>Whites should breed at all costs in order to keep the future from going under >MGTOW and Neets are scum who bring disgrace to whites >Ron Paul is one of the most Truthful Politicians in recent years, Also IT'S HAPPENING >Reddit should fuck off, We do not tolerate newfags from coming on our board >Jews cause nothing but pain and misery to everything they touch, never trust them >Minorities are nothing more then leaches to the Western World, They take our money and our rights away to benefit themselves >Anyone who helps protect whites from dying off is an ally to us >There is some hopeful women out their ready for you to spread your seed and reproduce white children
Sup Forums in 2017
>GIVE MUH THE QUICK RUNDOWN? WHO ARE TEH BOGDANOFF BROTHERS :DDDDD >I love Donald Trump and Israel!!!! :3 >I'm proud of being a part of MGTOW and being a neet >Civic Nationalism is the best, Minorities especially HWNDU are extremely based >You like whites? Fuck off Stormfag we don't need you >Based Jews do exist, You're just anti-Semitic for not realizing it >AWOO :3 >There's plenty of whites, They aren't dying out stop saying stuff that's true >Look at this thing I found, Is it redpilled? >Ron Paul? Who gives a fuck >Moonman is fucking overrated >Richard Spencer likes whites? He must be a controlled opposition >FUCK WOMEN ALL OF THEM ARE DEGENERATE BECAUSE I SAY SO! >:(
David Sanders
so this is the hwndu thread then
Connor Mitchell
what the fuck does any of this mean?
Kayden Cruz
Israel in 1930
Grayson Anderson
Reminder that HWNDU has officially jumped the shark. The social dynamics of the group have changed - they're either away from the camera talking amongst themselves or 'performing' in front on the camera, all too aware of their "characters" and wiki pages. Very few of them are willing to have authentic conversations with other people. Some of the best moments of early HWNDU was deep cover nuanced trolling and proper debate. Now you get literal children turning up trying to impress Sup Forums with their maymays.
Cooper Sanchez
Dominic Perry
there is truth in this, but I don't think that it's all fake there is some real crazy trying to win a battle that has been lost.
Josiah Thomas
fuck off we are kangz now
Gabriel Ward
Burn the coal Pay the toll
Jack Sullivan
I still believe in our 2014 values user. You are not alone.
Christian Cox
You are our number one ally, OP. This is a Pro-Israel board.
Michael Hill
HWNDU is a perfect example of newfag 2017 Sup Forums
Jackson Evans
2014 >what are traps? Oh right, transsexuals, they are fucking degenerate, just like faggots.
2017 >traps are cute, as long as they have feminine penises
Oliver Kelly
yeah but I never said I like trump
John Foster
I've had several black friends that would never hurt anyone, but I know they won't because I don't hang out with ghetto trash thug niggers.
Most of these women would have probably been killed no matter what because they have real shitty taste in men. My brother-in-law is a wife beating sociopath and he's been in jail several times for beating my sister until she finally left his ass, and is whiter than a box of saltines.
Lucas Harris
Wow geez things change as time passes? Better start on that thesis of yours bro. This is some shit that needs to get out there in the world.
Ethan Bennett
This so much.
Asher Bennett
I stand with you brother
Hudson Cruz
Nice try oldfag shill. Your time is up! Shekel earning tactics in 2014 do not work in 2017 that's why you are mad because Shlomo Shekelstein is about to fire you for underperforming. Have a bog for your tears.
Wyatt Hill
Tranny posters are just a few /lgbt fags who refuse to stay on their board. They are basically just shills for their lifestyle
This shit has been going on since /new. Don't be fooled into thinking most people here actually like trannies
Mason Long
Remember when "redpilled" meant basically a fedora tipping atheist who just watched a YouTube video and thinks he's discovered the secrets of the universe?
I can't believe these newfags actually use the term unironically and actually call themselves redpilled having no idea what it originally meant
Hunter Bailey
Redpill used to mean that you hate/ignore women right?
Landon Perry
>implying theres anything wrong with a feminine penis
people unironically think fucking a tranny makes you a faggot kek
Bentley Nguyen
i left when a drunk redditor was there from new jersey. give me the rundown my dudes
Zachary Anderson
That's part of it. Just picture a fedora autist dressed like a matrix character, that's what it meant
Jayden Kelly
Someone said "Bogdanoff"?
Isaac Price
2014 pol sounds like a nazi faggot
pol is a multi-ethnic board of peace and tolerance