Where do the freaks live in your Country?
What's the "Florida" of your Country?
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What's California?
I live in Florida.
They fuck donkeys
I live in Florida. Can confirm it's just a freak show in the Tampa area. Degenerate cucks everywhere
Pomerania. Expensive land and high living costs
How much are donkey shows?
Jesus Christ Florida. Wtf.
Are donkey shows real? I kind of figured they were a myth.
Florida has very strict transparency laws regarding arrest records, so aboslutely EVERYTHING get reported to the public. as such it is made to appear that Florida has a higher than average amount of crazies. which it might, but I doubt its worse than California
If we are going by the UK probably South Wales.
If its just England then London.
hahaha good call paco ITS ALWAYS FUCKING FLORDIA
no idea why.
What if i am the freak?
so this is the face of florida man
Just check your favourite liberal channel
this is the average "tfw too smart" -poster
Full of hipsters nuggets and potheads.
Take the jiggers and hipsters out and we're fine
>Florida man accused of calling 911 80 times for "Kool-Aid, burgers and weed"
What the fuck is going on down there?
There was a FL user on here a few weeks ago tried to tell me they had several Boston MA-tier cities in Florida. Sure buddy.
>Sex with an alligator
I'm not even sure how that works
>What's California?
Thru didn't have people trying to fuck gators to prove their dominance
Explained by Adventure Time.
New York
Gotta say Veneto
I'd love to live in florida
Northern France.
Where i live atm.
Pure fucking hell.
>The "zone rouge" was defined just after the war as "Completely devastated. Damage to properties: 100%. Damage to Agriculture: 100%. Impossible to clean. Human life impossible".
Kraut genocide cant come soon enough.
Scotfag here, it's probably Glasgow but Motherwell seems pretty close.
>Richard Finlayson, 21, and sibling Kirsty, 18, romped in the elevator as they
were filmed by CCTV cameras.
>The shocking 15-minute clip showed them exiting the lift — only to return a
short time later to have sex AGAIN.
>And as they left for a second time Richard gave Kirsty a £20 note.
Quebec and anywhere else filled with abos
Planning a vacation huh?
Even the news know that omsk is a meme where the most fucked up shit happens and joke about it.
Where is this
It's the weather
its this a new kind of fetish?
>This is a common occurrence
Why? Is gator putang that sought after?
This is why I enjoy Sup Forums , bantz and learn something new. Had no idea it was so permanently damaged, always imagined that was exclusive to nuclear war.
Once you go scales, you never go back.
>or molest
Florida isn't that much worse, they just have very lenient laws on which crimes become public information
Braff looks like an alcoholic.
Besides the blacks and mexicans, California is soft as baby shit senpai desu
>not posting the best part
Pretty crazy to dominate an alligator.
southerner here. can confirm that the do not molest the alligators signs are all over the south. but they just mean don't disturb them. still pretty kek though
What defines the "florida" of a country?