"So-Called Judge" BTFO!!!!!!
Fuck Drumpf
But he is a Federal judge, in theory has the power of jurisdiction review...
>so-called judge
what did he mean by this
what is he talking about?
Not anymore.
Fuck Trump and FUCK White ppl
Trump is 50 years older than me and he has more energy in his finger tip than i do in my whole body. Trump is going to be the best president of my lifetime.
I love and respect trump but isn't this a contempt of court?
how is that going to happen exactly?
Why do people think they can stop the Great Donald Trump?
God, you just know his people were telling him last night not to tweet about the decision because it would feed the narrative that he's an authoritarian.
What a fucking boss.
Zlumpf on total meltdown
Poo education, everyloo!
He's insulting the judge's credentials/judgment/ability to do their job.
He's like sarcastically saying "judge" - mocking him.
A federal judge ruled against his temporary immigration restriction against those 7 countries. He's fighting it in court. He's pissed.
And he can easily have the DOJ escalate the issue. We can take that shit to the Supreme Court and BTFO of them forever. We can have it ruled that we have every right to decide who comes to the country (which is already in law) so no judge will EVER dare question immigration restrictions in the future.
If a person from one of the 7 countries gets through the border and executes a terrorist attack now, Trump is going to win the next 5 elections. I hope the left is prepared for that.
By withdrawing his licence if he exceeded his competence which üossibly is the case
I hope it makes it to SCOTUS and immigration reform is sewn up forever
What did he mean by this?
Hitler experienced all this bullshit the left is pulling. Time to take out the trash
By showing his ruling was unlawful and the publication is flawed in itself.
The American code clearly states that the president has the last say over who is going to be let into the country.
does he have a realistic chance of overturning this or is he just trying to save face?
He's smacking down the judicial activism that was rampant under Obama. I don't give a fuck if the guy was a Bush appointment, he still has no business on the bench if he thinks he can write law from it.
I can't wait for the court the affirm that the ban is neither illegal nor unconstitutional, thus paving the way for its expansion to any fucking country we want.
>obongo does it for 6 months
>nobody bats an eye
>trump does it for 3 months
>everybody loses their minds
US Code 1182
(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.
Drumpf is a giant crybaby
He thinks he can get rid of everything or everyone that bothers him
The US are not a private company :
he can't fire citizens
He can't change the rules when he wants to
He can't undermine the system because he needs the system to rule America
This judge must have made a mistake somewhere for Trump to be so confident, It's pretty outrageous otherwise.
i hope he does
5 next elections
Top lultz
The us legal code explicitly states the president has the power to do this, not implies, explicitly states. Judge will be disbarred for malfeasance.
No, it isn't. It's exactly how a president with a spine should react when some activist judge shits all over the Constitution.
Thumbs up.
100%. We are going to win and we are going to win Big League. Believe me. You're going to get so sick of winning you're going to say, "Pleaaase, Mr. President. We are winning too much. I'm sick and tired of all this winning. Can you please stop winning so much?" And I am going to say, "No no no. We have to keep on winning."
DOJ demanding a strike down of the ruling. We can escalate to other courts. Might end up at Supreme Court. It's totally constitutional so I don't know why this judge bothered.
Because they're delusional. They're like bugs squirming under the boot. They should stop struggling and just learn to love Donald. Kek
And Jared can't stop him because he's observing his little Jewish timeout session: Shabbat or whatever. I was reading an article that said he had a calming influence on Donald and as soon as Jared is away, Donald loses control haha
We'll see about that. Donald hasn't been stumped yet. They've been saying all along he would get stumped.
>They killed her for nothing
I wonder if they feel even the slightest bit of guilt
Did you have trouble translating this from Arabic?
Come on Charles-Hubert, don't you have an antifa revolution to lead in the 16th borough ?
fuck this faggot sjw (((judge))) lmao
so this judge is secretely /ourguy/?
The judge is a mistake, a big fat mess. It's like ruling that you don't have the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
US Code 1182
(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.
US Code 1182
(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.
US Code 1182
(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.
US Code 1182
(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.
US Code 1182
mfw i have to teach american law to ameriCANT
Yeah all I know is when Trump tweets like that someones about to get their ass kicked bigly.
Hes a judge he is supposed to follow the rule of law. The was him following politically motivated feelings which hold no weight in the rule of law.
>he has more energy
I wish I could get me some of that energy and motivation.
buzzfeed gets hulked when?
I don't get it either, these retards never gave a shit when Obama did it.Now all of the sudden when Trump does something it's "RAYCIST" and 'ILLEGAL".
Trump confirmed for Joker?
Not sure if that was a joke, but there are term limits in America. You can only be elected President for two terms. Either consecutive or non-consecutive. Only exception is FDR. He was elected to like 4 terms and he died starting the 4th.
I wish he could. Can you imagine a 98 year old Donald? Kek
I saw that. Thank God. I hope they lose the entire $140 million CNN's parent company invested into Buzzfeed.
We'll, he's getting his way so you'll see. Stay tuned.
It's because he was a Black Democrat. It'd be racist to judge him.
Me too! That'd be amazing. I wish they'd rule on the 14th amendment, too. Anchor babies are bullshit. Most countries around the world don't allow them.
this is an 21+ board
no shitty undergrads allowed
Hahahahaha glorious!
