Bill Maher calls out Liberals on Islam

What do my fellow amerifags think? Also, I dunno, but wasn't the inquisition a form of terrorism as well? Plus didn't the Romans kill all the pagans, devilworshipers, and everyone who didn't believe what they believe? Pretty sure Aztecs sacrificed thousands of people that they captured in a horrific way according to their religious beliefs.

Bill Maher is an atheist, and lol, what about all the atrocities committed by Soviet Russia on eurocucks and their people? Not defending Islam. Just saying that people in general, religious or not, can still get pretty fucked up.

Which brings me to my 2nd point. If terrorism is really due to Islam, why isn't there more terrorism or attacks? For a faith that has 1-2 billion people, only less than 1% actually engage in any terrorism. WHY ISNT THIS HIGHER.


>Bill Maher brought Sam Harris onto his show tonight to criticize liberals for not doing more to speak out against Islamic extremism.

>He also said that liberals need to stop arguing that “every culture is equally bad,” which led to Harris saying there aren’t Scientologists and Mormons trying to kill people who insult their faiths.

>Maher said the proper liberal response here needs to be understanding that we’ll never defeat terrorism unless the Islamic faith is reformed.


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OP here.

Why like, aren't there 10 SERIOUS terrorist attacks in France/UK/Germany instead of one every 10 months?

Plus isn't Russia 15-20% Muslim? Why no terrorism in Russia (apart from Caucus region)?

Sorry I meant

"Why aren't there 10 SERIOUS terrorist attacks in France/UK/Germany EVERY DAY instead of one every 10 months?"

It's important to set up your responses correctly :-)

nice trips, faggot
I agree, the bloodthirsty savages need to step up their terrorism game. They have not yet killed nearly enough to warrant the title of most primitive backward assed peoples.
They barely ran anyone over this year, and when is the last time the blew something up?
The routine beatings, stonings, stabbings, rapings, executions and other minor things are ot even close to enough to declare these 3rd world retards violent terrorists.

>(((Bill "Tell A Jew By His Nose" Maher))) and (((Sam "Save Liberal Cosmopolitan Democracy by voting for Hillary Clinton" Harris)))

>Also, I dunno, but wasn't the inquisition a form of terrorism as well?

No. Not every shitty mass killing is terrorism.

>Plus didn't the Romans kill all the pagans, devilworshipers, and everyone who didn't believe what they believe?

No. For the majority of the existence of the Roman Empire, their goal was simply to conquer, expand the Empire and control their subject provinces. They didn't give a shit about who worshipped what, and in fact plenty of Romans worshipped foreign deities, with temples to certain foreign deities (Isis was very popular, for example) being common in Rome itself.

For the last few centuries of the Empire, it's true that they worked to convert people in the provinces, but this process was mostly a peaceful one, with the conversion process taking place peacefully for political reasons

Generally it would go something like - Tribal/Regional ruler converts to Christianity to tighten his connection to Rome while continuing to worship pagan deities on the site (even Constantine did this, he continued to worship Apollo his whole life). His nobles would convert in imitation, also continuing to practice paganism on the side. Over the next few generations, Christianity would become more entrenched in the society, with Pagan beliefs/rituals/holidays/sacred spaces being converted to Christian use or integrated into the Christian practice, and the lower classes increasingly adopting Christianity in imitation of their social betters.

This process took place over hundreds of years, long after the Empire collapsed, with pagan tribes converting either under the influence of missionaries or to form closer bonds with Christian powers.

I'm not big on Christianity, but despite what green haired Wiccans and neck bearded death metal fans will tell you, the conversion process was primarily peaceful and voluntary.


Wow this was a response that was too dignified for pol.

Thanks for the info. But like, if tha'ts the case, why'd they kill Jesus?

political move, had to set an example because times were getting shitty,what better way than to kill the guy preaching a movement.

ah ok

>Which brings me to my 2nd point. If terrorism is really due to Islam, why isn't there more terrorism or attacks? For a faith that has 1-2 billion people, only less than 1% actually engage in any terrorism. WHY ISNT THIS HIGHER.

Because terrorism is a dangerous fringe activity, and most people don't have the opportunity, resources or motivation to indulge in it.

