Scared of babies

I know Sup Forums promotes baby making but honestly... babies scare me and seem like horrible ideas.

I am pretty good at assessing risk and honestly, babies are fucking risky. Not only do you have to deal with screeming and shitting when they are young. You have to deal with them going full retard on the regular when they are teens. You have to deal with this for like 18 years. That sounds like a fucking prison sentence man.

"I hearby sentence you to be responsible for a screeming bag of shit for 18 years."

It's fucking brutal. How would I even get over this outlook? There's other issues too. Like, I don't know anyone my age(25), who has a kid AND is happy. All my friends with kids look miserable as fuck. Especially the dudes. I know one dude who wanted to travel the world to home different places, now he has a kid and is fucked for at least 18 years+.

What can I do? Babies are a full retard idea to me.



one day this picture will be you.

this will be all that is left of you... unless...

I get it but still... having babies has so many negatives nowadays. I actually don't know anyone who deliberately had a baby too.

Don't you fucking dare talk to us about babies Japan.

>hurr memes hurr
it would be better for you not to reproduce

They carry on your genes. As long as your genes continue you can attain the most basic form of immortality.

If you trust the state to take care of you better than your own flesh and blood, i have very bad news for you, son...

Its even surprising as anyone who even spares a glance in politics would place faith in any institution to keep its word for more than 20 years.

>What can I do? Babies are a full retard idea to me.
welp you could marry a single mom with kids that are past their baby phase

Then don't do it. I'm still trying, I can handle the responsibility of raising a little human. They may be a disappointment or a great success, they could die early. I suppose it's a labor of love, not statistics.

>I know one dude who wanted to travel the world to home different places, now he has a kid and is fucked for at least 18 years+.
Oh noo, you actually have to grow up as a citizen. Gosh thats inconvenient to all that travel that is somehow important.

In 10 years when you are 35 and have a couple hundred G's in the bank and can afford a nanny then having a kid won't seem like such shit, but actually the next phase towards greatness.

Honestly, having babies just seems like such a bad idea. I have to grasp at straws to think of positives.

Like what positives are there? My mind only sees the negative in regards to kids. And I like I said before, I have never known anyone who was happy with kids.

Germanic genes of having 1.2 kids, a dog a cat and a cacti are showing here

Once you have one you will feel like it's the best thing that ever happened to you.

It is the greatest guarantee for you to be taken care of when you get old. Also a massive long time investment.

Currency you had stashed all your lifetime might turn worthless in a single week. The house you planned to retire in might burn down, your entire life savings might be swindled away from you by a red dressed woman.

The only person that would take care of an old, dying man in the future is his own children, when they are raised right.

Face it, your body is going to start failing at some point, and so will your mind. If you want your retirement to be the good grampa for your wide, extended family, instead of patient 67 in the nursing home, without anybody but uncaring blacks who leave you to rot in your own shit for days on end to take care of you until you expire.

"Being born is like being kidnapped. And then sold into slavery." -A. Warhol

>18 years
>in globalist world
t. 20 year old who has to attend 3 session interview to be a cashier

Honestly, the point was he had a goal to develop himself or gain a skill but he is now saddled by said screaming shit bag for 18 years. Eighteen FUCKING YEARS. Second degree murder with no previous charges is like 20-25 years.

I have no idea what is wrong with me but I just see risk involved with babies. Risk pain and retardation.

Because you are an infant. Children are an investment. They are THE investment.

Of course this fucking thread would be on Sup Forums. Of course.

I swear I think God is torturing me. I had one of those dreams that fucks up your entire day around 4am this morning, and I've been up ever since. Why? Because in it I had a little blonde daughter who wanted to play Chutes and Ladders.

Everyone on here is so prissy about having kids, and you don't realize what it is you're missing out on until you get older and still don't have any. Fuck you, OP.

No sane business man would invest in that investment. Less assume this investment isn't a kid but something else. Same stipulations though. Long investment with a chance to turn out COMPLETE shit 18-20 years later.

No sane business man would invest. The possibility of it being complete shit after ontop of all the bulkshit is too great.

>goal to develop himself or gain a skill
The only thing he would have developed is some STDĀ“s he would have gotten from taiwanese ladyboys, and a drug habit.

The child is a perfect anchor for a man, since otherwise we are stuck in the YOLO mindset of not giving a fuck about anything but the next rush.

Your friend is miserable, because growing as a person is painful.

You are happy, and you are stunted in growth.

When you hold your baby in your arms for the first time at the hospital God's love fills your heart and soul. I have never felt such love of God and Family.

I live in alligator country. I would dive in a pit to save my son. Nothing can stop your protective instincts.

That's why I do not understand a woman wanting to rip a baby from her womb.

If a few women have lost their natural love for their children a man who helped create this baby should have the right to raise this child.

Abortion is so Ghoulish!

Sorry bro. But honestly, I wouldn't think too much about it. Think of the risks. I think about having kids too but the situation is going to have to be perfect and on my terms. Not the terms of sone crazy bitch

Don't do it. This century will be the worst hell you can imagine and no one can't change that. It's not just the jews, we're up against forces you don't want to know.