Has anyone noticed that every single ideology except for Capitalism has a flag? The people who push Capitalism don't have flags or activists that outright fight for it like communists or nazis or anarchists etc. Capitalists live in the shadows and control the movements of society for their benefit.
Has Anyone Noticed?
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That's your problem. Capitalism isn't an ideology. It is the natural way of things, just human nature being called something.
Capitalism did not exist until the 17th century you fucking retards. Its an economic structure which exploded once industrialization happened. Capitalists owning capital (i.e a factory) and the rest of society who doesn't selling their labour.
How the fuck is capitalism responsible for Somali Child Famine Deaths? They don't even have a government. Most of these things don't have anything to do with capitalism either, you pinko fuck. Remember folks, the only good commie is a dead one.
How the fuck is Communism responsible for famines?
Right, because people in North Korea don't starve to death
Ownership and trading has existed since the days a monkey figured he could get laid by giving a coconut to the she-boon.
It wasn't until recently some K I K E S labeled it and started calling it bad.
Because there is no such thing as capitalism, while commies seized the state and implemented their crazy collectivist farm program.
>Has anyone noticed that every single ideology except for Capitalism has a flag?
capitalism has many flags
>armenian genocide
Can you smell the islamist apologists.
Wtf? No. Ownership and trading does not constitute a capitalist economy you brainless cunt. Europe had a feudalist economy before the 17th century, there was still "ownership and trading" existing.
capitalism is natural retard and it exists in one form or another in all systems
lol retard
Hoxha just stop.
go back to grenade fishing
A capitalist country did it and it happened within a capitalist regimes history, so its immediately atrributed to it right? Thats how it works for communism so why not for capitalism?
You know that millions of soviet soldiers who died fighting nazis are counted among "Stalins Victims"?
Communism outlaws ownership and trade, making everyone dependent on government, then when government fails everyone starves because they don't own anything. Can't feed themselves when ''capitalism is bad'' and everyone who dares to suggest they might want to own a piece of land and a cow is a ''fascist capitalist pig''.
Capitalism is the only system (which isn't even a system, it's a lack one) that allows the people to be in charge of the means of production.
Nothing to do with a global embargo put on it by the US and majority of the world right?
At least you recognize that people being forced to pay taxes to their kings was not capitalism.
Capitalism is the natural state of human society. Then someone comes along and changes it for their own benefit trough force.
A king seizes the land by force and forces people to pay him - that's feudalism.
A kike seizes power and forces everyone to be poor so he can be rich and powerful - that's communism/socialism.
You need to jump off a bridge you autistic stupid idiot. You cant just make up new rules about what communism does and doesnt do. All communists states that existed had ownership (personal property vs private property you cunt, even most basic communists concepts fly past you).
Capitalism is the only system (which isn't even a system, it's a lack one)
Autism confirmed. Capitalism headquarters of Wall Street is totally the lack of a system
Fake news
Capitalism is a small class of society owning capital, and the rest of society selling their labour to capital owners.
You dont get to just make up things you fucking autistic retard. Capitalism never existed anywhere in a human civillization prior to 17th century you fucking cunt
Looks like the /leftypol/ retard got triggered. Can't even string together a sentence or come up with any argument.
>spanish civil war was socialists vs. Fascists
>japanese imperialism
>british imperialism
>the holocaust
Good God, was this chart made by a leaf?
If capitalism is so evil, why has the number of people living in poverty around the world been on the decline since the 90s? Seems to me with the collapse of socialism it should have skyrocketed.
>personal property vs private property
That's a retarded and arbitrary definition.
If I cook for my family, my kitchen is a personal property. If I open a small eatery, my kitchen suddenly turns into private property.
> Child died for hunger 2010 6,000,000
> Blame capitalism
You can blame yourself and it is the same.
Capitalism is the furthest away from anything that could even be considered natural. You only see it as a natural order because you've been conditioned to live and operate within it's confines.
Ok, then let's not use the term ''capitalism''.