The question isn't "how many Muslims are terrorists?" it's "how many terrorists are Muslims?"

The answer is - the overwhelming majority. And there's a fair few contributing factors towards that, but the major reason is that the doctrine of Islam directly supports the formation of violent politico-religious groups with the goal of implementing worldwide theocracy.

There is literally NO OTHER religion in the world for which that is true. Most of them have had barbaric things done in their name at one time or another (although most of them have also undergone modernization and reformation, which Islam has not), but Islam is the only one in which a the most honest and literal reading of the scripture leads you to the conclusion that it is your religious duty to violently convert as many people as possible.

I'm not saying it's impossible for Islam to have peaceful manifestations, but those manifestations require a nuanced and less direct reading of the scripture.

This is why I don't like calling Islamists/Islamic terrorists "radicals," because their reading of the scripture isn't radical at all, it's entirely in keeping with both the direct meaning and the intent of the text and the cultural context in which it was developed. True radical Muslims are the ones who find a way to interpret the religion to be in line with modern Western values and basic human decency.

Islam is, at it's heart, a religion for warring medieval desert tribes, and until a massive reformation takes place, it is, in all it's most common forms, inimical to the values of modern Western culture.

TIL Bill Maher is alt right


So you want more dead people?

>never defeat terrorism unless the Islamic faith is reformed.

you will never defeat it if you continue dropping bombs in the middle east

Pretty much what said.

They killed Jesus not because he was preaching a different religion (note that they did nothing to try and stop the Jews from practising Judaism, and according to the Biblical account, collaborated with Jewish religious authorities to bring him down), but because they were concerned that he would, due to his claims to fulfil the prophecy of the Messiah and his large following, be the centre of an attempted Jewish insurrection against Roman rule (several of which had been attempted previously).

You forget to mention that the majority dont condemn the minority that does the terrorism, that is the problem with shitslam. Another problem is that the true nature of the words in the koran and what is ultimately written and commanded by their god: Total domination of everything on this earth, via war, lies, outbreeding and underhanded tactics that would put the visions that hitler had for the third reich for shame.

And dont come with the regurgitated trash that is "moderate good muslims in western countries", those are either useful idiots just like the liberals or scheming masterminds rivaling the Jew himself. All this talk and seriousness of islam's goal of world domination wouldnt even be on the radar thanks to two things, oil, and the funding that it brings giving power to for example saudi trashrabia. they have their fingers in nearly every mosque building in europe, in nearly every push to get more gibs and laws that benefit their faith.

Another cool little thing is this, how many christian lovetrucks do you see bumping into people all peacefully?.. how many hinduist poobomb attacks on toilet factories? how many buddhist Zeal attacks on anything for the last 500 years?

The only thing to come close to Islamic terror is Communist terror, Right wing terror died in 1946.

He wants to reform islam,you fags want to genocide them.

weren't the jews already trying to make money off religion at that point? the whole den of thieves shit? i havent read into the beeboo in a while.


Pretty sure yes, at least going off what I remember of the Biblical account, but that's hardly an unbiased source.

That said, attempts to cash in on religion (selling access to temples, relics, etc) were pretty common among the Pagans too (at least in the more developed cultures, not so much in the tribal areas), and had been since early Greece and Egypt. I've got no idea if it was more common amongst Jews of the era than it was anywhere else.

The whole "Shekelberg" stereotype originated in the middle ages, when Jews were the only ones allowed to practice usury due to a combination of a lack of religious prohibition (it's directly against the Bible, iirc). With a lot of other sources of income closed to them, they took advantage of this and set up in the nascent financial industry as bankers and money lenders.

you mean like the baader meinhof

ah cool. thanks user. its getting early 4am going sleep, nice discussion on pol for once.

Are you seriously defending Islam? You are an embarrassment to your nation, moor.

NP. Peace.

Indeed, but i would also bunch in the ever retarde antifa and the braindead protests that seem to combo of each other for the last 15 years.

>Nobody notices the reddit tabs

Where was I defending it?Just stating some facts you degenerate piss of crap.

Hi Sam!

lol what's so bad about reddit?

