Is Australia a good country to live in?
Is Australia a good country to live in?
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Yeah from a pol perspective it's pretty left wing even under the liberals/nationals (right wing parties, but not the far right one nation party) but while its ethnically and racially diverse it doesn't cause massive problems and apart from shit like the Cronulla riots it's a solid safe social democracy where enough water stops too many people coming in and allows us to catch em and lock them up on the appropriately named Christmas Island. Not based but has a better base than most places in the world
What do you like? You will probably find it here.
Wot mate?
Thought I'd ramble since the question wasn't specific
How about finding job?
Have spent the last 4 weeks in Hong Kong and can't wait to get home. Today I spent 45 minutes looking for a suitable toilet to take a dump in in a shopping centre. The filthy cunts shit all over the seat. Have been to many countries and Australia is by far the best place to live.
If you don't care what type of labor you do, no problems. If you are highly qualified with a specific set of skills, best find a job before coming.
Depends what live you want to live
But it's pretty easy to make some money even if you are a dumbfuck
But the chance is high that Australia doesn't want to have you here
>while its ethnically and racially diverse
there is no way thats up to date or it uses stupid definitions cos there are a lot more chinks than 7%
Asians segregate themselves so it appears over whelming visually, you're a retard if you actually buy the memes. The only thing they challenge us in is economic subterfuge, not numbers living here. Let me guess, you live on the outskirts of Melbourne?
Never think you're safe in Australia.
wrong wrong wrong
no jobs, completely full, dangerous beasts under every rock.
Heard their women are the worst in the world. Tattooed sleazey stuckup scunts
Australia has about six months left before it reaches Peak Emu and they pour over the fence in search of prey to feed their chicks with.
Get out of Australia now!
Will our new emu overlords take back all the shit the previous governments have sold to China and bring back jobs to the locals instead of dicking the citizens over with 457 visas?
how do aussies survive with their internet?
Best place in Australia to live in?
well, technically Melbourne
but if you want a more cozy place to live i recommend any NSW city with a population of 10k - 50k that you can afford
Dont mind dense city life? Sydney.
Dont mind humidity or the tropics?
Want to live country but not be in some backward town?
Fuck off, we're full.
shitposting our sorrows away
Melbourne has fallen off the wagon too much lad.
Jobs are easy. Ignore any cunt that says otherwise as they are probably arts majors.
Best fields are the health sectors and specialist labour.
Just barely
How's Italy holding up with everything? Don't hear much about it desu.
Not if you're of Irish descent like yourself, you will be treated poorly and often confused with a Greek or Romanian. Tasmania would be an ideal location for you to settle though, good potato country and not too hot.
You might be used to the climate seeing as it's quite similar to Mediterranean weather.
>Lots of diversity
People generally keep to themselves, as long as you don't stray too far into dodgy suburbs you should be fine
If planning Melbourne, check pic related (the circled area's are where "diversity" is) and links. Where diversity is according to census data.
That's kinda bullshit desu. Just finished my 4 year apprenticeship as a fitter & turner, apprenticeship was with the council though and I didn't wanna stay on cause people kept telling me that.
I can't find shit in my field and I've been applying for jobs for months. I'm stuck doing shitty, irregular labouring jobs.
Not if your an italian faggot
I don't think it's that bad, gets the job done
But you have a job?
They are full
No its filled with fucking spiders
>this can be found indoor
>be australian
>get poisoned
Do u have experience in shitposting?
I have irregular labouring work, not enough to support myself without being on fucking centrelink like some kind of addict bludger.
The fuck is a fitter and turner
Basically a heavy duty mechanic. Pumps, turbines, shit like that.
Spanners and lathes. You wouldn't have much of a life without them.
Australia has high unemployment, no innovative companies, or companies at all really, and extremely high house prices. Also people here are dumb.