Let's just say ''ownership and trade that doesn't break any non-aggression principles''.
I get the feeling you stupid commies wouldn't like that either, probably because that's literally what capitalism is.
Fuck you, commie murderer.
capitalism is not an ideology, it's a spontanious creation of human efforts and scientific progress (industrialization)
The law of supply and demand is a universal constant. It had always exist.
>If I open a small eatery, my kitchen suddenly turns into private property.
If its the kitchen in your actual personal house then NO IT FUCKING DOESNT. Its only private property if you have a house, but then you have another house in which you DONT LIVE and produce VALUE out of.
Most of you autistic cunts dont knwo the most basic distinctions.
Private property would be land that you dont work or live on, that should belong to the Commons, but that you OWN. Personal property is what you personally live and use and OWN.
>Capitalism is a small class of society owning capital, and the rest of society selling their labour to capital owners
a fucking baby can own capital, what the fuck are you talking about?
You people are literally religoius fanatics. You have peanuts for brains ffs, go read something about human history.
>Famine happens in Russia, shitty cold climate and barren land.
Stop attacking people who are trying to read through your personal definition of an already well defined term.
Woah, I am a communist now
Jesus Christ, you fucking idiots.
We saw your conversations.
Is this really what you were planning when you were talking about ''making it cool to be a communist''?
Nothing says ''cool'' like having autistic temper tantrums on Sup Forums screeching like a maniac.
So you're essentially punishing successful businessmen who actually want to expand outside their homes. Commies would rather see people unemployed than working minimal wage.
>calling anyone a fanatic
>baby can own capital
What? A baby can inherit it and own it legally, but obviously a baby cant fucking act as an actual capitalist agent till its of mature enough age with respect to the duties required.
Are you a retard? Low IQ cunt?
>lists a bunch of wars
>calls it capitalism
holocaust shouldn't be even related to capitalism wtf
nazis were socialists
Punish? No, you tax what belongs to the COMMONS. Oxygen, Air, Language. The commons are things that can not be reduced to ownership of a single individual.
The baby owns itself and shall not be acted on by force
The only thing that changes with age is that once they get older they own the fruits of their own labor
>Capitalism doesn'thave a fla-
Well Defined Term
>Argumentum ad hominem
>1 post by thi-
You actually believe this?
>us gov
>jap gov
wow I see a pattern here
If it belongs to everybody, it belongs to nobody.
>capitalism is not an ideology, it's a spontanious creation of human efforts and scientific progress
>it's a spontanious creation of human efforts and scientific progress
>it's a spontanious creation of human
>spontanious creation
How can one use his brain in only 1 Dimension?
who has the time to count the 100s of billions lost to communism am i right?
>The baby owns itself
>calling others low IQ
topkek mohammad
Capitalism is literally any win/win voluntary trade. A conversation is capitalism. It's the result of people seeking profit through nonviolent means.
Dumb commies can't even comprehend what this definition means.
It literally says that without state involvement in economy (trade, ownership) it's capitalism.
It's capitalism by default until you introduce a violent system that breaks the NAP like the state.
Ideology does not kill anybody, it is enviroment, other humas, wild animals or combination of all of this.
And bad luck, that is one common thing.
more liek 8 billion lives created by capitalism!!!
1.6B total bullshit!!
nice try insane commies!!
again demcorats are wrong about everything!
>being this retarded
calm down you albanian commie shitskin
>US concentration camps for Germans
>1 million deaths
why are you even spreading these shitty pictures
>If it belongs to everybody, it belongs to nobody.
No. It belongs to the COMMUNITY. Which means, that if an individual wants to utilize something that is communal, he must pay for that (Via heavy taxation, or other means).
>nazi holocaust
>12 000 000
when they doubled 6 goryllion?
>african slave - 150gorrillians
Yep, well defined, if you're literate. Should you want an expanded form you could read the Wikipedia page, since you seem to only be capable of comprehending mainstream and heavily edited sources.
