Is anyone here actually politically active or are you just sitting in your mothers basement raging on the internet?
Is anyone here actually politically active or are you just sitting in your mothers basement raging on the internet?
im just sitting in my mother basement and raging on the internet
I'm sitting in my own basement.
sitting in my room getting mad. I already got banned from a nearby campus for retarded reasons so I can't go there and harass liberals
So in case you're not someone publicly expressing your political views you must be a Basement dweller or smt. You look like a real leftie man pro proud of your politically active bretheren screaming HWNDU in front of a camera for 3-6 hours straight. This is a board for expressing your political views not organzing or holding political party meetings.
Great post OP you must be a genius
So basically Sup Forums mainly consists of basement dwelling NEETS with no intention to change anything or a chance of reproduction?
Well this is a sad outlook
Wow impressing
No further questions
Btw this is not a board to express yourself
This is a circlejerk and echo chamber for insecure people looking for reassureance
Still means people are expressing themselves even if its catering to their opinions and Needs. Also not every thread on this site is a circlejerk. you're just generalizing here.
I'm sitting in my barracks room
I'm generalising?
You tell me there is not a premade worldview in this board and everyone who disagrees gets 'punished' (by insulting etc) and everyone agreeing gets reassurance?
what do you shout KAWAAII everytime you fucking fire your gun?
military and anime 2 sperate things - ones for men and the other is for boys
>disagreeing is now punishment
Alt-right neo nazi here, why should I bother getting a job or life? I'm fine here in Sup Forums. Getting a life is for liberals.
I'm sitting in my apartment but since I started browsing Sup Forums I've been approaching my town's political organizations and recently got a position in a local party organization and have started networking with the party's actual politicians.
I'm going to keep my powerlevel strictly hidden as long as I'm in municipal level though. Lots of overly idealistic do-gooders around. Fuckers go tweet every phrase that fits their particular utopistic worldview so unless I'm talking in private with the few people I know that have a sense of discretion I have to talk like I'm in front of a TV camera.
Im sitting in my basement's basement
Yeah we all know how disagreement on Sup Forums looks like
Try to state an unpopular opinion and you will see what happens
I don't know how to stop Muslims from entering straya through legal methods
>Is anyone here actually politically active or are you just sitting in your mothers basement raging on the internet?
I'll have you know I'm sitting in my own flat paid for by my own wages...but otherwise yeah I'm a 300ib monster whose political activities are internet only so should probably kms desu.
Trump's shilling for Israel, we actually landed on the moon, Christianity is Judaism in a dress, anime is just cartoons, Info Wars and Breitbart are controlled opposition and race-mixing with chinks is just as bad as race-mixing with niggers.
You lucky bastard, I wanted to go to Korea. Or really anywhere OCONUS, but I'm stuck here on the venerated Fort Meade not doing my job.
People will call you a gay faggot shill. Which is what they'll say anyways. Lurk moar newfag.
>anime is just cartoons.
take that back you fucker.
I voted for Donald Trump.
Don't need to do much else, we're wining naturally.
Fuck you, Aussi scum. Your army couldn't win against a bunch of oversized birds.
Im in school after being in the trades for more than 5 years, raging IRL and on the internet
>current year
>political activism
>not sitting in a basement
>posted by a shill also not sitting in a basement
Aren't you?
>never met girl irl but she gives me her number over twitter
>know she posses the mental disorder of liberalism by being overly racist to white people but its okay to her because muh privilege
>decide to just go on a twitter rampage to see if she will unfollow me
>say the prevalence of abortion represents the downfall of society
>she tries to argue and pulls sthe white male card
>unfollows me
i did my part guys
Where does this "mother's basement" meme come from? Surely it's not even true enough as a stereotype. I mean, even among those who live at home, how many live in the basement? It's a tiny %. Who's pushing this shit? Is it the same as the "whites can't cook" people?
Politically active for years now.
>Some retard ass neonazi youth in my teenage years, usually just beat leftists and spray shit on walls
>Autonomous Nationalists (big thing here in Europe) back in 00s
>Create nationalist movement because everyone was too lazy or our taste
>Four years now and shit is looking pretty well; biggest local movement actually.