Assuming the current situation in the US doesn't kick off - as it might well do - into the Final Battle, the next two big engagements between Globalism and the growing National Sovereignty movement look to be the French presidential and then the German general election.
The situation in France becoming very worrying and enlightening with regard to Globalist strategy and determination. As in the US, Globalism's main weapon is the media and, for a few months there, it looked like - as the Socialist Party has become, after Hollande's five years in government, unelectable - they were going to refrain from attacking the establishment "sovereignist", Fillon, so as to use him as a barrier against the non-establishment "sovereignist" Le Pen. Personally, I could have lived with a Fillon victory. There was at least a chance that he would have implemented the principles of national dignity and identity that Sarkozy paid lip service to ten years ago. He would, in any case, have slowed the approach of national disaster.
Now, though, the French media / globalist establishment appear to have acquired enough confidence to throw Fillon under the bus. They've assassinated his candidacy by a targeted exposure of a personal scandal and are looking to do something that would have seemed suicidally foolish just 6 months ago. They are setting up a one-on-one battle betweeen the anti-establishment Front National and someone who barely even pretends not to be a pure product and champion of the establishment and the elite: Emmanuel Macron. They are either incredibly arrogant or incredibly stupid to think they can get away this. Thoughts from Frenchbros or others?

Pic of Marion LePen basically unrelated, but she's the only FN figure who is even remotely hot and likely to attract the attention of you Burger pleb retards.

Other urls found in this thread:

She will never rule you in the bedroom.

Bump for baguette
We're in this toghether

She would make a great poupee

Is it race mixing to fuck a French girl?


Bump for the family

Actually nevermind

A leaf

>I want to _____ Marion

what did kek mean by this

wait what? Fillon is finished? seriously?

well that sucks, my understanding was that le pen is basically a communist in wolves clothing and there were no other candidates worth mentioning.

cuddle with


You are just jealous of Marcon's power level:

What do we do if the left win? I mean when do we take the guns and clean the country? Because the democratic way can't save the country and we all secretly know it.

have a respectful formal conversation about fiscal policies and maritime logistics with

You did listen to Fillon's campaign meetings, didn't you?

Marion LePen is so hot. What else were you talking about?

not much really

Have you read Marine's program ?

Yes nigger


eat fondue off of

You are stupid and I hate you

>0b1110 is 0xE
>0b1111 is 0xF
> EF
> Electric Fence around France confirmed

Praise kek.
/our girl/ BTFOs old feminist hags

>She will never step on your dick

I didn't know I felt this feel till now

What could happen:
> Fillon gets BTFO, internal LR battle to choose their new frontrunner
> Baroin or Wauquiez gets choosen
> New frontrunner seen as illegitimate, the center-right (MODEM, etc...) distances itself from the LR
> Bayrou announces that he will run
> Steals a shitton of votes from Macron
> End up with a fragmented left AND a fragmented right
> Mélenchon and Le Pen win the first round with 15-25% each
> Le Pen wins against Mélenchon because the normies won't bother to vote, the rest don't want a dirty communist ruling the country

Is this is era of very attractive heads of state?

I mean come on. Milania and Ivanka and now LePen


So french Sup Forums is just about erotic fan-fics about MMLP ? Puceaux.

Electric fence for Electric Pence.


It's like Mélenchon's program but more racist and less thorough

Oh shit, it's out?

It's literally socialism, but for nationals.

...waaaait a minute.

U damn right m8


Funny thing is that Sup Forums doesn't know that Marion is not a candidate for presidency
How long wil it take to Sup Forums's autists to understand that?


It's LITERALU HITLA. Fucking perfect.

ywn have sex with her in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation

Electric Fence by the French Pence*

>i would like to keep france french
>french france has a right to exist

>Her signature is literally a dick

I mean how can you even compete with that ?


What are the pollings looking like?
Ideally, grab like ~5 different ones and average them out to get a better picture. I'd say the establishment shill can still squirm his way into office. There are a lot of cucks in your country Pierre, and a lot of potential shitskins/obongos to use for voter fraud.

It is imperative for the Nationalist movement to win this election. Absolutely and utterly imperative, the German one is a lost cause. The climate has to deteriorate further, but if we can trigger a Frexit, the EU is definitively dead, and with it the greatest bastion of Globalist geopolitics.


Sadly France is bluepilled af
I have little to no hope of victory, Feels like fighting an already lost battle

>an uncircumcised dick at that

Muslim sympathizer detected.

Worst outcome ever. A Fillon victory could have been good if the guy had enough guts not to cave in to the idiots filling his own party but with the media killing him we now get male Merkel as the likely next president.

