What killed the nuclear family?

What killed the nuclear family?

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The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons


White guilt, liberalism, feminism.

The acceptance of transgender being normal, gender fluidity, molly-coddling people instead of actually letting them live life.

But most importantly, Judaism.

that was fast

Satan and his followers




No fault divorce and the "sexual liberation" movement.

Nuclear family is a weak anglo-puritan post-industrial structure that killed itself.

Patriarchal/tribal family (clan) is the way to go.

Women and welfare.


too much wealth and prosperity, all other answers are slightly correct but ultimately missing the point.

people no longer being forced/pressured by parents and society to have a family. people realizing they may not be very good parents, or don't have the resources to afford raising a child.

but yeah its probably degeneracy or liberals fault.

>What killed the nuclear family?
A nuclear man.

Ba dum tsss


Goyim know again

The internet

This, look at the progenitors of 2nd wave feminism- Betty Frieden, Bella Abzug, Gloria Steinem, most were Jews. Then look at the earliest members of the Communists in the US, most were Jews.


(((Hollywood))) and divorce and impossible expectations placed on men.


Jewish subversion in academia, and entertainment. Boomers sending their gen x/y children off to be raised by the state and strangers put the final nail in the coffin

Keep fighting to have one wife and two kids, good goy.

This is the issue they were discussing.


damnit carlos i was going to post that!


Luxury, abundance of resources, safety.
Everything that humanity strives for, destorys us in the end.

It still exists though.

>Insidious Yids

Jewish media has been leading the way on the attack on the nuclear family and the warping of sexuality. Marriage ceases to be about family, sexual biology becomes irrelevant and mental illness becomes accepted as normality.

dismantling christianity and replacing it with a culture where its cool to be a stronk single mom dependent on the government

One of the hardest red pills. Well said.


>tfw u will never be a shitskin and be exploited by nat geo

Luxury does not encourage feminism, if anything it would cause a decline. Wealth doesn't cause transgenderism. Technology doesn't reduce drive to have families. Quit samefagging kike.

The destruction of the image of a mother.

I made a whole thread about it here

boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/thread/110915695#top

>Technology doesn't reduce drive to have families.

Social welfare programs combined with no-fault divorce. By removing the need for a man for financial security, and giving a way for marriages to break up even if the man does literally everything correctly, women have direct financial incentives to sabotage their own marriages.

Did you just call me a kike, you jew?


(((Social engineering)))

Wrooong. Luxury and privilege create feminism because its only after society has been built that they can be assed to participate in the market.

The more harsh a society is, the more patriarchal it is, because men get shit done. Theres no feminism in Africa or the middle east.

>Wanting to have sex and start a family
>Not turning gay and the live the life a single man with repercussions

I'm glad I don't even talk to my parents anymore. They always force me in wanting to start a family when I decided to "free" myself and decide who I wanted to be. Yes I decided to be a transperson because that's what is best for me and the world.

Women don't realize that men will fuck them.

But they wont love them.

When they get old and fat like pic related they may realize they ruined their lives being promiscuous.


Obsession with deer

There is little reason to have one these days.

pic related, I didn't make it




excessive welfare, authoritarian feminism, criminal system that gave excessive sentences, jobs moving to foreign countries, cultural propaganda and lifestyles which are anti-family.

When women were given the right to vote, and constant Jewry.

Feminism and the push to get women into the workforce. Also the highly individualistic values of today makes everyone look after 1# only and therefore the sacrifices and commitments needed to raise a family do not seem worth it to many.

This. It leads to freedom to indulge urges.

sexual liberation

>What killed the nuclear family?

Radiation poisoning

White women lust for BBC

its the deer kraut

(((they))) did

the growing misconception that families don't need fathers

German deerposting.

Rockefeller (planned parenthood, feminism etc.), oligarchs, industrialists, eugenicists, malthusianists etc...

Soft Genocide Measures Promoted by American Eugenics & Planned Parenthood to reduce US population in 1969.

anti-fertility chemicals in the water, air, food

Modify tax policies
Postpone or avoid marriage (via master degree job requirements, economic crisis)

Encourage increased homosexuality
Educate for family limitation
Fertility control agents in water supply
Encourage women to work
Reduce/eliminate paid maternity leave
Reduce/eliminate social benefits

Chronic Depression (via crime rates, economic crisis, social isolation)
Require women to work and provide few child care facilities
Limit/eliminate publicly-financed medical care, scholarships, housing, loans and subsidies to families with more than N children.
Encourage increased homosexuality
Compulsory education of children



That and the growing misconception that a woman can have a career and then start a family without issue.

It doesn't,if anything it should lessen the burden of child rearing and make the ability to have and build larger families easier.
Yeah, Auchwitz wasn't a death camp.
Increase in wealth would make it easier for a wife to stay home and focus on the family. Technology would help provide her with more time.
The social engineering of the kikes is what has created this current crisis.

the welfare initiative and resulting state created by former president Kennedy.

This image is way too Jewish


Schlomo is right.
Just look at all the richest countries, they're all in the west and all have a problem with a lost generation who just clings to the internet / isolation.

The none issues promoted by the media clearly are meant to divide us, make it seem like there is an epidemic of racism, sexism, etc.
lgbt, blm, antifa, etc they're all just here to weaken the west, have us focuss on a small % of the populace and give in their demands as nothing is done about immigration, crime, poverty, integration or education.
They all just spew hate, they all just focuss on our differences rather than what makes us the same.

So many millenials who do not feel like having a family since they need to work for less pay and just can't get anything together w/o having a partner who also works leaving no time / oppertunity to start a family and save money for the future.

meanwhile Arabs and Niggers who come in breed like vermin.


Came here to post this

Jews made women think they're being oppressed

Jews, women, sexual "liberation", media and many more factors but it was mostly women.


No fault clauses for marriage in combo with the sexual revolution. Freeing women to do whatever they want. Thanks Ronald Reagan.



Jews bending the mind of woman through media.

nu/pol/ wayward fools


Here's a documentary on Cultural Marxism, a label given to what is basically the efforts of Jews to destroy humanity. You look at the names and backgrounds of many iconoclastic/liberal/etc. movements, and there lies behind it the Jew.

Pic related

>1 post by this ID

Ignore deerposters you retards.


How come deerposters are always German?

After WW2, Marx realized he'd failed.
So he looked at the two biggest reasons why he failed and found 1. The Nuclear Family Unit and 2. Christianity.
So he set about to remove Western culture through subversive ideas.
The Frankfurt School was formed and you're seeing the effects of it now in full force.


Nice conspiracy theory.


