Meanwhile, On Children’s Television Shows in Germany…

France is to blame for Islamic terrorism

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Fuck frenchies

Sandy hook was a false flag

Why do i even pay taxes at this point?

not new

>they fought for their independance and wanted to get rid of the French
>then they have moved to France in hopes for a better life
Et le grand prix de l'humour est attribué à...

Time for Germany to invade the Oppressors!

There is some truth to these videos, though.
I can't imagine someone lying to little children for no reason.

They're literally teaching children to accept death. Surreal dude.

Because you are a good idiot.Work,spend the money,dont care about your country.You are someone only if you have every year a new bmw anyway.


Reeeeee this was made with my tax money.

And now the prize question - Germany didn't have this amount of colonies as France and didn't kill people at the same scale in its colonies. Why is it then "obliged" to take the refugees from anywhere which do the same things in the name of their religion as in France?

>daily stormer

AHAHAHAHAHAHAJAJAJAJjHahahahahahahaha get the fuck out

>Why is it then "obliged" to take the refugees from anywhere which do the same things in the name of their religion as in France?

>Migrants are highly skilled workers, and without them Germany cannot survive (not enough people)

back in the oven you go

We have to go back...
And teach them democracy

Islam will take Europe.

So are you saying these shows do not exist?

WOW They will blame us again for the upcoming genocide


Someone has to get blamed.

Nothing in the video is incorrect, other than germanium hypocrisy for doing the same thing. After all, the 911 hijackers were radicalised in germany. Not that you know anything g other than how to be a shill. If you actually opposed multiculturalism, you'd understand that accepting the refugees into Europe, putting the into ghettos, and treating g them as separate but equal where integration g the would be 'racist' is in fact the very definitionear of multiculturalism. I guess you don't appreciate how oh so liberal socialist Europe creates terrorist while evil racist USA successful integrates Arabs.
Not that you care because as as a storm fag you are the useful idiot of the multiculturalism controlled opposition. Nothing more

>back in the oven you go
Not an argument