God Bless Donald Trump and all who voted for him :^)
>98 year old Donald
Typical Sup Forumscuck's spergy answer
Heal your head
Entrance into our country is not a right!
If you notice antifa only riots in liberal cities.
Try that shit in Mobile Alabama, get arrested, can see what Jefferson "slam your Muslim ass" Sessions does about it. If you survive the people of Alabama you'll beg to be sent back to the rubble pile.
>t. ahmed
Typical white trash mentality
Go eat chips, drink beer and watch soccer
After the game you'll beat your wife then rape your kids and you'll accuse the foreigners/liberals/commies/feminists of it
You're a subhuman, a lowlife piece of crap, a useless human being
i wasnt being exact you autist, im 23
Eat shit Chav scum
Precisely. The judge is grandstanding. Virtue signaling.
Me too. I'm so lethargic lately.
Soon I hope. I fucking hate Buzzfeed. Failing pile of garbage.
They've been calling him racist and Hitler for so long, they're jumping at the first opportunity to attack him. They're desperate.
Did you hear Mark Hamill reading Trump's tweets? Here's one of them. youtu.be
they drop like a rock anyway
Cant wait for this to be taught to our children as an example of all the (((typical tricks))).
Why do you assume every American is white trash?Are you really gonna be that fucking dense?
Filthy muslim confirmed, go fuck a goat shitskin :^)
Oh wow thank you. I love Hamill Joker
Say it with me: MADMAN PRESIDENT
judge to soap!
Lefty here. Energetic and have a good job. Stop consuming tiring media be it liberal or far-right scaremongering and just focus on something healthy and you'll be fine. Sup Forums is fun but don't overconsume it.
But do you poo in loo?
Isnt it just swell when one branch of government undermines another? Really healthy for democracy, amiritre?
>Me too. I'm so lethargic lately.
Maybe Trump was right, we're getting tired of winning. Ever since November my motivation to do anything besides monitor Sup Forums has basically vanished.
itt trigered frenchie, he probably think he is a communist hero learning some degree in bullshitologie in some shit university,
when you have literally 50% of immigrant living in paris and probably 70 % in marseille, marseille where people walk outside of their gettho with ak 47, or in paris where you have so many assault / battery or sexual agression, where girls dont even go out the night alone because they are afraid,
the same country who got like 1 terrorist attack every 2 months,
he probably think its look cool on facebook to pretend to like all muslim and everyone, and the world have no border and we are all human
you parents should have aborted you jean edouard
This is why they'll plot one themselves
Yeah, Alabama doesn't fuck around. Love Alabama for showing Trump how many people support him. He got like 30,000 people crowds there. Super glad he chose Sessions. Can't win for him to be confirmed as Attorney General. Just need him to wait to be confirmed because we need his vote on the other members of the Cabinet. Sessions is one of our 52 votes in the Senate.
You're dense
The French degen is a white trash, yiu're an autist
is your job to hide migrant rape crime ? you probably have lot of work in that case, since you have rape case every week in sweden
What has gotten abdul rajeem mohammed mamoud mohammed mohammed al mohammed so upset today?
I am an autist i'll give you that.
germany is still 99 % white, i wish you could say the same with the usa, and your ex president obongo.
All what you wrote is unrelated to the OP's topic
Have a brain transplant
You really think you can solve all issues by not addressing the issue
Your stupid propaganda only works on the mentally ills and the stupids
How much are you paid to derail all topics?
What's the point of having a democracy if you're just going to elect a dictator? Serious question.
Me too! Best Joker ever
Good advice. I think I've been ODing on the damn shitty media.
Oh puh-leeze. It's the fucking judge that overstepped. The judge didn't rule on the merit of it being unconstitutional. That's the TRUE question. It's clear the judge didn't have anything to back up his ruling. Keep in mind there are thousands upon thousands of judges. A few here and there that do shit like this? It's not that rare. Especially when you have people acting hysterically. I'm sure some of them are paid off anyway. Wouldn't surprise me.
Haha me too. It's addictive.
>can't stop thinking about Cox
" Typical white trash mentality
Go eat chips, drink beer and watch soccer
After the game you'll beat your wife then rape your kids and you'll accuse the foreigners/liberals/commies/feminists of it
You're a subhuman, a lowlife piece of crap, a useless human being "
its definitly related to the topic right ?
NICE ad hominem , dont drop out your shit liberal univeristy in la sorbonne or your gonna end up working at mcdonald blaming the job market to not find a job jean edouad,
he cant be a dictator, he follow every single american law.
Nothing rational, he's just incredibly butthurt (as usual) and lashing out like a 14 yrs bitch
because the people chose the dictator obviously
Wouldn't it be hilarious if ISIS takes advantage of this temporary window and flies over a couple suicide bombers and they end up blowing up a public place taking the lives of relatives of that so called """"judge"""""
this judge needs to end up in a good ol' blacksite.
Drumpf is so butthurt.
Whats the point of having a progressive, liberal country if you're going to fill it with backward, violent savages? Serious question
>Germany is still 99 percent white
By Kek's will.
I woke up my polish family laughing at this. They also laughed at your kraut ass.
Airlines already started shipping people in again. I'm sorry you lost your freedom and demographics. Soros won!
I don't know, tell us.
Oh, I'm sorry, England never made progress.