Is his channel and it's content Sup Forums approved?

Is his channel and it's content Sup Forums approved?

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Yes, he's based as fuck.

I love him

I've only seen the Jontron ep and I followed him on Twitter after that. This #FreeKekistan forced meme seems kind of queer

He is a fat edgelord

Ofc he is.

it's ok
among the best 'youtube skeptic' or whatever you name it community channels

the only redpilled youtuber

One of us then.

I'm sure he thinks he's smarter than he actually is. Still better than Thunderf00t.

Im not fat though

He's been transition further and further to the right over the years, but he still calls himself a liberal.

Not yet.

Ive never seen fat people in spain come to think of it. Are they all indoors shitposting 24/7?

I'm going to suggest a lefty friend start following him as gateway material

You've never been to the basque country? We eat well here

He's baby's first red pill. He's just your typical YouTube "classical liberal" who goes after low hanging SJW fruit.

I havent, no. Is it worth visiting?

No, that's us.

He just calls himself a liveral so he can say right wing things and emphasise that he is not biased

>Sargoy of Cukkad
He's a "Classical Liberal" who claims to be for free speech whilst also advocating for hate speech laws bc "muh feelings".
Debated a feminist on whether or not feminism was good for the world on his own channel, lost pretty hard. Debated Red Panels bc of pic related, lost.
General """Skeptosphere""" leftist.

Yes. I have a pudgy friend in Spain and the light of day never touched him, unless he's walking to the movie theater.

One of the few left wingers that doesn't deserve the wrath of right wing death squads.


Some of its occasionally ok but most of its shit.

>Sargoy of Acucked
>Sup Forums approved
That said, he does make some reasonably astute points in some of his videos. Watch it if you want and stop seeking the approval ofa an anonymous Sudanese Yodeling forum.

He's based, but not "hardcore" enough for Sup Forums.

He does not recognize differences between racism and doesn't name the jew.

But when against liberals/SJW/feminists, he does a great job.

Doesn't he buy into this "No biological distinction between races" horseshit?

He and jon started out as bernie dick suckers, but they're constantly bringing themselves to defend trump. Sounds like they're redpilling themselves as much as their audience.

He seems obsessed with black dicks.

No. He supports racemixing.

He invested too much on feminists and SJW's. Gets boring after a while because lack of diversity in content

I like him and I encourage people to watch his videos.

I like him very much.

He panders to get more patreon cash

No. He is a liberal that dances around any issue that could gain him any controversy amongst his followers, unprincipled and sad.

He hates alt-right and nazism, really far left and liberal. does hate feminism and sjws though. lurk moar

I agree. His arguments are not always very good either, and especially not when he starts yelling

> Well what did you leave the FUCKING oven on for then, Joseph? If it wasn't to BURN the FUCKING jews JOSEPH?

He also doesn't give the points he's arguing against any charity. If they make a syntactical mistake he goes "that doesn't make sense" instead of recognizing they probably made a small mistake and meant to say something that makes more sense.

Sometimes. He's still holding on to liberalism as if it can be revived, give it a couple years and he'll figure out the way the wind is blowing.

He has brief moments being fucking hilarious, but he's no Bearing.

He fancies himself a shitposter, but he really hasn't mastered the shitpost game. He's stuck at obnoxious memer level and his "REEEEEE" is the weakest fucking one I've ever heard.

Someone needs to teach him to let out a proper REEEEEE like this:

I was introduced to him as his JonTron interview.

The guy is based as fuck and all his videos are amazing.

Stefan molymeme is far better

>Stefan molymeme is far better
I agree, but way less entertaining, if we have to be honest.

He sucks. Watch Stefan Molyneux, Styshexenhammer666, Black Pilled, Computing Forever, Mark Passio, Jordan B. Peterson, Black Pigeon Speaks, and innumerable other options instead.

He's already one of us, but in deep denial. Styx is also a leftist, but Sup Forums loves him.

No, he's an SJW snowflake.

>muted the prayers at Trumps inauguration because muh atheism
>let the Jew say his prayer though

>sarcuck of bbc

Molymeme is boring and has an annoying voice.

Sargon has fun with his videos, which I like.

Like, sort of? I mean kinda.

he's a common sense liberal - what liberalism would be if it hadn't gone of the deep end of idpol

you should not take any political advices from a jewtube whore. They are all shit.

>Getting destroyed by a feminist in a debate

Never forget.

>red panel
>le iam moral superior by letting people starve in my ancap utopia retard

nah... nah

Why would you watch any of these people for fun videos?

Because life isn't one big university lecture imo

So? His opinions are good and there is not much I would disagree with. alt right and nazism is bullshit shit like sjw faggotry


No, not one of /ourguys/. But he's okay.
V obsessed with democratic principles recently, which is annoying since that shit is irrelevant.

