Why is Israel so ugly? Is this really what the Jews fought so hard for?

Why is Israel so ugly? Is this really what the Jews fought so hard for?

This is a random look at an Israeli city.

Are the richer and more powerful Jews exploiting the weaker ones? Don't they share their fortune and use common degeneracy against their own people (LGBT, modern art, feminism etc.)? Where are all the Shekels going to we send to Israel?

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The elite Jews live in nice places like Jew Zealand. The Jew's one and only loyalty is to himself. Everything else is secondary.

looks comfy desu

Also, what's the point in making pretty buildings if they're just going to have rockets blowing them up?

Jews tend to hoard their money underground and stash it in bank vaults/safekeeps.

They do not show off their money.

The typical Jew dresses in rags and shouts "Look at me! I am so poor, oh my misfortune! please spare me!" while he secretly is extremely rich and enjoys luxuries that are not available to common man

>making pretty buildings if they're just going to have rockets blowing them up?
This is mostly a meme. Jews just love to portray themselves as victims and thus greatly exaggerate.

Israel literally looks like a second world shithole.

Wait, this photo doesn't look first world?

Hahaha no, this is what first world looks like.

> Don't they share their fortune

Hahahaha, you're forgetting you (((THEY))) are.

> dolt

POSt an example from your own country, hansel