>Japan finally accepted 300 refugee from syria
How many refugees did your country accpet?
Japan will acceralate accepting refugees ^^
>Japan finally accepted 300 refugee from syria
How many refugees did your country accpet?
Japan will acceralate accepting refugees ^^
300, in 5 years. chances syria will be safe by then and they wont even be sent over.
Have fun being raped by those fucks, later nip
They're just family to people who are temporarily in Japan. 300 is a good start though.
>300 syrian exchange student
They can integrate to Japanese culture?
>Send Syrians to Japan
>All murdered by the Yakuza within the span of 3 months.
>Dear diary. My name is Ahmet Ali Mufasa, and I have a crush on Sadako chan. To show her my true love, I will give her cookies on valentines day and I will brutally rape her anus and use her blood as lubricant.
Muslims have like 1 kid a year, in 10 years they'll have reproduced to 3,000. While Japanese population only declines.
Japan is now totaled, it's like being injected with AIDS.
>Allah akbar
nice proxy faggot
> I will give her cookies on valentines day
In Japan,women give chocolate to men in valentines.
Dont you have english papers to grade you faggot?
I thought japan was immune from white left wing cancer? Sad.
300!! too many!!
1.5 million
Just look at the flag on my reply... Fuck that noise... We literally don't take care of our own people and in the meantime we got sjw wannabes that wanna get more of them in. How the shit can we support them while most of us can barely afford to eat and pay their fucking bills?
I found this post from
Still fighting for the number 0
I'm still golf clapping from a thread 2 days ago.
>Accept a small amount of refugees
>refugees that you select
>select them in a way that ensures they will commit rape/murder/etc
>keep them under constant surveillance
>use those cases to increase national outrage and ensure you will never be pressured from inside to take in refugees
It's always entertaining when normies can't see 4D chess when it's being played in front of their faces.
Trust me Japan you don't want these refugees. They are 90% male and literally left their families behind in the most complex and brutal war today so they can get fucked by Al-Qaeda and ISIS at the same time.
show everyone you know this video so your country might not do the mistake we did. Cleaning up the mess Merkel has created since 2014 will take long.
thats the joke micro dick cuck
mudslimes not adapting
>Injected with AIDS
Can you make uncensored porn if the men in it are Syrians?
Im a female rape baby san
Do you have nothing better to do than post the same fucking thread everyday?
Aren't you essentially a chink?
Accepts them but i'm sure they will deny them citizenship and send them back at the first window of stability in Syria.
nip cutie3.4s will be raped by the niggro cocker, what have you done ????
I'm pretty sure such refugees won't fit into our society. why don't the Japanese learn from filthy Koreans who has been making countless troubles?
>tfw a country with a retardedly high population density accepts 300 refugees
The joke is that your society will adapt to their's because the refugees can't adapt.
he's peruvian.
Looking forward for new manga featuring muslims parallels as evil monsters (Goblin Slayer is a good one about hunting niggers).
Hope you redpill yourself further, Nihon-san. You are too much of a sucker for US to your own good, it's a vulnerability to poisonous western influence.
peruvians have small dicks, probably not as small as chinks
Oh, you're begging to be raped by muslims, gotcha.
You're lagging behind. It'll be 2 millions soon
That your dick is too small to satisfy your wife is not Mohammeds fault. She has needs to, you know?
There are alot of Asians in that area (North SA), a jap even ran for pres in one of those countries a while ago.
My great grandpa is from Japan, moved to peru, and later to Mexico
Peruvians are essentially japs
you're from the area, you would know.
I hope you're keeping them on a secluded island somewhere. Don't give them cell phones or internet access either, they'll call to have their friends and families delivered.
you can have them all, see how you fucking like it
make sure to take plenty of sub-saharan africans to enrich your women, too. its really a hoot
I know that our race is just genetically inferior to them. These people are being born as scientists, engineers, doctors and truck drivers.
> we just took 300, its nothing
> look, 300 refugees are peacefull, lets take a million
Reminder that in Japan every single Muslim regardless of nationality is being constantly monitored
>it's the concept of modern German society
fucking disgusting. that's completely fucked up. Japan ain't trash box.
