Can I be an anti sjw and still hate racism and sexism?
Can I be an anti sjw and still hate racism and sexism?
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>Can i be useless?
Yes, just don't look for it or project it where it isn't like they do.
yes but your a bluepilled cuck your pic related
Yes, there's a difference between social activism and social justice crap
No gtfo SJW
That's what I do. Feels pretty MAGA.
Yea but Sup Forums wont count you as one of their own. Anyone who doesn't want women in the kitchens and blacks in the fields is scum in their eyes.
with the power of delusion you can be anything you want.
Yes but you'll be ostracized by both sides and alone
> hate racism and sexism?
isn't that precisely what
>anti sjw
Also why the fuck would you post Vorenus, he would smack you with the butt of his gladius for being such a retard
its called being able to actually think and evaluate instead of being a fucking hypocritical retard
It's called being a normie.
Most intelligent people are.
sure you can hate everythings you want
it's the easiest thing in the world that even a 2 year old child can do
Yes. There's a difference.
Normal person: Hey, asshole. Quit being rude to that black family. They just came here to eat.
SJW: Hey, you cisnormative white male oppressor! Stop using the word "cool"! You're aappropriating black culture, you racist scum!!
See? Subtle, but key.
Why would anyone hate racism? It's a perfectly normal human trait.
Define racism.
so the redpill is racism and sexism? lol
i dont want blacks in my fields, i want blacks as far away from me as possible
Sure. Anti-white racism and anti-male notion is the essence of jsw. They also hate heterosexuals and especially Russians.
If you are anti-racism and anti-sexism, you cant be a SJW.
of course
Just Rome with it,,,
No, racism and sexism means thinking a race or sex is superior. That is wrong.
Understanding the biological differences between the sexes and races is redpilled.
Of course. Most liberals laugh at SJWs too. Just like most conservatives laugh at you alt righters. Young people routinely head for the political edges thinking it makes them aware and dedicated to a cause that is rejected by the mainstream.
Northwestern European males are objectively superior
What do you think a sjw is? You are one of them.
Yet the white race is objectively superior compared to others.
Can you think for yourself you fucking goober?
you have to pick a side. fence sitters get killed by everyone
SJW have a oppressed and oppressor narrative that was distilled from marxist theory. Its an over simplification of the real problems and it allows people to color the world with their own biased views which is entirely arbitrary.
In the US sexism and racism it has been totally eradicated from law. There is total equality regardless of sex and skin color. This was done largely thanks to people like civil rights activists who want their group participate in society and to take the social contract. To become a contributing member of society and to reap its rewards.
Now if you read these two statement you can realize that there is a large separation between them. SJW have not actually done anything productive to society. All they have done is brew a horrible amount and anger and resentment and they would love to see nothing more than a revolutionary change be brought onto society and if you are a student of history you know how dangerous that is.
Social justice means everyone gets justice and they aren't limited by external factors.
So no.
There literally isn't.
-isms don't exist. "Racism" is simply ingroup preference and othering, a natural psychological mechanic that exists in all humans. "Sexism" is simply women wanting every right and zero responsibilities.
Whites are more superior in prepping the bull
whites are faster in evacuating the room for jamal
This is America.
You can love Groids, you just can't join the Order of the Camelia.
And don't believe our Krewe is part of the KKKK.
THEY ARE TOO LIBERAL and uneducated.
It's subjectively superior because of our values. In evolution, there are species that are better suited to their environment, none are "objectively superior" though. Image a simple chemosynthetic bacterium living in a volcanic vent at the bottom of the ocean. You could claim the white man is superior, but he'd die instantly in that environment.
In a frozen wasteland where hard work and preparation are the only tools you have to survive, whites did well. In a modern world full of cucks and victims, the nigger is obviously better suited. Just look at their reproduction rates.
Ask yourself this bjorn. Why didn't the ancient Greeks or Romans have a word for racsim?
It took 6000 years of civilization before some jew commie pulled it out of his ass. It is a bullshit concept
its funny because physical anthropologists, the evil guys who invented racial typologies were generally NON racist kind of guys
pic related is a comparison of all the living races
No, if you're anti-sjw you're literally a racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic white supermacist nazi and it's ok to assault you.
