Do dogs go to heaven, Sup Forums?
My dog is being put down this morning
Did you raise it Jewish?
If yes, then it is going to heaven.
Is it a feminist?
Yes. White people and dogs go to heaven.
Sorry, no.
Give him a chocolate milkshake and tell him he's a good boy.
This is the last thing he'll ever know.
Sorry to hear that user. I wish to share my condolences for your loss.
Rip doggo
Yes, they are the innocent ones.
They go to the eternal land of good boy with the other happy doggos ;-;
my condolences, OP
the bible isn't explicit on the issue, but i hope so
All dogs go to heaven, OP.
They earned that right more than people (most people).
sorry to hear that bro, I have a dog
>Do dogs go to heaven, Sup Forums?
Maybe if your idea of heaven means seeing your doggers again and you go to heaven..then yes...why not, God can do anything.
I really appreciate the support guys
I like to think so, regardless it'll leave this plane of existence a happy pup. Godspeed
how did they earn it? licking their balls?
Rest in pies
wuz he a gud boii?
They 404 like this off-topic thread.
More loyal than you will ever be.
it is pretty impressive, maybe jesus would love you if you put that kind of effort in.