>no anonymity
>liberal pressure
>banning of accounts for politically incorrect ideas
>they banned alt-right subreddit

Good points, but alt-right subreddit was freaking DOXING people. I mean....that's kinda low

Don't other political subreddits do the same?
Or is that just twitter?
I honestly don't know.

It's not just terrorism, some of them want to peacefully take over the west by out birthing the natives. It's a takeover and we have a right to resist.

You don't get it. We don't want to live with Muslims regardless of what they do. All of them deserve to die.

I'm so sick of this shit where the only thing Muslims have to do in order to be "accepted" is not be fucking terrorist. What high fucking standards we have for these vermin.

Fuck them.

I think in the US, if you're white, and you dox someone who isn't a straight while male, you get 20 years in max security. Even if you're 12.


Nigga what the fuck are you doing up at 4:45 AM?

He's been hard on Islam. Most progressives have been hard on all religions. Why do altfags assume liberals don't understand the dangers of radical Islam? Do any of you actual know why Muslims? I'm in NYC and there's literally Muslims everywhere. They own most of the small stores in the outer boroughs. A friend is mine is a Muslim and a lesbian. Is it so hard to believe there's people who pay towards mecca but don't cut off people's heads and blow themselves up? This is why people in cities think this Muslim ban is a joke. But people on rural bubbles think Muslims are the most dangerous beings in the planet. I don't get it.

But hey, isn't Turdeau trying to bring into all the muslims he can?

You voted for Turdeau, and yet you oppose him?


From the west coast bro ;-) Mein Negger

Maher has been criticizing snowflakes a few years now. Some of the guests say exactly he is pointing out. One of them is making muslims a race, when it really isn't. Defending islam when it's just another religion. Sjws are quick to criticize christianity but are also quick to defend islam, and Maher points this out too.

>literally gathering public information made available by the person being "doxed"

You'd have to be a tech illiterate pleb to believe "doxing" is wrong.

Kinda unrelated, but I had to adjust my sleep schedule ever since I got called in for jury duty. I didn't know if I'd have to go to court at 8 am...but in the end I wasn't summoned at all. Sleeping schedule stuck though.

I think it's stupid that people get killed for religion or beliefs, any religion that is

get the fuck back to where you came from, you underage faggot

>live in Jew Jork
>muslim lesbian friend

Apex Bluepill

>rural bubbles
Urban elitism BTFO you during the elections, kike. You're the ones living in a bubble. And if you want to know the dangers of Islam, understand that it is based solely on concentration. In small numbers Muslims are harmless, but as they flood a country they inevitably assert themselves. It happens in every single country that sees a rising Muslim population.

t. mahound

go and explode yourself somewhere else


>my lesbian Muslim friend
I only hope that this is bait.

>Is it so hard to believe there's people who pay towards mecca but don't cut off people's heads and blow themselves up?

No, it's not hard to believe, but these people have strayed from the doctrine of Islam. A literal reading of Islamic scripture demands the suppression of women and gays and the instigation of global theocracy by violent means.

The problem isn't that most Muslims are terrorists, it's that most terrorists are Muslims.



You can't reform Islam.

The Quran is the direct word of allah, much like the 10 Commandments are the direct word of god. The Bible is not comparable to the Quran in that respect, only to the Hadith/Sunnah, which are indirect divine revelations.

If it's stated in the Quran, it's not reform-able. These aspects are set in stone in Islamic law, which will never be changed. There are only a very few things which are debatable, because they were not mentioned in the Quran, but they are irrelevancies that don't qualify as "reform" in any sense of the word.

If it's stated in the 10 Commandments, it's not reform-able. Thou shalt not kill will always be thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not commit adultery will always be thou shalt not commit adultery. Although the second has been changed in many respects, which is good demarcation as to whether or not someone is actually a Christian or just a LARPer.

Changing either of these things, being the supposed direct word of god, means that it ceases to be Islam and you would be killed by a true believer, or ceases to be Christianity and you wouldn't be killed by a true believer because Christianity is a cuckold religion. This isn't even up for debate, it's just a fact.

The only reason Christianity has managed to have a reformation is because the Bible leaves a significant amount of wiggle room while still maintaining the foundation and 10 Commandments, unlike the Quran which IS the 10 Commandments and the Hadith/Sunnah essentially only ornaments to the Quran (which leaves no room for meaningfully alternate interpretations without ceasing to be a Muslim altogether).

tl;dr Bill Maher is a gigantic faggot who should stop lying to himself.

