Why don't we collectively buy an island and found the glorious nation of kek there?
This is my suggestion:
If interest is high enough i will create a general thread.
Why don't we collectively buy an island and found the glorious nation of kek there?
This is my suggestion:
If interest is high enough i will create a general thread.
Other urls found in this thread:
Because buying land costs money and we're all NEETs who dont have money. Or that's the gist of it.
Though this sounds pleasant i also think alot of Pol is mentally fucking insane and might be incapable of running a peaceful nation.
Well we could beg milo and other alt-righters for cash
Yah. The first colonists should be as not autistic and beta as possible
Wait a sex, doesn't Switzerland have a mountain they can sell us? I'd prefer a dark mountain base anyway. I'm a manlet anyway so I might as well fucking embrace the role.
Because we are a nationalistic board
*desire for a flag of kek intensifies*
The only good thing to come out of #FreeKekistan was this flag meme
That would cost A LOT. Like really. Very much jewish gold.
120.000 for a fucking island?
Damn i might just buy an island once I got the money, would be comfy if you had electricity
Youre asking for the impossible from Sup Forums.
Also im pretty sure (((Milo))) and the alt right bullshit is all a setup and theyre going to fuck up the right wing views. theyre good for light colored redpills for normies at the moment though,
but yes an island would be great, a white state or majority white state is the ideal. it would take alot of people, effort and knowledge though. Farmers, Cops/ Militiary orginization/ A specific governing system. Local oddjob workers. Construction workers. Money for resources.
Its a beautiful flag idd wear it with pride, idd also love to help compose a national anthem. youtube.com
>some fags on an image board buy an island
>it becomes more civilized and town-like in a year
>Meanwhile Africa still stagnating
Still a lot of work like user said but sounds like it could be comfy
Waarom zijn wij manlets ze zeggen altijd die nederlanders zijn 1.85 :(
How about we all travel to the inner earth?
It's free and as far removed from this world as can be.
> Our own nation with 100 percent gun rights and banned degeneracy, only for the Aryan race
Sounds fun
Sometimes I feel like an albino nigger in this country.
Certainly sounds comfy, I think in the end we all just wanna have a good job and we humans love to have things to work on. And what more requires alot of hard rewarding work than a new nation?
I think in the end most of Sup Forums just wants a cozy family and a job in the workfield they enjoy. I would love to have some safe big farm with my girlfriend (Or any place) and raise kids with her in safety. Thats the dream i work towards.
I feel you bro, sometimes i feel like i dont even look dutch even though i have dark blonde hair and hazel eyes. (Must be Limburg and German genes fucking up my genepool)
I'll start making them into a reality, I promise. I think they would be a good banner to have during right wing demonstrations, anti-commie demonstrations, and general home usage.
This one looks cool
> white or majority white state
> or majority white
> majority white
it hasnt even left the idea stage and it's already 49% nigger
Guns should be a right but every person needs to be trained to use one properly and maybe purchase a gunlocker so it doesnt get stolen and kids cant grab it.
You cant expect there wont be some mixed people trying to jump ship. Im looking at you America. Plus how will the united nations go light on us otherwise?
I'd love to work as a fisher there. After work we'd all drink and eat fish.
Australia came from criminals.
Why don't we just go live in a small failed town with 200 of us.
Everybody joins politics.
We are majority and vote ourselves into office.
Declare independence.
Good point, Too bad Australia has softened so much though. also nice trips.
I want to grow plants but my cheap lights, no yard and fish water only get me so far sometimes. ;_;
It doesn't list much other than manatees and fish. I can't imagine 40 acres, most of it shouldn't be used because of wildlife.
Would it be like the sea side hick-town of old people?
So a hobo-town using tons of abandoned and half-ass repaired buildings?
Try using fertilizer on your soil, 40 acres should be doable all we need is proper equipment and some books and ofcourse most valueable would be if we can convince real farmers (Maybe South African Boers) To join. It would probably be a sea side hick town but then more modern and with an actual well orginized private militairy. (Pretty LARP-ish i know)
29,000 seems pretty doable does it not? Make your dream a reality m8s
You know who would be the true owner of the land though.
Thats for just a lot though
>1 acre
fair point
didn't see that part at first
Youre not welcome ahmed.
We could alternatively take over Sealand.
Praise kek brudi.
Sounds not too bad for an idea. or take over some isolated tribe island.
We'll scout it out for ya boys. Clear out the natives. Lay down some infrastructure...
>2 days later
They need to be the most autistic we have
A nation of autism will likely be the most cohesive and productive nation desu
Autism works well with autism in a way unlike normies
We cannot have pride in our island? Give it time and perhaps we'll even declare ourselves a sovereign nation.
>Toodleloo Tuvalu
I could buy us an island desu
"Criminals" including starving bread thieves, poor people and drunkards, as well as waves of colonising fleets. Western Australia were the only people you could really call genuine criminals and WA has turned into a crime filled fucking mess even to this day.
People call Sup Forums hateful but I just want to breed dogs, play with my kids, and wave high to my non-shit neighbors
If Sup Forums created a nation it would be the most honest nation I believe, because were the only people we feel comfortable talking to freely (ignoring our families)
And our kids would be the same
Because of this, a Sup Forums nation would inherently and culturally be made of very close people.
I wanna sell puppers to other Sup Forumsacks and have us take our sons hunting together.
Because i dont finance my standard of living from nazi gold.
Are castizos allowed in? My skin is light and I have a blonde/grey-eyed 100% related sister, I do carry Aryan genes from one side of the family
>Im looking at you America
Its true...
