Fuck the Jews in sick and tired of thoughs Fucking kikes. 14/88
Fuck Jews
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They must be really smart tho to gain so much power.
Or you must be very retarded to let them rule over you in the first place.
First nation to successfully infect was yours after all
Born 1891 in Vienna to Jewish parents, Bernays was by two branches of his family tree the nephew of psychoanalysis pioneer Sigmund Freud.
sauce pls
Soros was born in Budapest in the Kingdom of Hungary to a well-to-do non-observant Jewish family, who, like many upper-middle class Hungarian Jews at the time, were uncomfortable with their roots.
Yep, using a made-up ethnic genocide as a shield against all criticism to hide ethnic nepotism and accrue wealth and power, has its benefits.
As a Jew, Chomsky faced anti-semitism as a child, particularly from the Irish and German communities living in Philadelphia.
You're pretty ignorant of history if you think this didn't get started until after the U.S. was created.
A documentary called "Defamation" by Yoav Shamir.
Whites are naive as fuck. If somebody do not look like strong person to them then he is not dangerous. So slimy jews just bypassed your radar.
i came here to find anti jew posts on pol, and i finally found them
>im here for the comments
I would say whites are too trusting and therefore made the mistake that they were somehow like us, but the reality is that they lack the same degree of empathy and are often narcissistic psychopaths.
Ever notice how the only ones who think the Holocaust was made up are the same edgy fedoras who cream themselves at the thought of it occurring again? Really fires them neurons.
The truth is that the Jews have used persecution myths which blame others in order to rationalize their disgusting behavior for centuries.
I don't see how it's shocking or edgy to you that some think they deserve the fate they've lied about all these years while stabbing everyone in the back.
>256 references to 6,000,000 Jews prior to the Nuremberg Trial announcement
>Archive.org page:
>Direct link to PDF:
Probably because the only people stupid enough to think the entirety of the Holocaust was faked are the same ones who would fuck their cousins to keep their "pure" bloodline intact?...
Why do they have to be so annoying?
Why can't they just be polite and milquetoast like Bill Gates? Then they could rake in their millions and no one would mind.
Now that they have Israel, can they please stop trying to change the rest of the world to make it comfy for their post-pogrom selves, and uncomfy for the white people who built the civilization Jews are presently benefiting from, and just hive off to Israel and do whatever the fuck they want there and leave white people alone?
Why always Jew must be nudge?
Why must always Jew kvetch?
Why must Jew bad-breath chutzpah in my face when I'm just trying to relax?
Why always the Juwes are the men that will not be blamed for nothing?
Jews admit to lying about the Holocaust...at least the part about the five million goys dying. Seems the idea that others had suffered as well, was infringing on their exclusive copyright on human suffering.
If our numbers come from proven liars, what part of the story can be trusted?
>WASHINGTON (JTA) — “Five million non-Jews died in the Holocaust.”
>It’s a statement that shows up regularly in declarations about the Nazi era. It was implied in a Facebook post by the Israel Defense Forces’ spokesperson’s unit last week marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day. And it was asserted in an article shared by the Trump White House in defense of its controversial Holocaust statement the same day omitting references to the 6 million Jewish victims.
>It is, however, a number without any scholarly basis.
>Indeed, say those close to the late Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal, its progenitor, it is a number that was intended to increase sympathy for Jewish suffering but which now is more often used to obscure it.
>‘Remember the 11 million’? Why an inflated victims tally irks Holocaust historians
its just silly at this point, they couldnt make it more obvious
Now, now, now. If it isn't yet another racist bigot pissed off because his whole life is a huge cesspool of misery. "Fuck the jews!", he says laughing, attempting to ignore the fact that he is a huge failure in life and no one would even acknowledge his absence. You bigots are disgusting and your entire existence is unnecessary.
People of Color, LGBTQ+ people, Plus Size people, people of different religions & people without religions ALL despise white "people", yet white "people" insist to point their disgusting subhuman fingers at everyone else yelling how it's everyone's fault but their own.
I am proud and happy to be one to witness the downfall of the white (sub)race. You racist, homophobic, xenophobic and genderphobic backwards way of thinking will NOT be missed.
lol I knew poltards would jump on that without even reading it. The article says they actively tried to have the guy not publish the value and they knew it was wrong and unfortunately a US president picked it up and it stuck. It's no different to the crap spread about Napoleon being short or the Great Wall being visible from space. Nobody is defending that 5 million value.
>not fucking ur sister
Your loss
Daily reminder that Trump is pro jewish, pro israeli, in bed with Saudis who regularly suck tiny jewish cock, is controlled by his small cock son in low JARcuckED, he shills for war against least aggresive state in ME( huh you guessed it its Iran oy wey), sold his daughter to the jews.