>The problem isn't that most Muslims are terrorists, it's that most terrorists are Muslims.

Bless ye for the simple way of wording it

Straying from Islam is the first step in its reformation. You can't claim that Islam needs reformation and then call people who don't practice radical forms of Islam non-muslim. If we want to control the narrative of what is "real Islam", you have to denounce the radical forms.

About 14 minutes in.

>Why no terrorism in Russia
Because our gov pays musies so they won't blow up.
They still are a criminal mafia there tho.

>Also, I dunno, but wasn't the inquisition a form of terrorism as well? Plus didn't the Romans kill all the pagans, devilworshipers, and everyone who didn't believe what they believe? Pretty sure Aztecs sacrificed thousands of people that they captured in a horrific way according to their religious beliefs.
You're citing century old events to excuse the actions of the people of today. Christians had their reformation, the Era of the church excusing violence because of the Bible has been over for hundreds of years. The Aztec were savages in the same vein as native americans, abbos, and much of Africa. It is typical of that way of life to result in human sacrifices being a part of life. But when was the last time you saw an Aztec try to excuse human sacrifice? Islam of today is living 700 years in the past and it's prime time for them to get their shit together in order to be compatible with the rest of the civilized world.

>If terrorism is really due to Islam, why isn't there more terrorism or attacks?
Because the US isn't the center of the muslim world you mong. We experience very little terror attacks over here, but in the middle east it's a daily occurrence.

Given that nyc has one of the largest Muslim populations in the West, what you just said isn't valid. Also generations of Muslims living in the a westernised society curbs the more radical aspects.
I'm not an elite for living in a city. I may be ignorant to the struggles of middle America, but you seem ignorant to the idea of living with anyone who isn't Christian or white.

i believe that there are people who believe they are muslim and lesbians
i just hope that people who associate with muslims and lesbians wouldn't come here

That and State Security apparatus actually does it's job. Constant arrests of mohammeds. The Mafia is a problem though, agree.

>Bill Maher is an atheist, and lol, what about all the atrocities committed by Soviet Russia on eurocucks and their people?

blaming atheism for Stalin is like blaming vegetarianism for Hitler.

>You can't claim that Islam needs reformation and then call people who don't practice radical forms of Islam non-muslim

I didn't, although this is a famous tactic of Muslim apologists.

What I did say is that the truly "radical" Muslims are the minority who do find a way to interpret their religion in a manner which allows it to coexist with modern Western values and basic human rights.

Jihadists and Islamists aren't radical ("characterized by departure from tradition; innovative or progressive."), they're doing exactly what their scripture tells them to do. Violent Jihad is a fundamental building block of Islamic theology, starting right with Muhammad.

I would go walkabout with you anyday.

Either one of two things will happen.

>Bill Maher becomes persona non grata among the left.

Personally hoping for the second one.

So how is this different from calling Christians who eat shellfish, tolerate homosexuality, critize people who denounce slavery, and wear mixed fabrics fake Christian? The narrative in the west about Christianity ignores those parts of the scripture, why can't westernised Muslims do the same?

>If terrorism is really due to Islam, why isn't there more terrorism or attacks? For a faith that has 1-2 billion people, only less than 1% actually engage in any terrorism. WHY ISNT THIS HIGHER.

Your answer is in here, and the records of the Holy Land trial. Islamic scholars (and most terrorists) view it as a blueprint for the spread of Islam world-wide.

In short, Islam is revealed in stages, or in Milestones. Much in the same way that it was revealed to Muhammad, going from peaceful rabble-rouser to eventual warmongering child-rapist. People won't submit to 100% Islam if you throw it in their face, so they need to be broken down and introduced to it in stages (or "milestones"). 10% Islam, 20% Islam, 30% Islam, etc. if that makes more sense. First it's peaceful and subversive, then when they're assured of victory (When France hits 50% - 60% Muslim for example) it becomes violent.

The people who carry out attacks are generally the more zealous ones, or individuals trying to uphold the Islamic concept of warfare, which is to keep the enemy in a perpetual state of fear until you're assured victory through extensive preparation (like breaking France's will, removing Christianity, out-breeding the native population until you're in the majority).

