So today I had a conversation about mass immigration and doom of Europe- why it is retarded importing the 3rd world into your country and has 0 benefits- and was presented with an interesting argument:
Those countries only pretend to do it under the guise of Humanitarianism and progressiveness, when in reality they are just looking for cheap labor for their aging population. They are actually the ones taking the burden and working in jobs no one else wants. Cleaning, building.. the shitty manual works- not suitable for true Aryans.
It is actually pretty true here in Israel- almost all builders, care givers, cleaners etc. are either Arab or black, Mizrahis tops. Barely any Ashkenazim working in these area.
What's wrong with that, in your opinion?(I'm talking of course about controlled immigration) Why not have some migrants do the dirty work most of the society doesn't want, or isn't capable of doing(too old), and in turn get the benefits of living in the first world?
Some migrants, yes. However when you let in too many you push the wages down. People will do "shitty jobs" if they pay enough, with mass immigration they will never pay enough due to over-saturation of the job market.
you're implying that every one in England is a fucking faggot who works with a computer.
this countries great men were builders, engineers etc etc not social media executives and craft beer brewers.
fuck you and your divisive shifting the argument tactics.
Immigration is killing Europe, just because some paki is a doctor and some pole is a brick layer does not mean you can shut the argument down.
It's all fun and games until Ahkmed rapes the mayor's daughter.
Jobs that no one wants to do are already filled by niggers. Or are you implying that you need 40% non-whites for like 5% of the jobs no one else wants to do?
The white people that would do those jobs are now homeless instead, much better
We'd rather give those jobs to robots so then we don't have to pay them at all.
You pay for it in social capital.
I love this dumb argument. Us white folks are so superior but we cant use our brains at all, so we are competing with 3rd worlders for shit manual labor. How are you superior again?
>Cleaning, building.. the shitty manual works- not suitable for true Aryans.
The unemployment rate for whites in the US is 4.5%. That means around 8 million white people are without jobs.
Where do you draw the line at "working in jobs no one else wants", because if you don't care about individual quality and growth, all sorts of blue collar jobs are replaceable. You take away the starting point and you fuck over the jobs people want to do.
nope, it's still fun and games
No one pays well for those kind of jobs, though- that's the point. That's why they are shitty
>its true in Isreal
that's because you walled them off into a desert with barely any prospects or resources and bus them in to work in your factories so they don't all starve to death.
I would love to have that system here in America, very reminiscent of how the Germans did it, you guys certainly learned alot.
But ultimately you're playing with fire, the libtards will eventually demand they be treated equally and given extra privileges.
imo, if we die then the west dies with us (if we can't have it, then they can't either). i wouldnt want refugees bastardizing our triumphs of civilization and marvels of humanity.
Lol this. Have fun ruling over a smoldering ash pile. Maybe the chinese will let you leave your labor camp once a year
fuck off cunt.
I love being a builder, my dad was a builder and so was his dad etc.
what do you do for a living?
I didn't say we were superior.
what happens in a country with no immigrants? do you live in caves because your above building houses, no of course not..
real men build houses and used to get pussy for it.
now you faggots run art cafes and think your men.
fuck off
Every Prime Minister of Israel since the dawn of its creation has been Ashkenazi. The Jews that fled Europe after WW2 were Ashkenazi, as were the ones that began to settle during the Transfer Agreement in the early 1930s. The Ashkenazi hold supreme power over Israel, so it would not be wrong in saying that Israel is a white country. The other Jew races have the IQ of a mutt compared to the Ashkenazi average of 117-120, the highest on Earth. The ashkenazi are over-represented in government and awards by over 80 times, there is nobody in the world like them. Pol always whines about white genocide, maybe what they aren't seeing is that every single instigator of white genocide just so happens to be Ashkenazi. Maybe they're trying to lower the world IQ average so they remain on top miles and miles ahead of the competition. I mean, just look at them without their weird hair or beards for god's sake.
Take race out of the equation and you have the argument made not-too-loudly bumy the elite for several generations (before that, race was part of the equation).
Its a win-win. The immigrants get to leave their 3rd world shitholes and live/work in a relatively nice place. Most natives get a boost - cheap labor makes for cheaper goods/services, more profits and more competitive industry in the global marketplace. The only people getting blown out are the dumb fucks thay have access to first world education, but even after 12+ years of schooling, they havent learned anything useful and so they still compete with 3rd worlders with 2 years of education. Kinda the American way that those that dont have anything valuable to contribute get BTFO. Works fine for me so long as the productive parts of society get a real benefit.
The problem is that even that has failed.
In Germany only 2.8% of migrants have a job, the rest are living off of gibs from the real hardworking, tax paying natives.
Obviously, because Merkel is retarded.
They have MASS immigration and, as you mentioned, the migrants get free stuff regardless of work, in the expense of everyone else. So why should they work?
There are plenty of jobs here that are demonised in a way. Much like in America (not so much Canada) but trades are seen as a bad thing to get into even though some trades are the highest paid middle-class occupations. The fact is that the market will find employment regardless of immigration policies so as long as these jobs exist and there is a viable market for them. The free market is water which always flows to the lowest point, or electricity which finds the path of least resistance.
The problem comes when the employment market is flooded with low-wage labour from other countries and it's the governments job to prioritise the interest of the nationals of said country first, not foreigners.
Yep none of the fucking migrants work