Russia BTFO : Ukraine Army retaking rebel territories

Ukraine has been making stellar progress lately in reclaiming the Russian backed rebel territories, destroying Russian rebels at every turn. Today they eliminated another commander,

And are continuing to regain territory.

Looks like Vlad's little project is over.

Other urls found in this thread:Вячеслав_Володин.jpeg

you go ukraine.

fuck russia
they should leave europe

>haha, we killed your officer by placing a bomb in his car, you fucking terrorists
>by the way, look at this tank we brought to the fontlines and placed near some civilian commieblocks
>we're retaking territory but Europe and the USA should introduce some more sanctions on Russia for breaching the MInsk accords

>Ukraine is still there


I'm supposed to be the relevant non-country

nice thread you created

>Hohols start getting btfo
>Russian army invasion!!!NATO pls halp!!!

>Hohols make minuscle progress
>Haha rebels btfo, U MAD pootin?

Fake news

Two days ago they were reporting 100.000 strong assault of Russian troops as 200 hohols were killed in bloody clashes

>We fostered a war in another country using "sympathizers" that want to be "independent", with our full "diplomatic" support
>Wah wah wah, the ukraninans are bad, they are battling us as if we were soldiers from a neighbour country wah wah wah

Ukraine is a meme country that needs to be dismantled.

I am enjoying the situation. Ukraine makes it impossible for Russia not to turn nationalistic.

Ivan what your country needs now is babies not shills on Sup Forums, go do your job!

Ivan's mad that Ukrainians are far whiter and Germanic than Russians, who are half gook.

Fuck u*r*ine.

>Ukraine has been making stellar progress lately in reclaiming the Russian backed rebel territories, destroying Russian rebels at every turn.
>*russian counterattack*
>NATO HALP!!!1!!!! Russkies r invadin us :(((((

>Russia TFR 1.78
>Norway TFR 7.73

I always knew ukrainians were true slavs, while p*lacks and r*usians were just subhuman mongoloids
even their greatest leader was georgian

>But Ukraine says it is preparing a possible evacuation of the town
>taking territory

hohol plz

>tfw we tricked a bunch of Russians into attacking another bunch of Russians to and kill each other in the name of Ukraine

West Ukrainians = Gods

Why aren't we protecting those freedom fighters?

Russia will turn to whatever Putin wants it to turn to
>$84 oil
Good ol' times

I don't get it. Don't Ukrainian's get it? They're being played by their corrupt sellout politicians in a game against Russia.

Fix your shit. Give the Russian speaking territories independence.

Thank you for your input.

Sure ukranians and modern '''germanics''' are very similar. Noble turcic blood.

>Give the Russian speaking territories independence.

b-but muh rightful clay. full twenty years nao


nice argument you got there

>Everyone who disagrees with the (((narrative)) about hohlia is a russian
Mikola, scrubbing toilets in his promised land, pls

There was no argument to begin with.

>tfw drunk-hohols with HIV beat the eternal Ivan.
Russia truly BTFO, but Ukraine still sucks dick.

Fuck you and go to hell dumb kraut

Why you slavshits even fight there? Is it really just about Putin being butthurt about Ukraine trying to escape that Russian paradise?

How do you take census in a Polish village?: Roll a quarter down the street, count the legs, divide by two, and subtract one for the Jew who catches it.

I hope they set up concentration camps for you dumb west hohol niggers when they reannex you

Why you slavshits even fought in Volhynia? Was it really just about Pilsudski being butthurt about Ukraine trying to escape that Polish paradise?

I really don't understand what took them so long.
as long as Ivan isn't physically there they should have been able to retake it months ago

You didn't dispute what I said, I see

Ukraine: 40+ mil of white illiterate niggers. Absolute poverty. They live even poorer then some african countries. 200$ is ok salary. I sincerly grateful to our intelligent leaders for creating the proxy zone in Donbass between us and the hoards of these white gibmedats. Now all of these hohols are Poland problem . Hahahaha.

you know that's what they say when it comes to Kashmir, instead of Language they use Religion.
I'm with Ukraine on this one

Haha, good one, Ruski.

But that was like 100 years ago, this is the Current Century(tm), I thought we're done with this already.

Yes, the age of nation states is over. We should erase the borders and embrace our human brothers from Africa and the Middle East. I totally understand what you're saying.



>It's the CurrentYear™ , duh
Mariusz ,pls

It's very polack and even more so khokhol way of thinking - should be either Russian or European 'paradise'
multi-vector policies, sovereign real politics.. nah, haven't heard about



Proxi hohols are kinda chimps. Whatever flags they use, their asses are always pained in blew and yellow.

It's fake, the names on the red tiles are all very blurry

Also fake, I can even see the old colors, you are so incompetent lol

>tfw you like Ukraine but know they're fucking retarded for trying to join NATO.

> Breaks peace treaty
> Makes rapid gains
> Feel super confident

The sugar-producer and his corrupt cronies are gonna have a harsh awakening once the demi-Ukranians realize their pigfarm has been captured with dishonorable means

You're so desperate.
>i-it's fake durrrrrrrrrrrr
when are you going to get checked out for HIV?

er, what's your plan when you get too close to the border again? Last time the rocket artillery hammered your best units.

