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Wtf, i love republicucks now!

Wow I suck cuckservitive cock now

george bush voted for clinton

I'm fairly sure it was Bush's decision to invade Iraq, with senate's approval.

>how can you criticize a bush appointment who was voted in unanimously? Shock and horror!
Gorsuch was unanimous.
You faggots walked right into it again.

Bush was a cuck globalist

I don't get it

I'll just leave this here.

i wish the entire country could shut up for like just an hour.

How about shutting off your electronics for 60 minutes, digital boy?

>Liberals are now defending Dubya
What a strange timeline this is.

Dubya and obongo were basically the same shit, right down to the way they campaigned.


truly activates my almonds

>Leftists get Trumped hourly
>Still think its smart to open their mouths

Jesus Christ, if this is true this guy needed to be kicked off the bench last week

Everyone thinks CA is the most cucked state but its always been WA. Somebody post that image that shows that even if only white males voted WA would still go blue.

Why do you reply to op? He's just baiting you fucking idiot

all the cuckafornian locusts fled the hell they created, and now they are ruining other states

What was the first politician Trump was smashing in his campaign? Sadly David Brock the stupid pedo isn't politician so it wasn't him, it was Jeb BUSH.

What do you think goes on here exactly?


One guy is baiting and rest is taking him seriously.

>shitlibs defending Dubya

Literal fucking cuck judge

I'm curious why these idiots think chucks carry weight with us.

>muh W appointed the judge
>muh Obamacare is really Romneycare



heres why Trump will win once again

I fucking hate Seattle. Someone please come here and put me out of my misery.

When a fat, angry liberal that advocates for the violent overthrow of the government, someone the left likes to refer to as Emperor Palpatine, and the man in charge of a global pedophile sheltering ring of money-grubbing con-artists, are all on the same side of an issue....wait really? THAT's the group of people you want to throw in with?


You are a giant faggot.

well that argument has certainly convinced me


You guys are an extreme minority.

The Trump cult is wayyy smaller now than it was in November. Pretty soon, most of the federal agencies will stand up to that idiot and he will fire enough people that congress wont have a choice but get involved even though they are spineless fucks.

The people get their way in this country and the people have spoken.

Pls tell us more about your fantasies

Ok, let's just assume that the Republican party decides to commit seppuku.
You realize most of use would be relatively ok with a Pence presidency too right?

Most of "us" as in Sup Forums? As long as Bannon isnt butt fucking Pence as well I dont give a shit. Those faggots are embarrassing us.


A pence presidency doesnt do shit except make abortions hard to get gor 4 years. Literal waste of office.

>no blue checkmark
Come on, you're making it too easy

You uh....you know there are poster id's here right?

This is the shit that pisses me off, the administration touts how much it is "doing"

Wtf have they done?? Signed papers! Thats it! Literally nothing has been accomplished. In fact he has undone more than he has done. Fucking faggots.

>Bush is the Swamp
>He appoints the kind of judge who would oppose Trump, meaning this judge is exactly the kind of person Trump was talking about
>Liberals were against Bush, but now support a judge he installed
>The reason liberals support the judge is because he opposes Trump
>Thus proving that they never had any problems with what Bush did - they were just being roadblocks then
>3,000,000 never protested Bush, thus proving that liberals don't care about brown people unless you're bringing them into white countries

Liberal, you are insincere. You have always supported the establishment. You are the swamp. You claimed that Trump-supporters wouldn't accept the results, then riot in the streets and brag about punching people out.

For 8 years, you condemned republicans for being roadblocks to Obama's efforts to progress the nation. Now, you oppose a man who took us out of NAFTA and TPP.

Trump is president, and he can get this overturned. Other DA's have defended Trump's order. In the end, the DA'a who agree with the president will get their way.

H1B visas are next.

> Wtf have they done?? Signed papers! Thats it!
Someone needs to be introduced to civilization and understand how it operates.

Yes faggot. Im saying pence is a harmless cuck. Trump and bannon are the issue, get rid of them and our only problem is no abortion.

>fire in a cartoon
Well its certainely not real

People didnt protest bush the way they protest trump, faggot. I hated Bush but i would welcome georgie back in a heartbeat over this fagoot.

You weren't paid by pedohpile sodomite with stupid hairstyle - David Brock to shitpost about Bush back then*


What has your cult leader done besides completely divide a nation and piss off other countries?

Cool argument

>lying on a chinese basket weaving forum

>The people get their way in this country and the people have spoken.

Which is why Trump is cleaning house.

Trump's support hasn't been shrinking, quite the opposite, it's been growing because of faggots attacking trash cans and innocent people in the streets.

Still cooler than being called nerd virgin by your employer.


just nuke the west coast

No its shrinking. Ppl that voted for him are coming out against him. Repubs are jumping ship.

