anti-cuck.


You can't start an organized protest about the fact that people have dissenting opinions without looking more retarded than feminists. You retard.

Alright then, we'll protest against PC culture.

Bump for the kangaroos to see this

Melbourne is a shithole
Also sounds like a trap desu

So let's not make it a shithole by protesting against cucks.

/pol isnt your personal army

user, I'm going to be there tomorrow to protest. But if I have others to back me up on my cause, it'll be much more effective.

2008 called, it would like its memes back.

Mate just save your energy and join an anti Islam protest like the rest of us

>keep waltzing, Aussie

Legit retarded OP.


So people can protest against anti-political correctness, but people can't protest against political correctness?

We can protest against Islam too. Get Australia to ban Muslims from entering this country too.

And melbourne is honestly the worst place to protest, if you really wanna change things then start with your family and friends if you can get them on your side theyll do the same with their friends and family.

>completely unrelated but almondco is legit best place you can visit in australia

Only people who care about democracy and their rights and the rights of others protest.

Not fascist supporting pussies, like all trump supporters who want him to do all the dirty work.

Fuck off, leaf

ANTIFA TRAP. Ngl, is anyone else weirdly attracted to some of these non-fat ANTIFA chicks? Their angst is very kinky. I feel I've never been a part of anything special, so I want to hold an ANTIFA's chick and shake the foundations of the world... run across rooftops... and fuck like animals under the stars.

Anyway, do I want to go stand around in 40-degree weather with some neckbeards wearing goofy hats? Not really.

Edit: Hold an ANTIFA chick's hand. Fuckdammit, I ruined my poetry.

It's going to be 29 and cloudy with thunder/lightning.

Don't be a fucking pussy. It's perfect weather to show the libcucks the wrath of Trump.

remember to wear cameras and post any and all triggered leftards

there are no nonfat ones

Stay downunda where you belong and shut your mouth

Apex will nig your asses, no offence

>Bring your MAGA hats with you.
Where can you even get them? Trump don't ship to Malcolm Trumble country.

Here you go senpai


I would, but its kinda expensive familia

Dictating to a populace doesn't sound very democratic - try a healthy debate and see if this sh*t gets implemented.

>this is a 10/10 in Australia

That's not a real one tho.

I bought one and they sent me four. I can sell you one

Fuck Apex. Bunch of Sudanese faggots can't stop us from MAGA.

Take out a loan, do it for Donald.

Where'd you get yours from?

Godspeed ausgod

The official Trump store. I used Shipto as a forwarding address.

Thanks user, hopefully I don't get beat up by the libcucks