why do white women love sandnigger cock?
Why do white women love sandnigger cock?
Why do shills commit the most vicious online hate crimes with impunity ?
women love strength, we shall conquer inshallah
Because it's """cultured"""
To be honest both men and women just like to fuck around and fuck different things because that's exciting and exotic. It's basically ancient human mating adaptation meets the 21st century; our mating behaviors have not changed much despite our change in technology and science.
I don't think so.
women are attracted to what they've always been attracted to. White men just aren't like that anymore.
Lol is this a yearly trend?
Last year it was cucks trying to push BBC
This year its cucks trying to push Arabs
>why do white women________
if i see ONE more post about this shit i will ACTUALLY go and get B L A C K E D, get fat and whoring out myself
Not really, op is just cherry picking skanks. Which I wouldn't even consider human.
Any way they can virtue signal, they will.
enjoy the ban
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Tattoos really do ruin women.
Don't ruin my fantasy. I can only get off to blacked tier porn now
This. So many times this.
If you ficks would get off the internet, hit the gym,and start being a assholes, you could be fucking plenty of white women. Somebody convinced white men that women wanted a romantic comedy, but that's bullshit. They just want the D
For the talk of mudsharking and kebabgobbling, to ignore the engineered weakness of the modern white man as the source of all the intermarriage and cock carouseling is to miss the forest for the trees.
Until education is taken over, no success will be found.
Because western men have all become weak and feminate. Sandniggers keep their women in check, which a loose white women needs daily.
Post proof or fuck off Pewdiepie
Ultimately women love money and economic safety and white men are more likely to provide that. Only massive whores and virtue signaling communists steep to the level of having sex with chads and tyrones at a bar.
>cherry picked example
Why do all black girls crave Asian cock nowadays bros?
women want sex when they are 16-30, white men will have to settle for old single mums with mutt babies if they want to breed
>Good times create weak men
>Good times ALLOW weak men
What ever you say Ayesha
In the first world, economic and physical safety is taken care of by the corrupt government. All that is left is spirituality and dick
>Betas projecting their own inferiority onto everyone with the same skin colour
White nationalism is literally just a mass cuckolding fantasy cult lol
Funniest part Sup Forums won't procreate.
We need to stop them before they combine the breeding speed of both species.
not even a good cherry picked example how many sand niggers u know named james?
yes proof will be uploaded on blacked.com
Asian ---> latino
>ywn be a wide-hipped femboy and ride the BBC all day
Idgaf about that, just dont post that youre a girl for attention without posting a timestamp to prove it
Because allah blesses Islamic dicks
Latinas love the asian guys
Latinas are pretty slutty anyway though, only top tier whites and top tier japanese girls are even hard to get
Not really, skanks are always more obnoxious than other girls so they're the ones filling facebook with their selfies and posts with their mutt kids. If you talk with girls in real life the most of them have a facebook page with no profile picture, or maybe some random picture about branches or cats or something. Most girls in their 20s had minimal or no relationships and if they'll only talk with you if you have a car, a house and a stable job.
Women want a provider above all this is true.
But if you can provide and not seduce then she is going to be fucking other guys on the side.
Why do sandnigger women love white cock?
t. middle eastern ex gf who only gets with white guys and is disgusted by her own culture almost as much as niggers. Her sandnigger friends virtually unanimously felt the same way.
White men BTFO
You're talking about gold diggers not the average women. The average women wants economic safety to raise kids, the gold digger wants money and fuck chads. I know a lot of you guys base your world view around facebook posts but that's not the reality.
they're fucking gross that's why. women actually enjoy putting penises in their mouths.
Bruh. Ill buy into the BBC meme, but errabs? No. White women are not down for that.
>gun proficiency gave away his age
Top kek
Simple.. sandniggers have lots of oil money. White women are broke and poor due to the Kyke banks and sandniggers.
>making a girlfriend/marriage out of your party buddy
yeah no it's not going to last. two children in a relationship because they have to be, their only common ground getting fucked up.
>suspicious of his facial hair and gun proficiency
tell me this is a joke
What about next year?
*revs engine racistly*
How did you let things get this way? Sometimes I'm glad I live in Eastern Europe
No, but seriously though. Stop this fucking meme. Nobody does it for attention, not in 2017. Sometimes I'm pointing out that I'm a girl just because it makes a difference to my content. There is a difference between boys and girls and the way the society view us.
not all of us. I won't do oral sex
holy shit how the fuck were you ever a fucking superpower? Christ all mighty the UK needs to be glassed.
sandniggers are better looking than niggers because they're caucasian (not white though). still lower than a white guy
pretty much this. if we want attention, we go on tinder. not this shithole full of disgusting neckbeards
>we go on tinder
1 Corinthians 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
that tattoo...so he got a skank.
Probably because as far as "masculine" goes, they have a better color scheme, and male clothing trends just seem better made for them than white men.
No wonder the government is forced to open up the borders to let in strong and masculine men.
White men are all feminine and high on estrogen.
>its real
im done. seriously. my life is awful and i dont want to be on this planet anymore. going to go stretch my neck out on that tall tree in my backyard ill see you guys on the other side
This is dumb because throwing a Quran in running water is traditionally one of the proper ways to dispose of it.
>This cringey cuckold projecting
It's actually the other way around.
ALL men love white women. Now, depending on the culture of the area a white woman grows up in, she will have an interest in certain types of men.
You can't blame men of all races chasing after white women. Whites are clearly the most attractive race over all.
They say sandnigger cock is the bomb.
Fuck, well, Europe is even more pozzed than I could imagine
>why do white women love sandnigger cock?
they objectively don't.
White women are trash
Why not get saved instead?
Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
>this shithole full of disgusting neckbeards
>still lurks here
it looks like you might be one of us
Can confirm with anecdotal evidence. Mixed white/asian slut I know had sex with about everything that exists, including moroccan and curry nigger, never a nigger though.
>tfw the tumblr janis are intentionally letting cuck threads go on
your mom too i bet she so proud of your saucy mouth
>your mom
Thanks for proving my point. Shes fucking trash too
They really don't though. Those very few women I know about who fuck Arabs or Africans are those deemed to be trash by white men, those who are so repulsive both inside and out that even a desperate basement-dwelling virgin would not want to initiate a relationship with them. Typically, they are:
>have shitty jobs, if any at all
>has a long history of being unreasonable and irrational
>loads of consumer debt
>history of moronic life choices
Absolutely nothing of value is lot.
Women never evolved. They lag in development behind white males. Their brains are simply to primitive to be attracted to white males.
Women prefer high testosterone, which is common among shitskins. High testostrone also means lover intelligence, high aggression and lack of civilized behaviour.
In other words women are as intelligent as monkeys, and they are attracted to other monkeys.
Because white men are unable to satisfy their needs. Pity.
I'm an atheist and a virgin still. fuck off
I'm a female neckbeard (chubby, bad teeth, in stem (hopefully physics))
Why do European women hate their own people and culture so much?
Another weak cuckold projecting his weakness upon others with same skin color. You're weak Im not and im paler than you
why would anyone want to produce offspring which will never be accepted? he will always be a lower class in eyes of white population of europe. nobody will say it out loud but he will be looked down to. her kid could be white and have better life. Still, 99% white women prefer white men and whites are least likely to race mix, so oyu can take your cuck fantasies. also that arab guy looks like beta shitskin who settle down for a ugly tattooed skank, hope his fammily murders her or acid face her for being degenerate.