How do we stop Trump?
How do we stop Trump?
Get involved in local government
not at all.
if you havent figured it out by now you are a dummy. he cant be stopped.
You can't. You're not American, thank God. Also Sage.
You're not even in America
you can't. it's too late sweetie.
You can start by assaulting all the trash bins around your local city. Make sure youre adequately armed.
GET OFF MY Sup Forums
double down on identity politics, increase frequency of riots, and become even more aggressive in trying to shut down other peoples speech and opinions.
Try suicide.
Gather up all your friends and have a mass suicide protest.
Even if it doesn't stop him it won't matter to you anymore.
Give all your money to Somalian refugees.
I still support Cruz.
I don't give a fuck if nobody else does. I'll be the last #CruzMissile until the day I fucking die.
i'm seriously hoping they can get a civil war going that they'll lose
Listen ot this Yank. He gives good advice.
You dont
You don't.
Now, as for Unitedstatesians, they can go back in time and vote for Bernie in the primaries instead of drinking the Hillary Kool-Aid
Pretty simple really
>Give him nobles peace prize
>He comes to Oslo
>Assassinate him
Hobe is funny way to spell hoe :D
Ahhh.. First post
TIL Norway deported thousands of Muslims. looks like they missed one.
I doubt he would even go.
Why would anyone want that worthless toilet paper prize after they gave one to the war monger Obama?
It is just a bad joke.
You wait 4 to 8 years approximately
By lying naked on your belly and spreading your cheeks.
kill yourself but leave a message ''i killed myself because of trump''
if enough like you do it, it will have an impact. so now go grab that knife and get to work
Trump would go. Imagine the bragging rights of winning the lefts ultimate prize.
Cry a lot. At least that seems to be the current strategy of the left...
>mass suicide protest
How do we make this a thing?
you stop trump by showing your tolerance. adopt a refugee now - a former moderate rebel from syria or iraq would be great since they need your help the most :)
by sucking more AIDS ridden Somalian dick, faggot
He needs to fuck up a lot.
You gave norwigger secret strategy!
Now Trump is doomed.
>adopt a refugee now - a former moderate rebel from syria or iraq would be great since they need your help the most :)
I would love to see this. They do seem to care the most after all