Why the fuck she is so important in Catholicism?

Why the fuck she is so important in Catholicism?

This is beyond stupid, there is one God, so easy to understand, but noo, let's make a Jesus mother a fucking saint figure with thousand holidays about her.

How is this in line with things written in the Bible?

Catholicism is so fucking retarded.

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She's the Blessed Mother of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. What answer do you expect?

How about you stop worshipping idols heretic

If you aint noticed catholicism has been corrupt for ages

How about you guys answer me this.
Jesus, a perfect sinless man, went to hell?
Acts 2:31 - He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell,

He went to hell and came back? Explain.

Yeah, she done her job.

But where in the Bible someone said, that we should worship her or other saints?

As far as I remember God was pretty mad when people tried to worship other people/things.

It's not worship it's veneration.

Hell = grave as well as the place of punishment.
I could explain it in detail but it'll take a long time.

There's lots of things that are not described in the Bible but who said you can't use your own autonomous reason to find out that you can worship Mary. Notice she's not involved in the Holy Trinity

How is it a place of punishment?

She's a real person not an idol. She begat Him so she is praised as a Saint for her miracle of virgin birth. She isn't worshipped, I pray only to the Lord.

ahmed pls go

He went down to Hell to free the souls of those who were good but died before the Resurrection, then he brought them up to Heaven with him.

There are two things hell can refer to, I mean.
Hell as in the grave, or hell as in Hell.

It's basically saying "Jesus rose again".

Where did you get this impression He went to hell?

"David was looking into the future and speaking of the Messiah's resurrection. He was saying that God would not leave him among the dead or allow his body to rot in the grave."

>Why the fuck she is so important in Catholicism?
Because, like it or not, she is indeed Theotokos. That's the first thing. Second and greater thing is that she obeyed the Lord in 100%.
>This is beyond stupid, there is one God, so easy to understand, but noo, let's make a Jesus mother a fucking saint figure with thousand holidays about her.
Disgracing Mother of God himself is disgracing Christ. Also, by your reasoning, Israelites of Moses were "fucking stupid" also for having feast about tents.
>How is this in line with things written in the Bible?
"All generations shall call me blessed"
t. Mary from Bible
(Also, Sola Scriptura is self defeating doctrine, don't be a Muslim)
>Catholicism is so fucking retarded.
Sir, I am afraid that only one retarded here is you and this faggot for his
>Mary is a idol maymay

Wew somebody needs to read Chesterton

A good place to start is to realize that Mary is superior to any Pole that ever lived

You're late for the ritz cracker and grape juice communion, pr*testant


I'm gonna need biblical sources.

In order to leave something at a place, you must first put it there. He wasn't left there so it's assumed that he was there for a period of time, and then brought back.


> source?

based polska

oops, i meant this one:

Hail Mary full of Grace the LORD is with the blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the womb of thy womb, Jesus
>Holy Mary mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen
I don't see any idol worship there.

>She is the single bravest prophet in Judeo-Christian tradition, an unmarried girl took on the responsibility of pregnancy in a society where one could be stoned for adultery. Easily as self sacrificing as Abraham's near son sacrifice and foreshadowed Jesus' willingness to die for the will of GOD
>If great responsibility symbolizes great honor, truly there is no greater responsibility than raising the son of GOD. Truly there can be no greater honor than that
>Clearly favored by Christ, the Father, and the holy Spirit who assumed her very body to heaven
>Considering this it is just to request her intercession with the Father and Christ.
>Just as it honors your friend to respect his mother it honors Christ to honor his mother.
Problems heretics?

No sir you need Greek dictionary for the ᾍδης, Hades, have more meaning to it.

Hey guys since were having a bible thread, I'd like to share something with you guys.
If you read Ezekiel, you'll notice that Gods fury is poured across Israel, and that they turned away from him. Well guess what, God is about to do the same thing to the US. Crazy part is that by building the Wall, Trump is fulfilling a part of Ezekiel where God says that he will destroy the Wall, and let barbarian hordes into the US. I'll make a thread about this some other day.

Mary is actually the ordained Queen of Poland.

Gets pregnant. Blames it on God. People believe her. Religious leaders admire her balls.

I was wondering what would happen to those who died before Christ's death. It says nothing about him bringing them up to heaven though.

That doesn't make her polish

He defeated death. Did you ever even go to Bible study? All these casual Christians.
>Hurr I went to Easter service one year lemme tell you bout Jesus.

If the crusades happen in getting that tatted across my back for protection from the hoards.


Listen to william coopers mystery of babylon series. It explains that Christianity is just paganism, and how jesus is actually just an allegory for the sun whose sun = son.

Its free, bill cooper is great

So it's the common grave on mankind, understood.

I'm not sure what you mean by defeating death. If you're saying he was resurrected that still doesn't explain why he was in Hell in the first place. If you're saying he abolished death, then why do people still die? Maybe explain like your fellow good Christians instead of mocking, hm?

False idol. You worship saints, pray directly to them, and celebrate them on special days. Might as well pray to the golden bull, FALSE IDOLS.