When new Reich comes, everyone including the stinky jewish asshole licker Donald oy wey i sold my daughter Trump will hang on the rope.
Thats fucking rich coming from a monkey.
>they actively tried to have the guy not publish the value
He expected them all to admit being culpable for their lies. Sure, blame it on the dead guy.
It wasn't true, but it wasn't a lie.
Which war is Yael going to help the "Israelites" win this time? Yes, probably Iran.
>“I just feel like it’s such an intimate thing for us,” said Trump, who is reported to have taken the moniker “Yael,” a popular Jewish women’s name. Yael was an Old Testament woman who, according to the story from Judges 5:24-27, killed enemy general Sisera by driving a tent peg though his head, enabling the Israelites to gain victory in a war.
>Ivanka Trump happy to be Jewish
Saddest part of the picture
War is the Jew's harvest.
That's not true, kikes controlled the UK and France way before USA.
Just as planned
This is why they need us to fight their wars.
"White genocide is a lie perpetrated by white supremacists. It's not our fault white people aren't having children."
t.Greatest Ally™
>9/11 Missing Links [FULL Length]
Dindu nuffin'...send gibs pls.
Not the Jews. Not the Jews. Not the Jews.
You know who the enemy is right goys? It's Iran.
>An Iraqi Mukhabarat (General Military Intelligence Directorate) Top Secret report, “The Emergence of Wahhabism and its Historical Roots,” dated September 2002 and released on March 13, 2008, by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency in translated English form, points to the Dönmeh roots of the founder of the Saudi Wahhabi sect of Islam, Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab. Much of the information is gleaned from the memoirs of a “Mr. Humfer,” (as spelled in the DIA report, “Mr. Hempher” as spelled the historical record) a British spy who used the name “Mohammad,” claimed to be an Azeri who spoke Turkish, Persian, and Arabic and who made contact with Wahhab in the mid-18th century with a view of creating a sect of Islam that would eventually bring about an Arab revolt against the Ottomans and pave the way for the introduction of a Jewish state in Palestine. Humfer’s memoirs are recounted by the Ottoman writer and admiral Ayyub Sabri Pasha in his 1888 work, “The Beginning and Spreading of Wahhabism.”
>In his book, The Dönmeh Jews, D. Mustafa Turan writes that Wahhab’s grandfather, Tjen Sulayman, was actually Tjen Shulman, a member of the Jewish community of Basra, Iraq. The Iraqi intelligence report also states that in his book, The Dönmeh Jews and the Origin of the Saudi Wahhabis, Rifat Salim Kabar reveals that Shulman eventually settled in the Hejaz, in the village of al-Ayniyah what is now Saudi Arabia, where his grandson founded the Wahhabi sect of Islam. The Iraqi intelligence report states that Shulman had been banished from Damascus, Cairo, and Mecca for his “quackery.” In the village, Shulman sired Abdul Wahhab. Abdel Wahhab’s son, Muhammad, founded modern Wahhabism.
>The Emergence of Wahhabism and its Historical Roots
>Can't handle the redpill
Easy there, lad
>UN Reveals Israel’s Support for ISIS
>Israel buys most oil smuggled from ISIS territory
>How Israel and ISIS are joined at the hip By F. William Engdahl
>Saving their sworn enemy: Heartstopping footage shows Israeli commandos rescuing wounded men from Syrian warzone - but WHY are they risking their lives for Islamic militants?
>ISIS: a Frankenstein monster created by the US and Israel
>Israeli commando filmed rescuing Al Qaeda terrorists in Syria
>Why Aren't ISIS and Al-Queda Attacking Israel?
>ISIS Proven to Be a Creation of the USA and Her Colonial Master, Israel
>The Fraud Of ISIS Exposed: Iraqi Forces Seize ISRAELI Supplied Weapons From Captured "ISIS" Positions
>The US/Israeli Created Fraud Called ISIS IS At It Again: ISIS/ISIL Documents "Found" In Pakistan State How ISIL (ISIS) Will End The World
>Analysis: ISIS poses no immediate threat to Israel
>Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11
"We're with you."
The ebil white man is trying to keep the poor blacks on the plantation.
>Who Brought the Slaves to America
>Dr. Tony Martin & David Irving - The Jewish Role In The African Slave Trade
>Jewish leaders demand Farrakhan denounce "Secret Relationship" book
>Malcolm X on Jews
>Who Brought the Slaves to America? - Walter White
>The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volume One
>The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volume Two
Oy vey. How did this happen?!?! ITS ANUDDER SHOAH!