The argument that "There are billions of Muslims, if they were violent we would know it" is beside the point, because most all of them live in third-world Islamic shitholes that they've already conquered.

or rather pic related

>why can't westernised Muslims do the same?

I think you're confused. I never said they couldn't, and I sincerely hope that they continue to do so. The more Muslims who adopt Western values and start to water down the fundamental theology of Islam with modern thinking, the better, and I wholeheartedly support any effort to modernise or reform Islam.

All I'm saying is that, theologically speaking, the Jihadist is staying closer to Islamic doctrine than the liberalized muslim is. The liberalized muslims are the true radicals, in that they are the ones departing from the tradition of their religion to adapt it to the modern world.

Maher is one 9/11 away from being the new Christopher Hitchens. He'd go hard right and become a Trump apologist. The backlash would entrench him further.
On another note everyone on the West coast please be careful because I think one is coming. Maybe I'm just being an alarmist but it feels like it's inevitable for this timeline.

I see. Well i can agree with all that. And i just believe that if we really want to see Islam move away from its backwards jihadist origin, we should work towards delegitimizing literal interpretations of Islamic texts even if they say otherwise.

The Quran isn't scripture in the same sense as the Bible, the Quran is regarded as the direct word of god sent down by god himself, much like the 10 Commandments are regarded as being sent from god and carved into stone by his hand. Changing the direct word of god (Quran or 10 Commandments) is not the same as interpreting scripture (Bible or Hadith/Sunnah). When you tell Muslims to reform the Quran, it's the equivalent of telling Christians "Thou shalt kill. Thou shalt adulterate. Thou shalt hate your mother, your father, and your neighbor." etc. etc.

Fug....this is infuriating.
>muslims in the audience are against homosexuals that identify as muslim
>twitter shows anti homosexuality from muslims
>but....but....but....look at this t.v. audience poll that clearly shows overwhelming support from non muslims that you can be homosexual and muslim!

The liberal mindset is a disease. As if their non-religious opinion is 100% fact an all practicing Muslims are wrong about their own religious view.

Absolutely. But one of the biggest impediments to this is the regressive leftists, who refuse to see that there's a problem with fundamentalist Islamic doctrine, and who would rather adopt Muslims as another "victim class" to patronise over than take a genuine stand against the values embedded in their religious which are completely incompatible with everything Western civilization is founded on.

The really sick irony is that the people who suffer from the violence and oppression justified and perpetuated by fundamentalist Islam are, for the most part, other Muslims. But the regressives would rather perpetuate their identity politics than actually help those suffering most (eg. the absolute refusal of third wave feminism to acknowledge the barbaric treatment of women in most Islamic nations).

Nice digits. Gonna say some out of Sup Forums mode stuff here. Not all Muslims actually are or will be terrorists just like the left screams, however the left uses that as a shield to protect the parts of Muslim culture that conflict greatly with western values (examples include throwing gays off buildings and shariah law) even if not all muslims would agree to these things. Think of it as two groups instead of one, with the smaller group hiding in the large group but you cannot say or do anything about it due to the current situation the left has created. This is the Islamic faith reform people talk about it. I don't care if the believe in Allah and eat a certain way and pray 4 times a day at specific times, I care that the very bad apples are given a free pass so no one gets insulted. The left not only has to stop but the muslims themselves have to make an attempt to get these people out of their ranks. Neither of these two things are happening so what do you expect us to do? We can currently do this with white people to detect those who could become potential domestic terrorists (not always successfully mind you, but stopping some is better than stopping none) and no one cries. If we try this with muslims (see the Prevent program) we get shit on for being phobic and bigoted and alienating muslims.

As for why it isn't higher I don't know what you want when shit literally keeps happening. Saying "why isnt it higher Sup Forums btfo" doesn't actually mean anything when it is obviously a problem and obviously leading to people dying. Just repointing out the whole "not all muslims" thing does not change the problem of "those few muslims" that we cannot do anything about at all. It also refuses to touch on the parts of islam that the majority of the faith are okay with that conflict with every first world countries laws like shariah law and what not. This isn't something pulled from my ass and a google search can lead to finding out more about it.