Minus the gay interracial porn, optimism in saving the leftist parties and forced memes. He's alright.

Yeah, I've realized this as well. These libertarians don't have balls to properly defend their culture and their ethnic brothers. Fuck leftists.

Also, Sargon of Cukkad and his leftists youtuber butt buddies are trying to co-opt kek on twitter at the moment. Looks like their forced meme is dying as expected.

Styx is fucking gay. Don't watch him

he is ready to talk with literally everyone. I really like that. for example he was on 3 streams with millenial woes.

Too late, faggot.

Sargon is a gateway redpill, he's great for normies, centrists and former leftists.

>The bad men stole my memes daddy.
I love neo-Sup Forums

He's a mongrel, a mud blood

No and anyone who thinks yes is a redditor

wtf I hate germany now

> Unironically posts redpanels
> Thinks ancaps are capable of winning debates

>don't watch Styx

Why would you aussi? Barely any of his content has anything to do with your country. The only reason any of the people here dislike him is because of the civic/ethno nationalism divide. He's certainly one of the best "Alt-media" editorial reporters. Not nearly as narcissistic as Molymeme or Sargon. Sargon wouldn't stop fucking talking and bitching about his twitter ban the entire jontron stream. It was his only point.

He's ok in small doses. His accent bugs the shit out of me though, same with Paul Joseph Watson.

I wouldn't recomend visiting as much as I would living here.
Maybe in summer yes: in Bilbao we celebrate a holiday called "Aste Nagusia", it is pretty famous, people from all over Spain (and some foreing) come, and the celebration lasts for over a week.

He's aight

i honestly cant save that to my pepe folder

>le iam moral superior by letting people suffer in my nonwhite utopia retard

whetever you say rotherdam

Why the fuck do you care? Do you have to make sure the shit you watch is approved by a bunch of NEETS on a shitty online forum?

He's leftie fuck, but he also smashes sjw hard left commies

He's american, he is conditioned to not have self-thoughts and need approval from a group to not feel bad about doing something.

Why do you think the MGTOW "movement" exists?

Goymany please.

>fistie starts describing waking up with dried semen on your face
>sargon laughs
Never forget holy shit

Most fatties are old 50-something guys, and even sone of those try to stay in shape

you all know he is left libertarian right?



I respect him as a committed liberal. He's actually straightforward about liberalism and works to shed it of contradictions and get out of jail free clauses that have been stuck to the side.

He reminds me of those fat idiots at university that love magic the gathering and think they're above everyone else, when really they're just fat nerds.
Also he has the arrogance of someone who just started taking philosophy or other soft sciences and start going on about how they know everything.

I go through waves with him, I have his reaction videos, but I love seeing when he loses his temper and actually starts saying things of interest.

short answer, know-it-all-fat-fuck-cuck

*hate his reaction videos

He takes a historic approach when talking about things, he may know the past but I don't know if he knows what he is talking about when he talks about politics.

The youtube alt-right/skeptic/rightwing youtubers are all pretty fucking trash. Just a bunch of cringy faggots trying to ride the wave and make some shekels from a niche that is too edgy/risky for the rest of the youtube whores.

The only truly redpilled youtube channels are those that don't take themselves seriously and are there for the sake of entertainment.
Anything else is pretentious and tryhard.

>West is best
>race and IQ
>hurr hurr I can't make the connection between those, say no to racism hurr durr muh classical libralizm
Sargon is an over-rated pseudo-intellectual

No he doesn't and he said anyone who does is a science denier

>The youtube alt-right/skeptic/rightwing youtubers are all pretty fucking trash
To be fair, the left wing YouTube atheists are pretty good if you want to ever be busted out of the Sup Forums echochamber without having to go full SJW.

Seriously, this is the best anti-Trump video I've ever seen.

Another cuck who started pandering to Sup Forums to get more views. I don't know why anyone bothers listening to people like him, they try to pass themselves off as intellectuals when they just pull everything straight from here and google and will change their opinions on a whim if they aren't popular enough

You know how I know you don't watch his content and are uninformed?

>Debated Red Panels bc of pic related, lost.
If you think Sargon lost that debate, you didn't watch it.

is that keem

(((Sargon))) you can't just keep asking that question and eventually hope to get the answer you want out of us, that answer isn't going to change no matter how many shills you hire, you just don't redpill people on what really matters and that's why you're here paying out of wallet to get people to like you by and large, also the real Sargon of Akkad was a real quality merchant with white heritage, peopel you'd like to eliminate, not some filthy part nigger like you

Nah, RP bodied him. Was totally obvious and hilarious. The Kekistan meme really gave good insight into how fuckin stupid he is.

Listening to the 5 hour stream with JonTron.
Honestly he sounds like TotalBiscuit and when I first started watching I thought it was an alt account or something