Will 2020 have a high voter turnout?
Will America learn it's lesson about staying home and not voting?
Or will they continue to complain about something they can change, while kikes continue to tell them they have no real power?
Will 2020 have a high voter turnout?
Will America learn it's lesson about staying home and not voting?
Or will they continue to complain about something they can change, while kikes continue to tell them they have no real power?
Sure they will. A little tasteful hyperbole, throw a couple Hillarys in there, and the suburban rural hicks will lap it up like the good dogs they are.
>4 million votes didn't even matter, but maybe 5 million will next time.
As a leaf I endorse this
The left will be literally dead by 2020.
This looks about right.
At least I'm not the only one who sees the right using left tactics
turnabout is fair play.
Informed people do not usually take sides.
I`m Russian so i`m kinda have political down syndrome for taking the right side and being fair. But normal people do not do that.
They build clubs of all sorts of interests and then control their members. The world consists of controlled opposition. Any fair man there is considered something like a public child-rapist. That`s why fair-people clubs are kept far away from any power.
>is fair play
To an extent. But in the long run, making that your default personality is not helping. Too many people have turned into fullblown reverse-SJWs, and they are just as obnoxious and embarrassing as actual SJWs.
They are being manipulated. Who is doing this? The kikes? There's too much controlled outrage
And how would they replace left then? Where would all the useful bitching idiots go? Where would all the shills be employed?
No, left clubs will stay there forever. Even if we abolish political elite and turn to direct democracy, there would be left and right sides to manipulate ratings one side or another, to manipulate populous choices for profit.
Im center as fuck left/right wise but Hillary vs Trump was top/bottom and I'm not voting for the top until they bribe me with satanic powers and shit at least
That's actually good because conservativism is a step in the right direction, but it's a very small one
>learn lesson
you can pick one, and only one, user.
The anglo, and the white man in general, is the main puppet of the jew
It`s not that conservatism is a step in the right direction, it`s left what`s utterly insane and filthy.
Conservatism is actually another meme of political elite to enforce people on the right to not want to change anything "because my granddad changed that, so fuck off now, goy, we wont change anything back".
What is the right step is social regress for national interests. Like canceling the age of consent and replacing it with parental agreement after mandatory medical consultation. Or canceling mandatory education and deregulating education, if there is a low turnover among inhabitants in area. So some "new" ideas like islam would not be introduced to community, but parental traditions would be inherited.
If there is an ongoing war and trump runs again he will be reelected.
Jew is just a tool of anglo royal masons.
The fact, that the jew showed it`s face to public, clearly states, that it`s not the top of the hierarchy.
Same goes for rot-children. They are financial servants of the institution, butlers, superintendents.
I never said jews were the top, but their race is disproportionately high up on the control pyramid
I just meant if you're left, youre delusional, if youre right, youre informed, but only a little bit and if you are saturnpilled you're getting close to WOKE AF
>the surrendering spectrum
Of course cult of meatshields have high position in hierarchy for having access to royal ass.
You cant even be woke as in "woke", because it`s very shady criminal shit with random feedback. Because feedback is rarely engineered inside the process, as it would leave the fingerprints.
Like when they killed Kennedy for him fighting with the fed and killed Lincoln for canceling indentured servitude and giving land to the people. Who the fuck exactly did it? Was at least CIA informed about the esoteric services at work?
Sure lately they`ve made major fuckups like with photoshop of bin laden. But again. Niggers listened to MSM and Sup Forums was celebrating literally fucking nothing, because moot added burgerflags and added music to the board.
Now some of niggers found out, that MSM is a lie. Would they continue to ride their confirmation bias, or can anyone of them reevaluate their previous knowledge? Can anyone apply it to let`s say hitler, who died in similar circumstances, without leaving his body or even DNA, even at graves of his relatives (graves where demolished after it was discovered, that DNA can reveal close blood relatives, with same explanation "muh place of worship")? Same goes for Nicolas II and his family. But there is at least some credibility about place of worship version.
What would niggers do, when they discover, that DNA cant say your parentage farther than 3rd generation at all and DNA-markers for "races" is clearly a cherry-picking, less accurate than even craniometry? Would they look at least at projects like "average faces" and find out, that some nations are suspiciously similar? Would they ask themselves why one nation, that looks the same is divided in different countries and speaks different languages and how exactly this babylonian trickery happened?
Being woke is the same as understanding, that the shade is here, that you cant see trough it and that everything makes sense, but you would never understand everything.
I'd change the right side to deluded too and put informed above the faggots in the middle
WHats your point?