Have fun sucking demon cock

>Help support New Advent and get the full contents of this website as an instant download. Includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more — all for only $19.99...

Yeah no, I'm not taking this as a credible source.

it's the official Catholic encyclopedia, sorry they want donations to keep running their site even though all that stuff is also on the site for free

Basically the word used in English comes from multiple options:

Sheol was the Hebrew for what is Hades in Greek. As were Gehenna and Tartarus. They were translated as infernus in Latin. They were rendered as Hell in KJV.

Hell in English originally comes from a word that sort of means "concealed place". It referred to both the grave and the abode of the dead. It's related to the Hel of Germanic mythology.

That's a brief rundown. You could find out more if you started looking at translations of Latin vs early English vs Greek.

Because Roman Catholicism is just Roman paganism with some Jesus sauce spread all over it.

Why else do you think they worship pine trees at Christmas and eggs at Easter?

I'm reading through their small paragraph and have yet to come across one reference to the bible.
I refuse to listen to that pagan establishment.

Isis has so many names, Mary is just one of them She's your feminine principle, in charge of your body basically keeping you alive the time for you to do what you came for.

I will, thanks.

Do Częstochowy na klęczkach kurwa i błagać o przebaczenie

>Attempt immulate
These people, except Mary who was born with a pure union to the holy Spirit, were born mortal and impure but through their practice and devotion to God they elevated their relationship with him to an insense level. We seek to learn from their examples so that we may better learn to praise and honor God. One should always strive to offer the most perfect offering to the Trinity.

>insulting the Queen of Heaven on Sup Forums

Fresh off the boat from Reddit/ kiddo?

>Queen of Heaven
You Babylonians disgust me.

She's way easier to pray to. Its like when you were a kid and it was easier to get mom to fold than dad. God can be a dick sometimes.

There is no death in Christ if you follow his teachings we believe in eternal ressurection in HIM. In order that he fulfill this he descended Hell and rose again on the third day.


Catholics are the most retarded people in the entire world.
I know this as I live in a catholic-filled country.


>Refuses to listen to the church established by Christ Himself.

This. They're also corrupt hypocrites as well

Revelation 5:8 combined with 1 Timothy 2:5 strongly suggest praying to saints.


t. protestant filth

Yep, they are extremely hyprocite. I don't how they don't realize it.
They're so fucking stupid it makes me wanna shoot up a catholic church.

>established by Christ
>same religion that killed thousands of people
>same religion that banned the reading of the bible
>same religion that said you could buy your way to heaven
>same religion bolstered by Emperor Constantine

yeah nah

We don't have the facts from 2,000 years ago. All we have is scraps of parchment.


The Virgin of the World.....
Really makes you think, doesn't it?

Read the OT especially the books on Kings 1-4, the mother of the king was called the queen mother and had a very important role. People would ask the queen mother for favors from the king because it was stated the king could not say no to a favor from his mother. Now, Jesus is the king of kings, sitting on the Davidic throne for all eternity. Who is his mother whom, like in the OT, will any grant any favor asked of him? As Mary did not deny God's will from anything on earth, so God will not deny anything of Mary in heaven.

Because Catholicism still has pagan influence in it, including pagan Mother Goddess worship.

Denying Mary is denying Christ.

If Christ were truly God, Mary got loopholed into being the most important person who ever lived or ever will live. She deserves more respect than any historical or religious figure, shes Gandhi plus Hermes plus Ceasar plus Einstein.

God in all his infinity lived inside her for nine months. If you believe in Christ and God, that counts for something.

It was published in circa 1910 if I remember correctly. This is the online version.

Christ is fully God and fully human, so He's still the most important human to ever live. Mary's a good candidate for second place though.


The religion that is responsible for the abolishment of Slavery.


That still doesn't clear up it's pagan roots that still flourish today.

The first cause of the universe could be called the immaculate conception..... hint hint.

Even if it's not true, who cares?

Everything about mary is super cool aesthetically.

Don't you respect your mother, cunt ?
I know mine would beat the shit out of me.

> Renaissance Libertines projecting their own inner psyche through artistic depictions of VM 1400 years later.

>"This is what Mary represents."

>how jesus is actually just an allegory for the sun whose sun = son.

That was the stupidest connection in his series. Everything else was great though.

>10 Then David rested with his ancestors and was buried in the City of David. 11 He had reigned forty years over Israel—seven years in Hebron and thirty-three in Jerusalem. 12 So Solomon sat on the throne of his father David, and his rule was firmly established.

>13 Now Adonijah, the son of Haggith, went to Bathsheba, Solomon’s mother. Bathsheba asked him, “Do you come peacefully?” He answered, “Yes, peacefully.”

>14 Then he added, “I have something to say to you.” “You may say it,” she replied.

>15 “As you know,” he said, “the kingdom was mine. All Israel looked to me as their king. But things changed, and the kingdom has gone to my brother; for it has come to him from the Lord. 16 Now I have one request to make of you. Do not refuse me.” “You may make it,” she said.