I'm in love with the Idea of having a Micronation of Sup Forums
However, These prices are just too high.
$120,000???????? Jesus.
It would be cheaper to dump a bunch of sand into the ocean.
Also, not to mention that Sup Forums is very "International".
All of us are all over the planet.
Imagination all the flights we'd all have to take to just get to a island that could potentially be on the opposite site of the planet.
Biggest problem everyone seems to be overlooking is that we wouldn't survive past the first generation with a population of 100% males
Searching now. Anyone know how many acres we'd need to have a functioning society?
> Tfw you're scouting for a new land for your fellow Kekenians to claim but you hear "BIX NOOD KILL WHITEY" In the distance.
>only 120k for that
i could unironically buy that. what would I even put there?
If you've been on Sup Forums longer than 2 weeks
you'd know that there's actually quite the women population here aswell.
5000 for second smallest country sized; 50 for feasible independent territory.
Your underpaid immigrants
Wasn't there an island made out of trash somewhere in the middle of the ocean? Perhaps that could be made into a suitable colony? Plenty of resources. After all, one man's trash is another man's treasure.
What did you mean by this.
Idd love to buy a loyal pupper from you, Dogs are truely mans best friend. I too think (If ofcourse good law and order is settled) then a Sup Forums country would function well, peacefully and off the radar. Our kids would be able to be kids without some nig or beaner trying to assault them and any other problems we'd settle like civilized human beeings.
I could do 134.
The only problem is I have no experience starting independent nations.
Id bring my boyfriend, wed have plenty of kids
Theres also plenty of Sup Forumsacks with girlfriends
Theres older Sup Forumsacks that already have kids and a wife who they may bring.
There would be a majority male population however, so wed need all male Sup Forumsacks not bringing females or female children to try to convince their sisters and extended family to come as well.
I feel sorry for you, Idd say yes though aslong as you uphold our values and swear true to our flag and nation. Also by marrying a whitewoman you could whitewash your genes out in 2 generations.
New thread
>new thread
Replying so people notice you and can beg you to buy us a nation
I have a girlfriend and she just wants for us to settle in a peaceful place and have kids and nice work to keep us busy.
>new thread this early
If you buy it, Sup Forums will come.
Yeah but we'd need people who know how to build houses and facilities, people who know how to secure food sources, people that can perform medical duties, etc
I wouldn't know where to begin.
An option would also be taking in Refugee white South African Boeres. They got women, men, kids and are usually farmers.
Our kids could actually be kids instead of sitting down all day long in a sterile, bright white environment.
They could push each other around, play tag, catch beetles...Fuck.
What breeds would be suited for an island?
We need to figure out:
>what crops to grow there
>what livestock to bring
>supplies and shelter to set up when theres no houses at first
>how to get running water going
If you truely do it idd recommend opening a discord group so people can advise and talk to you about future plans. You will definetly need advisors. There will always be specialized people.
Try what this town did
I've got family coming into town for the weekend, so I'll be busy today and tomorrow, but I'll keep an eye on these threads in the future if people keep making them.
The Founding Fathers didnt either but they did pretty damn well.
I think at least for the first 5 years or so, people would come and go
Like the scientists who have alternating shifts in Antarctica, but over time we'd actually make it more livable until someone could stay there year round, then permanently.
I think that all of us want this badly enough to work for it, however hard it is. Wed learn how to build houses.
This is a good idea but requires even more money getting them there. Wed need to vet them as well, we cant have them come and then seek to change our politics.
Sounds nearly like utopia doesnt it?
The first solution would be huge tent camps. Like the militairy builds when theyre stationed somewhere. Companies could always be paid to build water facilities or even buildings. (Cheapest way would be if we offer them land in return or something) Buying chickens for eggs is easy. Pigs for meat and cows for dairy. Growing crops would be a diffrent story.
>tfw you have enough cash to buy that island outright
Alright dude, Make sure to let yourself stick out. Call yourself islanddude or kekanian orsomething lol.
This is far and away my favorite version of this.
Wait it says $120,000??? I can afford that. I'm sure its wrong but damn that made my heart jump for a second. Having my own carribean island, pirates and sheeit.
I could unironically pitch in halfsies for this too. I couldn't do anything over 300k though.
For future threads, I'm the inheritance fag that wants to buy an island.
As Americans, it might also be reasonably easy for you to legally move to Ireland because of muh heritage compared to some tropical Pacific island.
Theyre pretty right wing plus they have to swear loyalty to our flag and laws.
But money would be the toughest part.
Thanks burger
I like the idea, you guys could try buying land from corrupt governments like african and central american countries
Lol alright man.
Just use the tripfag: InheritanceFag
I can respect this, If you actually pull it off, you could be the catalyst for ushering in a new era of colonization and exploration. Assuming it succeeds though.
If Sup Forums created an island i'd happily live there with all you inbred fucks, least we wouldn't be bitching moaning cunts about everything would we? Why haven't we started the great nation of Sup Forums yet? Seems like a seriously legit idea that could pay off
And miss out on a civic war? KEK
We'd be too busy building a society to bitch and moan. I just don't think we'd have enough women to go around and that would make us all go crazy. Especially if there were a handful of women to cause trouble.
1 Acre is fine, but it'll be another million to get water, power, gas and internet ect there.
Kekistan started up literally this week
This one has a better name:
am I going to bring all the hookers to that island from bangkok?
Sure. But beware of traps.
I would pay 54k which is my inheritance to help but the island but I expect a sizeable private estate.
I'm not joking