before with the vote fraud now with terrorism.
Is the petition to seize Trump from twitting still on?

Trump suggests that there were 3 terror attacks, the truck in Berlin, the russian ambassador and a shooting in a mosquee in zurich.

But... actually the shooting in zurich was made by a swiss with african descent and was an occultist and killed muslims...

Original article:

Other urls found in this thread:

That's still a terror attack you stupid cheeselander

>I can't read trump btfo!!

This is a CTR shill thread

Replying without a bump

Muslims kill each other in terrorists attacks all of the time.

Proves that Trump isn't an Islamophobe

It's not a terror attack, or your definition of terrorism is pretty lame.

Is the columbine shooting a terror attack?


Its still a terror attack and buy a migrant descendant witch is worse then a straight up immigrant.

lol what a fag. did the nigger in zurich had a political/religious agenda? if yes, then it's terrorism, if not it's like columbine, just a shooting

Just a shooting.

>swiss with african descent and was an occultist

So a religious shitskin

kek of the night

>TFW Terror has such a tiny definition
>TFW: Harassment is literally anything

>sure, we still have migrants shooting one another in our streets, but at least it wasn't a "terror" attack, within my definition.

Swiss aren't usually shitposters, whats your excuse?


white people btfo

when penis-inspection-day is a thing, why can't we have vagina-inspection-day?

#genitalequalitynow #checkmyvagina #vaginainspectionday

This is what i posted after the fact... i mean i was wrong but at least Im not the POTUS misjudging a terror attack.

I grew up with Sup Forums.

look how provocant he types
he's prolly a leftypol shill on a proxy

> Civilized world
> Turkey

FDP for lyf.

the guy (in this case maybe even /ournegro/) went to a refugee center and shoot em up (without killing anybody).
why? i guess because he hated islam. he wanted to kill em and instill fear in their community. it's terrorism. columbine shooting was made for personal reasons, and they knew the victims

Dear Moron,

does it make less a "TERROR ATTACK" that it is commited by Swiss citizen ? Does this Trump's tweet write, that the terror attacks are done by an immigrant or muslim ?
You read and attack something, what is not there...


as you write
> swiss with african descent
Which actually confirms, that IMMIGRANTS are a HUGE PROBLEM, and even if they were harmless in this generation, their children WILL always be a problem.
If descendant of previous generation immigrants commits terror attacks, it very justifies banning immigrant from comming and creating the second generation of radicalized terrorists.

We must not deny to see past single man's face of today ...

We must not see and judge each individual separately ignoring all conditions, in which he is and in which he or his progeny inevitable will be...

We can see a single human on himself, if he is in a situation, where there is not a milion people at once and bilion people waiting in line behind... In such a situation we MUST judge the whole line at once first, than we can approach and see individuals...
Failure to do so is civilization suicide, or rather a civilization murder, because we know, who and why commits this crime of "neglecting elephant in the room"...

Or he was just pissed cause somebody in that mosquee didnt pay him for the drugs he gave them.

Yknow speculations.

Most blacks are muslims.

Hope you guys don't have to deal with too many like that.

Whats your definition of terror attack?

No messages, no rivendications, no political purposes, only brutal violence caused by a madman.

>19th December 2016

Yup, drumpf should have waited for the development of the story, instead of using his thunder thumbs.

>a swiss with african descent

Well just so you know, 12th of February we vote for letting people of the 3rd generation have a facilitated process in citizenship aquiriment...

Swiss people are quite jealous of the citizenship and I'm glad is so.

>the video was actually from a 1988 Syrian homosexual-beheading festival, I bet you feel really silly now . png

>twitter is a phone app
Fuck off phoneposter

brown ppl or negros
who cares