Does Sup Forums prefer National Socialism or classic libertarianism?

Does Sup Forums prefer National Socialism or classic libertarianism?

Literally communism.
>le SJWs
Don't pretend Stalin wouldn't have sent SJWs to the gulag.

anarcho capitalism

Russian Communism, 1955-1972.

National Bolshevism?
well meme'd my freind

National Socialism until the non whites are gone but when they are gone so are the roads

The younger & edgier /polacks are NatSoc, the older ones AnCap.


Its sad its been turned into a meme.

Classic libertarianism is leftist you americanly educated mook.

Mixed market libertarian here
>government manages utilities and industries with economies of scale through taxation
>all else left to the free market

Benign fascism.
I stopped trusting democracy and so on long ago unfortunately.

National Libertarianism

Ancap till I die. Death to all leftists.

I prefer American imperialism.

>National Bolshevism?
Don't know enough about them to form an opinion. But I am also sympathetic to national socialism. I just dislike the whole focus on the Jews and other racial BS. I accept race realities and Jews are mostly a cancer, I just don't build my whole political ideology around it.

Like who?


Fuck Nazis RON PAUL 2008!

AnCap was a meme even before we made this crap.

Libertarianism. Fuck off neo-Sup Forums and Stormcuck nazis.


>when their baby is born


I thought Stalin wasn't a true Communist? Make up your minds commiefags.

all these drawings are terrible

I'd definitely prefer national socialism/fascism, but I don't think that would ever happen or work for the United States. If a country was ethnically homogeneous and Christian, as the early United States I think the best form of government would be Jeffersonian/agrian republic. Nowadays people are immoral beasts and need to be put into line, so facism is preferable.

reposting this daily reminder

Some kind of blend of nationalist capitalism. Basically I mostly agree with trump's plan right now. It seems like a right wing version of the Nordic model.
>instead of heavy welfare state businesses are Going to have a hard time if they outsource
>but make it as easy as possible to do business within the USA itself

Also, I want to say, anyone who is an-cap is retarded.

>libertarian facism

what would this even be like?

Nazis = Muslisms
Both hates women and gays
Both wants everyone to think like them or die
Both built their beliefs on religion-based bullshit

National Socialism.

Sup Forums has always been a contrarian board

whatever the mainstream narrative is, you can /generally/ find the opposite of here

currently Sup Forums is anti-degeneracy because the mainstream narrative is degenerate

Democratic nationalism

white snakes all step on black snakes but not on eachother

I'm assuming its flexible in that it is libertarian until the nation comes up against an outside threat then is goes fash, after the conflict goes back to libertarian

Half go one way to various levels (Classical Liberals>Libertarians>AnCaps

Other half go the other way
>National Conservatives >Fascists>National Socialists

Seen it in 3 straw polls so far.


Everyone knows that the true answear is National-Sindycalism.
But Sup Forums is pleb and they would never understand

Memes keep it relevant.


Hoppean libertarianism, I suppose/

A society that is ethno-nationalist and removes foreigners/commies, but has a limited government, free markets, and lax social constrains. Imagine a degenerate weeb who smoke weed and faps to traps, but hates niggers and communism.

you stupid faggots say the same thing about Sup Forums

>new game comes out
>its shit and everyone knows it
>except a small vocal minority that defends said shit game

Absolutely true. This is the case with Sup Forums generally and even most internet image boards. On 2ch, the Russian Sup Forums equivalent, they are very left-wing there and anti-Putin because the dominant ideology in Russia in conservative Putinism. On the other hand, liberalism and relaxed social mores are dominant in the West so Sup Forums takes on an oppositional, far-right approach as its contrarian politics.

In other words, Sup Forums today is just a phase.

The younger ones are more likely to live in direct contact with the degeneracy and multiethnoculturalism brought into our countries. So they react accordingly.

They older ones aren't.

Wait, since when is Hoppe pro degenerates?

thats because usually when new games come out they are shit

name one good game that has come out recently that wasnt trash besides overwatch ill wait

Wasn't that the original Falangist movement, before Franco hijacked it?