You can be, whatever you want to be.
pic related is the phylogenetic tree of races that goes with
Basically this
>racism and sexism
going by their old meaning - yeah, I'm like that. Meaning I don't think women or PoC are lesser creatures
>Image a simple chemosynthetic bacterium living in a volcanic vent at the bottom of the ocean. You could claim the white man is superior, but he'd die instantly in that environment.
this is where you get BTFO because you cant name a nigger science team capable of visiting that vent but deep down you know that if a white country made it their lifes mission we would have 8k 60fps footage of that damn bacterium in no time
Stop lying alboroach and go post your meme book back at Shiptqria Rises. Most of them wanted to eliminate non-whites races. Rightly so, they shouldn't exist
slavs are superior to you cucks
Its a brave new world op, you can be whatever shape of special snowflake you want
Cwel please
to be anti sjw is to be anti racist
you're cuck, anything you say is invalid
didn't Churchil said that antifascism will be new fascism?
So a fence sitting centrist?
Sure go ahead.
Yes. Yes you can! What you need is the Motherpill. Why aren't you practicing Motherism user?
This could be the answer to everything we fight against. Women are idolised for their role in society as a mother, keeps them out of the workforce, keeps them NEEDING men, stabilises families, protects children and undermines the constant push to destroy our families and enslave our minds.
Feminism/SJWs/BLM/even antifa are completely BTFOd with no counter argument.
This is a roman thread now
post only trve romans
I was just thinking about how whites only have the mental capacity for one extreme or the other. They see things in black and white, left or right
I despise but sides of these groups, where does that leave me? I've always known it but now my conviction of your kind is stronger than ever, you are indeed a white plague, causing disarray and strife wherever you go
Congrats you're a classical liberal, I hope you're happy being #2 on every violent authoritarian's hit list
Racism and sexism are simply pattern recognition. If you want to be anti-SJW, you can't reject logic, reason, and facts.
>Rome thread
Yes excellent
Yes conservatives aren't too fond of alt righters, but how did you get to thinking liberals laugh at SJWs too? They're really supportive
Lipksi cwel please
That you are foreign to Europe degenerate race that first came up with idea to import mudshits and construct hundreds of mosques to them.
"According to some estimates, by 1590–1591 there were about 200,000-500,000 Lipka Tatars living in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and about 400 mosques serving them" FOUR HUNDRED MOSQUES. That's something.
>inb4 they wuz good boys, they wuz loyal. They were NOT:
Well, they did betray Poland. Not even once
1)1591: The rule of the fervent Catholic Sigismund III (1587–1632) and the Counter-Reformation movement brought a number of restrictions to the liberties granted to non-Catholics in Poland, the Lipkas amongst others. This led to a diplomatic intervention by Sultan Murad III with the Polish king in 1591 on the question of freedom of religious observance for the Lipkas. This was undertaken at the request of Polish Muslims who had accompanied the Polish King's envoy to Istanbul.
2)1672: This was the year of the Lipka Rebellion. As a reaction to restrictions on their religious freedoms and the erosion of their ancient rights and privileges, the Lipka Tatar regiments stationed in the Podolia region of south-east Poland abandoned the Commonwealth at the start of the late 17th century Polish–Ottoman Wars that were to last to end of the 17th century with the Treaty of Karlowitz in 1699.
3)The worst: in 1683 most of them fought for the Ottomans
STFU, lipka
And now Polish bitch Merkel does everything she can to fuck up Europe in unholy alliance with Italian cucks and Jews
so was it rape?
i would like to say that it wasn't actually churchill who said this but those digits confirm it was him
SJW's are some of the most racist and sexist people alive, so I think it fits.
Yeah if God changes your heart and you become christian.
Depends on your definitions of "racism" and "sexism".
You can treat all people equally, but denying that the average Asian and the Average nigger are very different on several mental/physical level is just blue pilled ignorance.
You can place the same value on people lives, but humans come in different subspecies with different attributes just like every other living thing. To denying this fact is burying your head in the sand.
Just hold on to that lead against Crystal Palace, David Moyes.
Kill yourself, faggot.
that about sums it up
Why are you in such a hurry to label yourself? Just embrace the virtues you think are good, and abandon the vices you hate.
>Can I defy logic?
Yes, sjw like you definitely do this all the time