Tfw i was raped by john podesta in my dreams last night

>tfw i was raped by john podesta in my dreams last night.

he also injected me with some kind of drug, it felt like meth.

what a terrible dream

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Say hi to John for me next night user.


Wasn't a dream cutie

You might want to stop participating in pizzagate until your PTS dissipates a bit.

Stop you guys are freaking me out

>psychic vampires
I got bad news...

>psychic vampires
I got bad news for you...

best joe rogan show ever.

but yeah now that i think about it i think i was the victim of some weird shit bruh

reminds of that story how a woman was fed xanax while she slept and raped for a about a year, and she thought she just went through a period of bad dreams about getting raped

I had a dream where I was hiking across a mountain valley to escape a gigantic floating cathedral-spaceship thing that was destroying the town below.

It was at night and was snowing, and as the ship passed overhead I could see a giant flywheel spinning vertically inside it, emitting an eerie green light.

Dreams are so strange.

i never have fantastical dreams like this, its always normal but shitty/scary situations.

what are the chances that this was not a dream?

in my dream i walked around in a place i've never seen before, but it felt to familiar in a weird way.
Everything was different from anything we have here on earth, and i could see Saturn in the sky, it was very big, i could see the rings and everything.
There was this constant feeling of disturbance inside me and i had to focus on it so it wouldn't devour me.

According to my maths, 102% with a 2% margin of error.

Get some brain force!
Don't take it too seriously, Jones might just be the king of Shills.
Just keep in mind that he also made some really good predictions in the past and everybody thought him as a fool...

i really only listen for entertainment. hes right on somethings, and very wrong on others

whew, okay looks like i'm good then. Thank!

have an upvote and gold my friend :)

No more dreams. Only tears now.

>it felt like meth.
you know what meth feels like?

dont be dumb, it was a dream


this would have probably meant nothing until you said he injected you with some kind of drug
rip user's asshole

yeah, i was strapped down to a table and at one point was getting forcibly rimmed after being injected, among other things.

Most of the time I am the same, although I don't remember 90% of them.


depends on op's age
if he is 10 or under then 100 million % raped by podesta the molesta

my thoughts exactly


I was almost raped by Josh Homme 2 nights ago in a dream.
I almost consented because it's Josh Homme though...

sue him for dreamraping you

#stopdreamrape #getoutofmyhead #dreamrape

Not grill either.

Not sure if would go gay for Josh Homme.

>blocks path

>tfw you'll never be the little girl

>mfw never have dreams about getting raped by josh homme in dreams even though i would consent as well

man i love kyuss.

Is that why you came in your sheets twice?

Isn't that a Hayao Miyazaki movie?

>He has never been a little girl in his dreams.
Your dreamlife sounds shit.

Kyuss and Qotsa are my fetish now.

it wasnt a dream they were really doing it to you in the astral realms.

just go with the flow famalam

>tfw comet ping pong is a place where the elite gather to perform the ritual neccecary to collectivley ascend to the pedo plane


I got some bad news for you user

I just realized that looks like the lance of longinus