Oh the drama guy can cry on queue like most women.

Yet he is still alive. You have not let him win the game yet.

my PM is weak and emotional, he has no place leading my country

I could understand Obama crying about Sandy Hook, but crying over six random adult men you never met? Come on, now. You're just being a bitch.

Wew, quite the performance.

This bitch nigga loves cryin'

Cute guy, what's his name?





just 3 more years.

"Shh, shh shhh... It'll be okay"

his faggotry knows no bounds

>crying over a false flag
I seriously hope you guys don't do this



we deserve him. our people are idiots and uninformed but dont think its embarrassing

Carl, probably.

I imagine Trudeau jumping at the chance to go on TV to cry about a bar fight he heard about.

I like Trudeau
I would be happy if He attends my funeral.

Jesus...I thought Obama looked weak as fuck for crying over kids that never died...

Even though it's blatant advertising

That's a funny ass pic

The leaf castro is a good goy and will be reelected. Trump better build a northern wall.

That makes me realize that I don't remember seeing Western politicians crying when muslims kill non-muslims. Has that happened at any point?

Also, before reading the text, I thought for a moment those photos of the victims were some kind of sex criminal mugshots. I've seen faces like that in such a context too many times.

he pretended to cry over that false flag and then pretended to wipe away a single fake tear with his extended middle finger saying FUCK YOU to the american people hang the fucking traitor piece of shit already

>before reading the text, I thought for a moment those photos of the victims were some kind of sex criminal mugshots
thats because this is Sup Forums.
photos of muslims here are mostly in that context.

I once watched porn for 3 hours straight, then went to take a piss, and the little carpet on the bathroom floor had patterns on it, and all of them looked like legs spreading, genitalia, butts etc.

this guy is such a meme. Trudeau is the biggest faggot on the planet right now

i know this dude covered up what happened to suit his agenda. fucking snake.

Why is this faggots always crying. I've never been embarrassed for a land mass but fucking he'll Canada.

Worst display of "FakeTears, it's hilarious to watch.

Crocodile tears. Get ready to have more freedoms struck away Canadians

I once watched porn for 3 hours straight, then went to take a piss, and the little carpet on the bathroom floor had patterns on it, and all of them looked like legs spreading, genitalia, butts etc



it's got just the right amount of propaganda too, to give it that extra kick :^)

>I could understand Obama crying about Sandy Hook

Is it just an act? He genuinely is too much of a pansy to bomb ISIS. Even we bomb ISIS.

The only victims were males? Was it a segregated mosque?

>The only victims were males? Was it a segregated mosque?

ALL mosques are segregated, dumbass.

>ALL mosques are segregated, dumbass.
wtf I love diversity now

I think it's sweet. I wish he was my president.

Don't make fun of Trudeau, he's only a boy!

As much as I dislike him as a PM, the guy has a good heart.
He's the result of propaganda and brainwashing, but at least he's genuine.

A real leader never cries in public. Just faggy bullshit that is being pushed. What next, he's gonna pee sitting down and lactate? Faggot.

>He's a genuine pussy
>He's faking it for support from faggot liberals

I don't know which of these is funnier.

>canada is being controlled by soros