IQ test thread. Intlets need not to apply
IQ test
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Your inferior Nordic genes make me laugh. Go swing an axe you fucking ice nigger.
Oh and I'm an American black man living in Chile. KYS
>Oh and I'm an American black man living in Chile
feels high percentile man
Are you some sort of KANG? It must be great to have 40 higher IQ than the average. Here it fucking sucks literally everyone is like 120.
Well you've already shown us how much your stupid ass knows about math Björn.
Fy Faen. I can even speak your stupid language faggot.
Yeah I grew up in an American ghetto and spent most of my time reading in the library to get the fuck away from all those stupid niggers I was around. Then I made money investing and moved far far away where they can never have access to my mind or productive capabilities again.
Niggers suck and they ruin everything they touch. But the same can be said about most lazy poor people. Fuck'em.
if your average was 120, you would have half of the population above that and hundred thousands of genius people , you'd be travelling the galaxy by now
>online iq test websites
ayy look at me i'm an einsten that wastes his life on a mongolian shoelace factory forum lmao
If You unironically believe this you're a moron
isn't the average always 100? Pretty sure it's just a relative test using standard deviation from mean in scoring.
Swedish name you dumb fuck you are losing your IQ points by the minute damn. You had a good ride though.
>I can even speak your stupid language faggot
Mathematically unlikely
Also moving out of USA to Chile
Is your IQ image shopped?
Not good enough apparently
You did not do the test did you?
I know several Norwegian Björns. One from Lillehammer and the other from Oslo. Maybe they have Swedish grandparents.
Do you have the BBC too?
Have you impregnated white women with your superior African seed?
Dumb shit, I did a mensa test when I was 15 and scored 135 iq. Get on my level you homosexual subhumans.
This test sucks, you can't fail at this one. I must have misclicked something.
There is not a single one you are full of shit
I have but what good does it do? IMO all this does is quantify your douchiness
Go back to Erickson and diddle some more innocent children
>IMO all this does is quantify your douchiness
>trusting an IQ test that requires you to put in your race and sex
Oh I'm sure (((they))) will give you accurate results
I got a 100
>tfw when you didn't deny you were a pedophile
I don't know, but it is from university of Cambridge which is pretty good.
>mfw he did not even deny that he is from reddit
Fuck those dot ones
Action is the real measure of intelligence.
111 here. How the nazis feel knowing that a nigger has a higher iq than yours?
I got 109 wtf whatdo
Sup Forums space program when?
I was banned from Reddit in 2013 after Boston bombing.
Calling out the witch hunt. I didn't wanna mod so they cut me off. Otherwise I'd Reddit
Btfo kiddie diddler
65 here, I feel so dumb and stupid and retarded. I am just a dumb stupid retarded white nazi that has been outclassed by a Brazilian nigger who is obviously superior to me in every way shape and form and I am just another dumb stupid retard that is dumb, stupid, and retarded
>so obviously fresh from reddit
>banned in 2013
Yea no
>that tfw when your to smart to make good score
>good score
Its above average
Still good
I missed some due to mental fatigue and losing focus.
At least im top percentile in my ethnic group.
Fucking niggers, man.
true, if most people here are above average, a society built by ourselves would be an Eden, forever at the vanguard of human achievement.
i dont know if there internet tests are trustworthy though...
Try harder
The average iq in Italy is 102 so i'm right in the normie spot
You should try harder to fit in
There is nothing wrong with that
Empathy test results. I'm an autist.
Link to test:
>tfw i dont even have the patience to finish an iq test
Hahahaha this is Sup Forums
>you're clearly autistic
>no iq test can compensate for your completely lack of intuition
Answered the first 2 questions properly, then picked 1 for every other question, got 5/33 (64 iq) for it.
Seems awful generous.
The ones I did answer properly were not answer #1. So unless it's randomized, I can safely say that 3/33 answers Are #1.
>better than 80% of people
That's something I guess
>image pattern recognition
literally useless
I did the autism test the one with eyes got pretty meh result though not autistic.
Now I'm drawing this from forrest gump, but aren't literal retards at like 70 iq?
you are dopamine addicted. we all are in this generation
Stop data mining.
I consider anybody under 130 retarded personally.
Having taken this manner of test before I'm just trying to figure out if it can be fudged easily for shits and giggles. Also to continue to my first point, 5/33 answers are #2.
>45minutes required
i already failed the patience test, ain't nobody got time for dat
>no iq test can compensate for your completely lack of intuition
There are things that tell that you are from plebbit
>Seems awful generous
>64 IQ
that is literally retarded
as far as discrete pattern recognition goes, yes
still, you could score 130 and still be socially retarded and having problems with people's faces and names because IQ tests like these are unironically rigged in favor of people spending more than 6 hours in front of a screen looking at sharp graphics.
