What's wrong with Sharia law?
I bet you can't name one single thing. You just echo all of the other racists on this board.
Sharia Law
Other urls found in this thread:
The Goatfucking
no bacon
Fuck off slavcho
No anime.
So what is good about it? Make your case!
I guess tossing trannies and furries off buildings could be a positive. Why arent't pedophiles included, though?
Ban all japcucks
>What's wrong with Sharia law?
the funny thing is that for me personally, sharia law wouldn't be a problem at all. i'm a man, and i don't take part in the degenerate behavior that sharia law cracks down on.
but sharia law implies handing my country and my people over to hostile foreigners, so i'll go full breivik before ever submitting to it.
Not enough buildings.
>Likes goetfucker law
Checks out
This. If someone tries to stop me from having Saturday morning bacon and eggs after the gym I would shoot them in the face
>Living under medieval rules
>It's not bad, yall just raciss
gtfo proxy nigger
Because since a pedophile was the founder of that religion, it wouldn't be very respectful.
Well under Sharia, I'd have to pay jizya and submit myself to Muslims.
Paedophilia is a core tenet of Islam though. And why I'd be fine with it.
i didnt say like, i said it wouldnt pose any problems for me. which it wouldnt, and it likely wouldnt pose any problems for you personally either unless you're a tranny or some shit like that.
i reject sharia law because it is part of a religion/ideology that is inherently hostile towards me and my people. it's a tool of my enemy, therefor it has no place here.
The goat fucking. Child molesting. Wife shaming. Food rules. Killing those with different beliefs. The list goes on and on. But I wouldn't expect a suicidal train jumping nip like you to understand.
Even if it were your 10 years old daughter Emese who is fucked by a 50 year old hairy dude
At least I'd have a daughter, as opposed to my fate here.
>"Whats wrong with Sharia Law?"
>"You're just going to echo the other racists on this board"
Doesn't matter what we say you're just gonna say "wurrhurrr every other racist says that too".
>Shuts down free speech
You cant say Sharia has free speech, every opinion dissenting from the laws set in place by the prophet allahu akbar is usually met with extreme hostility, you can say the same in the US but over time our people are more likely to accept different opinions, rather than want to behead the person who said it.
Man western women think they have it bad now, it'd suck to not be able to go out in public without a man, not being able to drive without a man and being viewed as a lesser human being in the eyes of the law
>Religious and Sexual persecution
Christian? Beheaded, Catholic? Beheaded, Gay? Thrown off of a roof, the way they treat other religions and homosexuals, not gonna lie, is pretty bad
Im sure there are more examples to pick from these were only a handful that sprang to mind
>tl;dr no free speech, muh misogyny, persecute other religions and gays
>Sacrificing your offspring you could have sex
I must wonder why are you virgin
Cause and effect, if girls didn't tell me to fuck off every time I wouldn't be open to alternative measures.
our mistake was stopping at 2 bombs.
Get a grip or kys desu
You got anymore of these pics? I have been trying to expand my collection.
>avatar fagging
I'm used to people insulting me so you're not really providing any argument that would change my mind.
Here's the artist's page
save as many as you wish
Are you one of the 300 refugees Japan accepted lately ?
your soon to find out japan
It makes religion and state the same thing. Its works sure, but I'd prefer to leave religion out of politics as much as possible.
It makes it impossible to give up on religious belives, since they become your moral- and rights-foundation. This is a problem since its a lot harder to work arround religious texts to modernize them then to change the law.
Allowing some faggot boy buttfucking imam to dictate how my and my family's life is legislated sounds really great!!
Not compatible with western society
I was in an argument over this recently, seeing how there are now so many muslim immigrants in Germany.
Myself being a law student, this is actually quite interesting.
Turns out that from a German legal perspective Sharia law is nothing but a way to form contracts. and that it affects family, marital and business relationships.
In business relationships it isnt really a problem. Two muslim make a sharia like contract, get into disagreement, go to court, and the contract gets interpreted in the light of German law. Easy.
The problem really arises among marital and in general familiy relationships. Theoretically, the process should be the same as for business relationships, however, obviously the nature of the relationship makes it very, very unlikely things ever go to court and as a result people do end up being treated unfairly and in a way that conflicts the rights granted to the individual by our BGB, the German citizens law.
Same is true for marital relationships of course.
Sharia law is a way to form contracts, but the family law parts of it make it unlikely for cases to be brought to the attention of the court.
That is why Sharia law is bad.
Thread should have ended with this post.
Legalizes pedophilia. Will kill you for disagreeing. Forces you to respect Muhammad. Is based on falsehood and lies. Absence of bacon. Legalizes sex slavery.
>Sharia law is nothing but a way to form contracts.
Sharia Law is a general term, like German law. It provides rules for all facets of human interaction. But practically speaking, looking at what's going on in western societies on a daily basis, Sharia law really comes to effect in business and family relationships.
Since the German legal system does not recognize Sharia law as a genuine source of law, but as an arbitrary body of rules, it is nothing but a way for muslims to form binding contracts in the light of German law.
It's basically the same as forming a US law contract in Germany and then hoping it will hold up in German court.
What would happen if 3 million Germans came to the US and started living according to German law? Nothing. It would just fuck them up, because they will be living without legal security.