Seriously, the right wing needs to some serious media bashing just like Trump did, we need to get rid of those fuckers.

Reminder that the french SJW party hates Mélenchon because he's racist

Did you need another proof he's The Man?


Mélanchon hates white, western, and anyone who isn't a fucking muslim sandnigger, kys billal

You guys need to dust off the guillotines. I think a large part of your military is on board with that idea too.

>EU dying

It'll just split up into smaller factions and still be apart of NATO.
This is why I fucking hate politics sometimes. Everybody works to demoralize the other side but I love politics when we prove them all wrong.

Keep fighting. I personally think it's going to be closer than we all think but you can broaden the message to indicate that France is coming first and I think turnout will be higher than expected.

Who is this semen demon?

Cant post shit like that anymore.

I got banned for a day for posting that last weekend.

Oops, thanks for the heads up user

Don't give up Gaston, it's far too early for that. Organize yourselves, fight the good fight. Praise KEK.

Step 1 of destroying the global world order that started being instituted in the 1940s and has reached a fevered pitch under the last 3 American administrations; is dismantling the EU as an existing organization.

NATO is... it's hard to say. NATO may either persevere into the future, or it may break down into smaller pacts and multilateral protection treaties such as the Visegard-4.

>mfw I only know leftist
They even don't know I'm FN, else they wouldn't talk to me

I even know a girl who ABSOLUTLY LOVES Hollande, I mean, where are my far right brothers ?

Bash the media and the establishment

Vote for whichever canidate goes to war with the media


I love a girl in leather boots like pic related.

I love you lepen please make america ur bitch

>a girl who ABSOLUTLY LOVES Hollande
those people exist uh.
I'd like to know what goes on in their mind. Though I guess they're thoroughly brainwashed by the mass media.


You got the right idea there unfortunately none have the guts to fight the media

would creampie all three.

Jesus Christ. She also got good child-bearing hips even though shes skinny. Damn.

she's a "special snowflake", vegan, offended by everything I may say and - of course - knows nothing about politic


You Frenchies aren't spreading enough memes. Memes are the DNA of society. Control the memes and you control the world. Soros controls the world through memes which are put out through the organizations he funds. Not internet memes, but false ideas that are repeated over and over again without being questioned--like the wage gap. We have our own memes that we put out. We won the election with two memes, #draftourdaughters which caused women to not vote for Hillary, and #spiritcooking which caused niggers to not vote for Hillary. We have to defeat Soros and the fucking globalists. This isn't just an election, it's a motherfucking war between good and evil. The EU is the globalist's greatest creation and it must be destroyed Put memes out into the world that promote Le Pen and destroy her opponents.
She was at 36% in the polls for the final election less than a month ago:

She's at 40% now:

She can get to 44% in a month, then 48%, and then she can get over 50%. We can fucking do this. We can destroy the meme that she's "literally Hitler" with our own memes Don't fucking give up. We have the power of an ancient Egyptian frog God and meme magic on our side, we can win.

>Expecting voters over 50 to vote for Macron

UPR will overcome

I just hope people don't vote for this big eyebrow guy Fillon, this guy wants to lower unemployement by deleting 500 000 jobs

Le Pen all the way


mfw I lived in france and the qt I was bedding broke up with me: "I cannot love a man who puts reason over sentiment, a man of the right"
> mfw when I thought I was a syndicallist

back to africa with you

This reminds me I still have to find a right wing or far right woman

>a man who puts reason over sentiment

I have no words, can women only think with their fucking feelings?

In the UK they created 2 jobs in the private sector for every job in the public sector they deleted.
On average the new jobs created had higher wage too.

Also don't forget : France has a much higher number of civil servants than any other european country. 1/3 of this country workforce is paid directly or indirectly by the state, it's ridiculous.

Can a frenchfag explain something to me. Lets say Marine wins, how is she supposed to govern with two députés? She will never win the legislatives, so will this be a cohabitation with a LR or PS prime minister?


godspeed, user.
In my experience, 100% will say they are leftists, but when you talk to the smart ones with no daddy issues, they end up sharing many of your values.

They exist but are more difficult to find.
Women cave in a lot easier to social pressure and being left-wing is the norm imposed by the media

Ze troue meme Roi. Can't stesquen the lesquen.

I'm guessing it's not really thinking. It's virtue signalling taken to a new dogmatic, self-destructive level.

>When the whole squad going out to take BBC

dont worry friend, Darth Bannon's got you covered

German Imperial flags are really aesthetic

for real, Memes are the best way to get a point across.