Do other lefties/commies hate on it for being nationalist?

It's join or die.


I'm just saying it's possible. A degenerate white who hates foreign commies and follows the libertarian economic order could still be seen as an ally.

Like fucking Proudhon. Who famously said "Property is theft."

top kek

Sup Forums has always been a NatSoc and Libertarian board

fuck, posted a shitty thumbnail

here's the bigger version


>hurr durr, you're stealing our words!

National Socialism is retarded. A libertarian society would be highly homogeneous anyway because that is the way people naturally group. Putting things in control of the "public" or in Natsoc's case for the good of the "nation" or the group is just doomed to failure, as all democracies are.

While Libertariansim is the ideal, Fascism must be used to create a world in which it is possible. This house must first fall down before we can build a better one from the ashes.

Here's a slick one you might like

Can confirm about the contact thing.

I lived in a nigger neighborhood for seven years, and it turned me from a Jeb Bush into a 1488.

The west only has one ideology:

"Expand or die".

Pure distilled autism right there!


No the young one's are the mentally ill kiddies who browse Sup Forums during their study hall on their iphone 4 and go home to question your whiteness on their Lenovo '11

A degenerate is by definition someone who's behavior is, intentionally or not, detrimental to the society he lives in.

A degenerate society does not exist, because it cannot exist by definition. It's just a phase between a prosperous society and a failed one.

Not an argument.

I'm describing accurately what the blend of two ideologies would look like.

Google Hans-Herman Hoppe, you retard.

How do you think they get to Sup Forums in the first place, genius?

>Wasn't that the original Falangist movement, before Franco hijacked it?

Yes. Franco has nothing to do with original nat-sindicalism, he was just a church and oligarch puppet.
Ramiro, Jose Antonio and Onesimo must have been rolling in their graves.

>Do other lefties/commies hate on it for being nationalist?

Of course, they are told that all nationalists are evil monsters. Funny thing is that there were leftists in the original falanges

Hello, Rolão Preto.

He isn't. He even says libertarianism, because it eliminates welfare and state subsidies, will naturally be more rewarding for people living virtuous and non-degenerate lives than the ones who waste all their incomes in degenerate habits.



Classic Liberal pls


I agree that a libertine social atmosphere is detrimental if it gets out of hand (example: people becoming drug addicts, lazy, not producing offspring, etc.).

However, I was trying to state what a fascist + libertine social order would look like. If you remove the social libertarianism, then it's not really a libertine order. I would suppose that a fascist-libertarian society would tolerate social degeneracy to a certain extent, until it became a serious threat to the ethno-nationalist cohesion and propagation. A few outliers wouldn't necessarily be a major problem.

On the other hand, you could have a libertarian-fascist society where the populace actively opposes and removes social degeneracy, as well as other races and commies, I suppose.



> libertarian
> nationalized utilities



Neither. The centrism.



Por acaso esse é Ramiro Ledesma.
Mas o Rolão Preto também era Nacional Sindicalista (e melhor que o Salazar)

Libertarian-socialist here, twenty something afg veteran... Most of the younger people I see with similar views to me happen to be vets as well

So why are the ones on the left speaking for libertarians?


Integralismo Lusitano and National Syndicalism are top-tier

Just like all movements, it was faced with internal struggling and arguments over whether or not it should be "more inclusive" so it had bigger representation. Rothbard later admitted he hugely regretted allying with the New Left over the anti-war period, because they were punks and did not understand economics.

The real libertarians are at the Mises Institute and the Property & Freedom Society.

I fixed your image, OP. ;^)

"what levels of Direita are you?"
"like 1 or 2 my dude."
"you are like a little leftist, watch this"



Excelente post

>asq já transcendeste os partidos mais à direita em Portugal


Completely accurate.

I prefer the timeline, where you die of God-given anal-cancer.

>mcq nunca haverá um partido neo-monarquista ultra-libertário que remova fisicamente os comunas

>Sup Forumsacks in ethnically homogenous areas - ancap
>Sup Forumsacks in multicultural areas - natsoc

breddy simple actually