Hell, your general IQ could be in the 2 digits and you'd still score a huge amount on this because you spend half of your waking moment in front of a fucking screen
Generous for only getting 5 questions correct is what I mean.
com and get ur scolarshep
Ya like a typo?
Listen shill. Antifas been bugging me since October.
Go fuck yourself. Honestly I hope your kid gets bullied. You won't be able to help them. You're weak.
Do us all a favor and educate yourself or end your engagement with humanity. You are nothing to me
Sweet. I got a 29.
No one can score lower.
Prove me wrong!
Protip: You can't
Clicked through it, result 86 kek
The test is kinda easy, the only thing i personally had trouble with where the 3D Forms with the 4 Dots
The rest was ok, i mean i dont have the time right now to take my time and really try but i guess ill be arround 110-115 in terms of my IQ
What i dont really like is that the test only is in one spectrum, id rather have an iq test, which also tests your maths skill and logical thinking ( in terms of language, like base to summit is like toe to head )
Pretty straightforward after establishing the general patterns. Intelligence shouldn't be measured by pattern recognition alone.
It really is not
>Ya like a typo?
top kek
120 here!
I got a 58, not autistic
this is not IQ it's XOR OR AND test
>test based on self-diagnosed opinions on your behavior
>without consistency checks
Waste of time
I felt the test was too repetitive
the same pattern kept cropping up in many of the questions
yeah take that test on two separate days and it'll change depending on situations that you've been in recently
So I've concluded that the correct answers are distributed as follows:
1 is correct 4 times
2 is correct 5 times
3 is correct 4 times
4 is correct 4 times
5 is correct 3 times
6 is correct 4 times
7 is correct 5 times
and 8 is correct 4 times.
So sort of lay all that out in front of you. Each time you are confidently able to pick each numbered answer subtract 1 from the "confidence pool".
That way once you reach questions you are forced to guess on, you now are able to potentially eliminate some of the wrong answers before guessing.
This is fucking retarded, internet iq tests are dirt tier.
>inb4 "you scored low haha"
I hit random answers and got 110.
Why did you even do this
No one cares
Not to mention it requires your race, gender and education. If I weren't lazy, I'd redo it as a 50 yo black woman to see if the score was any different.
Based John.
Believing that this test is a reliable index for intelligence is in itself a sign of lack of intelligence.
Well first I was frustrated that my morning coffee wasn't yet sinking in, and I wasn't able to directly choose the answers off of the picture of the answer like you can on the mensa test that it is clearly a direct ripoff of.
Then I came to the conclusion that each question page is just one single image being called up by the script.
Then I realized that it's all the same and can probably be cheesed in some way for revenge.
sheeit yeah, dis test cant measure dem street smarts nowmsayin?
is was very easy for me except ALL the questions with dots and connecting struts which required over 80% of the time I spent on the quiz and I probably failed them all anyway
t. 27/33
>no one can score lower
Better than 0% of the population
I'd say you're probably right
you're just a butthurt brainlet who photoshopped his results!
low iq shitskin here
I unironically posted this on one of the WhatsApp groups which consists of my highschool classmates.They are all in uni while I'm a fucking NEET cuz couldn't get in.
Now I'm cringing thinking about it :/
>online iq test
Basically ego boosting sale plots
Take one from a verified psychologist and I bet you won't get 120+
Don't know tho how big of a part of intelligence is pattern recognition
Pff that's for retards, I did mine in 5 minutes
>IQ Test
>Only 33 questions
oбъяcни кaк peшaть вoпpocы c тoчкaми и пaлoчкaми
I didn't understand any of that. You want some cheese now?
>tfw to smart to get above 100
Kek has blessed my results
32/33, 95th percentile, """IQ""" 125
I was actually pretty sure I got all of them right. These questions have nothing to do with intelligence, once you figure out how the patterns are generated it's very easy to solve these questions.
Also, I'm a total leftist
It's 1 of a 3-ish ways, and in every way you go either from top to bottom in each column, or from left to right in each row:
1. Every matching stick of 1 and 2 images result in a stick in third image
2. Every matching stick, or matching not_stick/whitespace of 1 and 2 result in a stick in 3rd
3. Every non-matching stick/whitespace of 1 and 2 result in a stick in 3rd
Basically it all just boolean logic if you know what i mean
Woah nice, free data! Thanks OP.
I've always felt pretty dumb
thanks, i got really buttfrustrated by these questions because I thought they were rotating 3d projections or some shit
I never understood, is it implied that the patterns can occur up or down, or diagonally, in addition to the implied right-to-left?
And I know I'm retarded, this is the third one in and I'm seeing nothing
I think you can register for benefits with an IQ that low