>17 So he continued, “Please ask King Solomon—he will not refuse you—to give me Abishag the Shunammite as my wife.”

>18 “Very well,” Bathsheba replied, “I will speak to the king for you.”

>19 When Bathsheba went to King Solomon to speak to him for Adonijah, the king stood up to meet her, bowed down to her and sat down on his throne. He had a throne brought for the king’s mother, and she sat down at his right hand.

>20 “I have one small request to make of you,” she said. “Do not refuse me.” The king replied, “Make it, my mother; I will not refuse you.”

Pretty sure it more have to do with them being Pinoy. They're the absolute scum of the earth.




Mary is the ideal woman.

A mother who devotingly loves her child and listens to the will of God.

It's a parallel to Jesus who is the ideal man.

Someone who bears the responsibility of the world's sins on his shoulders and sacrifices himself to save everyone.

>The church is willing to let more Muslims into Christian countries in order to get a few more Christians
Your reasoning is even more retarded than the pope's actual reasoning.

All the Vatican II "popes" are anti-popes. I strongly suspect Jorge of either being a crypto-jew or a freemason, possibly both.

Jesus digits for truth.

This. The Holy See has been compromised by traitors since. It was a literal coupd and it'll be hard to get out of that shitshow the current catholic church is.

She was the original cuckold queen

>1 Timothy 2:5
>For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

yup its implying pray to saints if you have double digits iq

Mary was a jew


Francis =/= Catholic Church

Its a bunch of gnostic shit that overcame the churches shortly after the death of the apostles

The teachings of Christ are quite contrary to the lies of the gnostics parading as christians today

The flaws of man manifest themselves in every religion as they do in every aspect of life this is neither a persuasive argument against religion or a particular religion. Every example you gave can be given for every human organization.

>How is this in line with things written in the Bible?
Try reading it and you'll find out.

(Oops, sorry, forgot that niggers don't read.)

Is this what's going on?
Albert Pike explicitly said the plan was to get rid of all World Religions. Something tells me the Jews aren't included on the list.....

If lucifer were not god, would Adonay (the God of the Christians) whose deeds prove cruelty, perfidy and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and His priests, calumniate Him?

Yes, lucifer is god, and unfortunately Adonay is also God, for the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two gods. darkness being necessary for light to serve as its foil, as the pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive.

Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is heresy, and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in lucifer, the equal of Adonay, but lucifer, god of light and god of good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the god of darkness and evil”


I dont even understand this.


Its like a robot made it.

>captcha is graffitti in my neighborhood...

I accidentally quoted wrong verse, the verse I meant was 1 Timothy 2:1

Because the image of the virgin is a vagina, which is what Satan idolizes because that is how he incarnates here. Upside down the image is a dead sheep.

Why is St. Peters basilica a pregnant serpent rising out of the see.

> Rev 2:9 I know thy tribulation and thy poverty, but thou art rich: and thou art blasphemed by them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

>say they are Jews and are not
>are of the synagogue of Satan

The modern day jew is not the same as the OT Israelite. Don't compare the two, furthermore, the term 'jew' is actually fairly new. All the very old translations will not use the word 'jew' since it does not exist. They were from the tribe of Judah, one of twelve tribes.

>Disgracing Mother of God himself is disgracing Christ

Putting her on the same level as Jesus himself?Top fucking kek.

Nicene Creed + filioque :(

Mary is blessed, and Mary is important, but it is important to remember that God, in all his infinity, could have performed the same work in any other manner according to his will.

Mary was glorified by God by the purpose she fulfilled for him, but she is as any other before the throne of God. God is the author and executor of his mysteries and miracles; that any of us have a role is simply a product of God's grace.

The term "mother of God" is a misnomer; do not be misled. God existed long before Mary; all we can know is that Christ lived within her for 9 months. The scripture makes no distinction in how Jesus' body was formed: did God infuse one of Mary's eggs with the Spirit? Did God form Christ from nothing in the womb? I say that it does not matter.

I say that it does not matter because Christians are not called to spend inordinate amounts of time arguing about Mary, whether we should pray to her, or how we can show her respect. Christians are called to serve others, to spread the gospel, to do the will of God, and to live as Christ lived. Respect Mary by doing these; live according to your calling by doing these.

'But Jesus replied, “Who is My mother, and who are My brothers?” Pointing to His disciples, He said, “Here are My mother and My brothers. For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother.”'

The faithful are all as Mary in the eyes of Christ.

Not to mention that the jews had also gone through race mixing and corruption of the faith for centuries before Jesus.

>KJ21 and say, ‘Thus saith the Lord God unto Jerusalem: Thy birth and thy nativity are of the land of Canaan; thy father was an Amorite and thy mother a Hittite.

>Isaiah 2:6New King James Version (NKJV)

>6 For You have forsaken Your people, the house of Jacob,
Because they are filled with eastern ways;
They are soothsayers like the Philistines,
And they are pleased with the children of foreigners.
Interesting how all the gnostic "new age" bullshit pushes eastern religious thought to mix with the west, producing shit like hippies