> Koreans aer different frop Japaneese
Japan has more muslims than my country still.
Why the hell libs dont protest then? After Trump's """Muslim ban"""" they were protesting even in my uni.
koreans are better.
Frederike does not care if you are a scientist, engineer, doctor or a truck driver. She just wants her twat stuffed and Mohammed does a better job at that then you do. Why else would you cry so much?
>How many refugees did your country accpet?
Literally 0. Null. Nicht. We accepted some migrants, but they instantly went to germany.
Right now our leftists want to accept 10 kids (age 5-10) from syria, but our government says no
It disgusts me too. If you speak out for keeping german culture and language you are a nazi.
I'll never go to japan again.
>How many refugees did your country accpet?
also about 300 plus a couple hundred families that had relatives here and came through the normal channels.
(almost all of them christian)
What? Really? the fuck? It is a man who is supposed to give flowers, chocolate and shit to woman. Not vice versa.
It just took 300 sandniggers at Thermopylae to BTFO hundreds of thousands of Aryans. And Japs are as everyone knows honorary Aryans.
Can any japanon judge if younger generations in japan are like western ones ie: retarded sjw?
From what I have seen in interviews on youtube it seems like once your older generations die japan will become like us (which is very bad)
Alljon meg a menet!
Dunaujvarosban van egy jemeni kis torpe muzulman picsa, a 2 kis korcs kolykevel.
Meg aztan kurva halasak! A tobbi arabbal meg akart lincseltetni, mert meg mertem nezni egy kepet, ami a vallasanak nem tetszett.
Szoval a 0-tal kibaszott messze vagyunk, kishaver.
Meg nekik all feljebb!
it's fine. The moment they start shit, the japanese will take the swords to them. Fucking nips are crazy-tier xenophobes
Isnt it to harsh?
Japanese people go to KFC on Christmas.
The radiation fucked their brains.
arrahu akbal enjoy your exploding sarariiman
I should move to Poland.
>calling someone a chink
>that flag
He's in extreme denial, everyone knows exotic dick is best, no need to feel ashamed about it, rather, we should embrace it.
300 suicides is nothing for the yakuza , our animes will be safe guise.
Arent you?
Welcome to the end
>Toronto is up in this bitch thread, everyone watch out
>mfw japan gets fucked over again
I love seeing gooks suffer, no love for you lot.
Anybody can Japanese goy, Japanese is just a social construct goy.
Second Axis Alliance when?
How can I immigrate to Poland?
Not at all. The right thing to do would be accept as many as they can and, once arrived, immediately execute everyone.
Wait till they discover Japanese porn, they will be BTFO.
>Isnt it to harsh?
Of course not. I don't want those subhumans in my country. Yesterday police raided anti-racist organisation funded by soros and that felt good.
And yet they still have more common sense after two nukes than majority of Swedes.
And spread those cucked genes? No, thanks.
I know it's a joke but on White Day is when boys give girls chocolate as thank yous.
Enjoy your "cultural enrichment"
chill out, weeb bro I'm on holiday in Rapistan.
Migrating isn't a problem - but language, from the other side... Why don't you think of Estonia?
Anybody can fucking eat rice, take off their shoes before entering the house, and whine like a little girl while taking dick up their butt.
They'll be sent back almost immediately like the 25/30 rapefugees they accepted in 2015.
White day is the day where men do it in nippon.
But can you ワビサビ?
Go seppuku yourselves now
There are loads of turksmells and all kinds of shitskins in Poland though.
Romania accepted a few thousands of them, but at least those ones from here aren't as antisocial as those ones from Germany.
Oh, sorry then László. Is situation really that bad as described on Sup Forums?
We accepted 3000 the past year but none came yet
>all these people who think the Yakuza is some shit out of their video games and movies
Hint: The Yakuza stopped their violent crimes decades ago. They only commit white collar crimes now
>300 refugees
More like 300 casualties
We have some kebabs working here, true. We have some niggers studying here, true. But hey, I live in Warsaw, I am studying at Warsaw University of Technology and I see no more than 10 shitskins/week. That is not that bad I think.
I have aesthetics up the ass.