>People didnt protest bush the way they protest trump, faggot

They actually protested him worse during his inauguration. You just wouldn't know because you let a corporation filter your worldview for you.

Fight me irl faggot

Prove it

Washington isn't the only one.

>Ppl that voted for him are coming out against him.

No they aren't. There are people being paid on twitter to use the same easily recognizable format to criticize him. He has more Republican support now than he did before the election.

I'm so glad people like you exist. The fact that you still cling to hope only guarantees more tears to come. Thank you, user.



>Thousands of demonstrators attended the inaugural ceremonies in Washington, D.C., to protest the outcome and controversial circumstances of the 2000 U.S. Presidential Election.[6][7] Four protesters were arrested and Bush's limousine was hit by a tennis ball and an egg thrown from the crowd during the inaugural parade.[1]

Other than bots.. you guys only spew shit that fits your narrative.

The vast majority of people want trump gone.

Might as well be Canada.

>liberals defending dubya

Thousands??? Lololol there have been millions protesting trump. Thanks for proving my point faggots.

this is the people we have been expected to call republican in the past, sad.


Yea im sure it will end exactly the way you want it too.


Another cuck that has to be ousted from his position.

>Bush installs competent judge
>people are ok with this
>this means people are ok with invading Iraq

>Hitler pushed the construction of the Autobahn
>people like the Autobahn
>this means people now believe Hitler did nothing wrong

I hope this helps you see that you are retarded.

Make sure you dont miss Olympia. The cuck of a governor needs to go aswell. Actually just nuke everything west of the cascades

>Bush's car gets hit by eggs and tennis balls
>Trump doesn't get hit by anything

We were talking inauguration, not antifa retards.

>If they use bots they surely wouldn't also use people to astroturf

This is the last reply you get, shill.


52% view him favorably.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens
Section 10, Subsection (F)

what the fuck I love 9/11 now

>liberals like dick Cheney

I wouldn't even worry about abortion - nobody's getting rid of Roe v Wade

Lmao what a traitor to the state.

Looks a child molesting pedophile.

He has a 53% disapproval rating. Historic low for a new president.

Talk about inauguration then faggot, millions of ppl protested in cities around the country, not just washington.

>The Trump cult is wayyy smaller now than it was in November.
I've been rather neutral this whole election but I've become favorable of Trump lately.

Isn't it really dangerous if Trump starts to doubt the jurisdiction? Doesn't he understand that it is supposed to be like this?
Is he going full erdogan now?

You also frequent /pol

Means you got a lil racism/sexism thing going on

The judge is an activist and needs to be relieved of his gavel. Judges do not rewrite law at their pleasure. They are bound to it. Fuck this judge and fuck anyone who who defends him.

this is just getting silly now

He's from the Washington D.C. area too and is connected with Georgetown.. Bet he went to comet ping pong many times.

You're acting as if Obama isn't directly responsible for dividing the nation.

Trump may have widened it over the course of the campaign, but Obama was really the original agitator that began to divide people by race.

>People didnt protest bush the way they protest trump

You're right - liberals didn't care that brown people were being bombed. Democrats voted to invade Afghanistan, and liberals support them. Liberals support bombing brown people, and then bring refugees into our country.

You raise a stink over letting them in? Bigger than the one you raised over bombing them? Why didn't you raise a stink over Obama and his drone strikes? Why didn't he take us out of Afghanistan, and why did the Iraqis kick us out as soon as Obama was out of office?


I thought you liked those types? I'm a tranny, anyway - you have to love me, or you're a bigot.

>I hated Bush but i would welcome georgie back in a heartbeat over this fagoot

So you're guilty of exactly what I accused you of? It's just a matter of Blue vs. Red for you, isn't it? You like bombing brown people, and you like bringing them into America.

Could the reason be because you're a Jewish puppet?

You're driving everyone but the fucking batshit loons out of the party. You are now the party of the batshit loons.

>He has a 53% disapproval rating.

Those are the same polls that said he had a 1% chance of winning. How many times do you have to be lied to before you question what your masters are telling you?

Also I don't think it was millions. They have been lying about those numbers as well. A few tens of thousands, maybe.

>Sean Spicier wasn't enough of a giveaway

>don't do job
>get fired

Anyone have a running total of the number of days we've btfo when it comes to Trump? I know it's over 18 months now

You wouldn't imagine my surprise to find that Mallin is a Jewish surname.

Guys the seattle federal judge is a pedophile...no doubt.

Former President and Trustee, Seattle Children’s Home
Former Co-Chair, Second Century Society, Children’s Home Society of Washington.
Former Member, State Advisory Board and Former Trustee, Children’s Home Society of Washingto

I know, but we had so much fun watching lefty breaking out in arseholes DIDN'T WE GUYS???