>Incidents of antisemitism rose by 11% in the first six months of this year compared with the same period in 2015, according to the Community Security Trust.
>The overall figure of 557 cases of malicious acts was the second highest ever recorded during a January-June period, the CST said.
>Antisemitic incidents in UK rise 11% in first six months of 2016
>More than 100 rabbis have delivered a letter to David Cameron urging him to accelerate and expand proposals for the UK to take in refugees fleeing the civil war in Syria, reminding the prime minister of those who welcomed Jews fleeing the Nazis last century.
>Rabbis urge David Cameron to speed up refugee scheme
>Incidents of antisemitism
>Christians declare usury a sin thousands of years ago
>pass off all the usury to jews who didn't give a fuck about sinning
>still doing it to this day
It's all old money, mountains of old money.
>The French Jewish community is in an uproar over allegations that Reform Rabbi Gabriel Farhi, who was stabbed on January 3, may in fact have faked the stabbing.
>The allegations surfaced in a report this week by the weekly magazine Marianne, which was then picked up by Le Figaro. The journal reported that police officers investigating the stabbing said it is not clear whether Farhi was actually stabbed by an unknown assailant, and they are not ruling out the possibility that Farhi in fact stabbed himself.
>The report stunned French Jewry, which for the past two years has been vociferously protesting law enforcement agencies' failure to take effective action against the hundreds of anti-Semitic attacks the community has suffered.
>Rabbis urge David Cameron to speed up refugee scheme
Stop the hate, goys!
>NEW YORK (JTA) — A Long Island yeshiva student was charged with repeatedly scrawling anti-Semitic graffiti inside a commuter train station.
>Jonathan Schuster, 18, a senior at Priority-1: Torah Academy of Lawrence-Cedarhurst in Cedarhurst, N.Y.,was charged with the crimes on Thursday.
>He admitted to using black marker to write anti-Semitic statements, often including expletives, on eight occasions since December 2012, police told Newsday.
>N.Y. yeshiva student admits to writing anti-Semitic graffiti
Haven't we suffered enough?!?!
>A 19-year-old member of Baltimore Hebrew Congregation was being held yesterday after being charged in connection with the spray-painting of a swastika and the word "Nazis" at the synagogue in Pikesville.
>Matthew Ian Saunders, whose family worships at the temple, and two other young Jewish men - Daniel Alexander Diaz, 19, and a 17-year-old who was not identified by police - were charged with two counts of destruction of property and damaging the property of a religious entity.
>The charges involve spraying offensive graffiti early Sunday on a sign at Baltimore Hebrew Congregation on Park Heights Avenue and at another Pikesville institution, Beth Tfiloh Congregation High School on Old Court Road.
>3 charged in Pikesville vandalism
Jews use shame to get whites to work for free. Whites like to feel sorry all the time from their Puritan roots. Might as well profit off it.
Will the carnage never end?
>A French court has handed down a four-month suspended prison sentence to a woman who invented a story about being the victim of an anti-Semitic assault.
>Marie-Leonie Leblanc, 23, was also put on two years' probation and ordered to get psychiatric treatment.
>Her story of swastikas being daubed on her body during a brutal attack on a Paris train caused outrage in France.
>She claimed that Arab and black youths had also slashed her clothes and cut a lock of her hair.
>Hoax race attack woman sentenced
Now now goyim, just remember to include #NotAllJews in your posts please
>Whites like to feel sorry all the time
If this the natural state of whites, why invent the Holocaust, why lie about they're suffering and persecution, why the hard push for "white guilt" and notions of "white privilege"? It's conditioning, which is possible due to our trusting nature which evolved from living in a relatively honest society. In the absence of parasites this trait would be a virtue and not a weakness.
Further, most people have difficulty fathoming their level of hatred for whites, because they're too good natured to understand their lack of empathy for their fellow man. It's easy for the Jews, because to them, everyone else is cattle.
Dear retarded mexico
They owned Britain and France long before USA
Or course, it's not all Jews. It's the Zionists.
No, no, it's not all Zionists. It's the Rothschild Zionists.
Wait, that's not it. It's Israelis are based, the problem is the US liberal Jews. Not all Jews are lefties, you know.
It's a fatal flaw of whites that's useful for a peaceful society. Asians don't exhibit the same level to outsiders and are immune to such tricks.
Jews are psychopathic which allows them to manipulate with Machiavellian tendencies (false flag, the big lie, secret society, skull and bones, CIA, Luciferian/darkness).
If we could go back in time and take out Oliver Cromwell, the world would be a much better place.
>Asians don't exhibit the same level to outsiders and are immune to such tricks.
Maybe more resistant, probably due to the fact that Jews have a harder time blending in, but definitely not immune.