How's this for a flag
It is closer to 100s of trillions
State enforced money
>be citizen of country that was make a shithole by communists
>still support commies
Albanians are litteraly niggers
Taxation is a thing in all "capitalist" countries.
You're aware of that, right?
>indoctrinated good goys argue with indoctrinated commies
wew lads
>being this naive
Each of the exsiting ideologies are better tham '''''''spontanious creation human efforts and scientific progress''''''
There is no way there were 114 million native americans
Where do they even get this number from? Unless they mean throughout the entire western hemisphere
>a government controlled medium of exchange
No one taxes Oxygen you moron. Skanderbeg would be ashamed of what you retards have turned your country into.
It's a thing in all countries, just defined under different terms and agreements. You'll pay the country one way or another.
Capitalism is about individuals taking care of their own lives, while other ideology involves a centralized power to control the masses. That's why there's no flag.
>Capitalism don't have flags
40000 african children just from that post alone
thanks communism
Wtf is wrong with americans? Capitalism is a word created to describe a specific economic structure that emerged for the first time in human history in the 17 century. It is when CAPITAL is privately owned by individuals, and LABOURERS have to sell their own labour to people who own the CAPITALISTS.
>A conversation is capitalism.
>A conversation is actually a type of economic structure that was created in the 17century
Jump off a bridge and rid the genetic pool of yourself.
>Stalins Ukrainian famine was caused by capitalist
Yeah right. Didn't hoxha build any schools?
6 million jews, 5-6 million other ethnicities (germans included)
>Capitalism dosen't have a flag
The puppet state in our occupied areas is also embargoed by the entire world except Turkey but they aren't North Korea tier.
>heh you think I'd risk having an opinion and having people disagree with me
Then how come there hasn't been a famine in Russia since the Wall fell
Or China, under Mao 50 million starved, then Deng Xiaoping instituted capitalism and everything got better basically overnight
Checked and praised.
Why do you attribute crime committed by a government to an economic structure? Death camps have existed in Germany and in russia, it doesn't have anything to do with how you conduct business with other members of society.
>implying I'm not fascist
Fuck communism and fuck (((capitalism))).
>Commie ''education''
Jesus Christ.
The pyramids in Egypt were created by contracted workers. They didn't work so everyone could have access to pyramids. They worked for money. It's a great system.
But who owns the means of production in a fascist State?
They honestly expect us to believe that natives established a population only achieved by whites after industrialization using only stone tools
>A conversation is actually a type of economic structure that was created in the 17century
Sounds accurate to me, although I would change "created" to "allowed", since that's exactly what capitalism is: the allowance of conversation instead of the application of force.
That's it??? Even with them making wild connections and conjecture based assumptions, 1.6 bill is all they could come up with? Since the beginning of time?? HAHAHAHAHA BTFO
Now let's start tallying up the socialist related deaths! Kek
that's just a fraction of 6 billion though
>how come capitalist starvation isnt taught about in capitalist regimes
Mao, 50 million? Hmm, it would have NOTHING TO DO with the fact that CHINA has been FAMINE fucking central historically would it? Globalized trade and techonological advancements have nothing to do with people having more acces to food now does it?
>Nazi holocaust
Private ownership is affirmed, but the (((capitalist))) impulse to exploit the nation is quashed by the state.
>work for yourself, fuck the community, fuck the nation, me me me
>work for the state, fuck your rights, fuck you if you're hungry it's work or gulag
>work for yourself AND for the community, to build up and advance the nation and your own interests as part of the nation
That's not correct at all
And here you are spouting off like you're the smartest guy in the room.
You don't tax the commons you troglodyte. The commons present an economic problem for which taxing the people is a solution
Lol that list is retarded.
How about stop fucking like rabbits so you can sustain yourself and family.
>wars and conquests
That's been going on since the creation of first tribes.
Lol because Nazis were capitalists.
You just know some commie pulled that list out of his ass to make communism look a bit better in comparison.