It's a pity you don't have air units in play, the so-called war would've been over in a week.

>Russian paradise?

What hohols produce? Nothing. They will be even poorer in Europe then they are now. Actually their national currency dropped like 3 times sine 2014. Has it helped them? No. I'm not even speaking about their debts. They are doomed. Putin's plan is very simple actually. We are just waiting for subhumans to completely ruin their country so we could take valuable eastern regions smoothly and super cheap. As in every conflict with idiots time is on our side.

It's not fake

Official source is UNAIDS

here is updated map for 2015

Lets be the honest, eastern Ukraine has been ethnically Russian for a very, very long time. Russia has been the mobilizing influence on the area for a thousand years. Honestly I think Russia probably has a stronger claim to Crimea than the Western government.

So much respect for the ukes, almost nos upport, toe to toe with a world super power. Stand steadfast in your stand against the unending tide of subhuman russians, you are making the world proud

And before one of you russians call me a fascist, yes, i am a fascist. May the Ukrainians inhabit their ethnic homeland for all eternity.

you are a jew is what you are

so what's your point about HIV here?
There was real heroine epidemic both in Russia and Ukraine in 90s, in those times majority of new cases were hiv through syringe. More urbanized and industrialized regions (more 'Russian' regions) were hit harder by heroine than agricultural east.

This man
lol k

I just realised Ukraine looks like a pig on the map. Russia did them a service retaking Crimea.

We all know the FSB killed Motorola

Fuck the uppity hohols and their Bandera worshiping. Ukraine was a mistake.

Polska why did you let in 1.5million of them? Kick them out and stop them from taking jobs, let the hohols know their place.

How does it look like a pig?
I'm not even against Crimea annexation desu.

>i am a fascist.

Ok, fascist. Now go get your homework done.



nice shitpost shlomo

Ukrainians are whiter and more Germanic than Russians.

Heil Hitler!

Who's jewing who?

But NovoRussia becomes whiter every day because pure Mongolian bloodlines

Idk it has feet, ears and a snout facing westВячеслав_Володин.jpeg
Okay, Bogor

BS. Russians are just a bunch of fags who blame it on the needles.

>Russian backed rebel


>Ukraine has been making stellar progress in reclaiming Russian backed rebel territories. You mad vodka niggers?

2 days later



That is so dumb though...
The regained territory is minuscule. They accomplished nothing.
And we all know what will happen if the army tries the real push again.

Literaly like albozergs back in 99. We know your hardship brother

no one wants to see your propaganda ivan. you can leave now.

Now you're shitposting
Probably somewhat exaggerated in Ukraine


You do realize that he is an actual half-mongol from Tuva and nobody claims he is white, right...


kill yourself

We all know, what happens after mccain backs your peaceful revolution of moderate terrorists.
Cockholes are retarded as much as sandniggers for allowing him to "help". We should go out of Syria and fuck ukroniggers off all territoreis east to dnepr or that have sea shores (other than odessa, where there must be a sovereign hasid republic).

DAILY REMINDER "Putin's brain" literally called for genocide of Ukrainians.

His mother is Russian

Too late, you have ripped up and rekt yourself. Enjoy those crumbling Sevastopol and Lugandonian commieblocks.

yes you fucking nigger, I said "half-mongol" you retarded piece of shit

> Now you're shitposting
Now that`s real shit, anglo. Their leader had personal meetings with obongo.

> somewhat exaggerated
Yes, against Russians. Because research was made by pro-ukrainian soviet institute, made to back up and justify existance of minorities on Russian soil in the first place.

Nice cherrypicked bullshit picture Nigor Vassilev
Those guys are white anyways

>keep reading news
>its all about Ukraine getting attacked and evacuating

Yeah, have fun shilling while your mudhut blows up suspiciously.

>Those guys are white anyways
So are anglos and jews.

We should not care about that trash. There is a good reason sane people don't take any sides. Jewish oligarch funded Neo-Nazi army filled with fetishists, half-tatars and gays like in pics I posted - """European Aryan""" Azov fighters. Force conscripting people. Fighting for multiculturalism and the EU. Fighting against what I can only see as a illegal secession and referendum from illegal pseudostate created by judeobolsheviks .

Versus a mix of communists, antifa, niggers, spics, central asians, mudslimes from northern caucasus and azerbajan, nazbols, and caught up poor miners(pic related). Without world support, without real russian support. With no real chance.

What is this? Answer is: the more these subhumans kill each other the better. Best thing you can do is to not accept any pigs from that shithole of a (((country)))

There are actual White people in Baltics we can worry about instead

They fight versus this from Ukranian side - mix of Russians, Crimean Tatars, Turks and Poles LARPing as Whites

No, it isn't real. It doesn't matter if they met with King Chimp.

You're literally coming up with bullshit right now. The ethinicity map on Ukraine I posted was right.

Should we worry? No. Let them kill each other

>Tatars vs. Mongols
Now that's a proper fight.