Trump's Mother was an illegal who immigrated here from Scotland in 1924 & his wife worked here illegally

Trump's Mother was an illegal who immigrated here from Scotland in 1924 & his wife worked here illegally.

I guess I'll change my political opinion then

Fucking deport her now!

she can't keep getting away with it


That's very good, I think US needs more Scottish immigrants (or are they cucks these days?)

Did she rape white women also, and rob people? And commit other petty and violent crimes, and was she low IQ non-contributor.. hmm

No implying here, just questions.

Lock Her Up!
Lock Her Up!
Lock Her Up!
Lock Her Up!
Lock Her Up!
Lock Her Up!

What's your point? She's white you faggot fuck.

All the more reason the left should be against illegal immigration

>"She's white, she can come here illegally!"
Thought I'd get this response, but didn't think you idiots were fucking retarded enough to steep this low.

Sup Forums is as hypocrite & ignorant as it gets, thanks for proving my point, cucks.

I know she was a gold-digging island nigger, but what makes you say she was illegal? I thought she went legally.

You seem to be mistaken. You think, act and say things like Trump is going to have cops busting down doors and deporting people. What is actually going to happen, is that Trump will make it harder for people to come in and deport illegal people that came here illegally, and then proceeded to break laws, catching the attention of police officers.

crybaby from red dit cries.. big surprise

Thinking whites being in the US illegally is the same thing as shitskins being there illegally.
Keep on being a stupid faggot, faggot.

it doesn't count if they are white

>Liberals so desperate that they have to resort to lying

Not that it doesn't count. It just doesn't impact negatively the way other groups do.

Stop being a bitch OP.

Trump is best ever.

Shes white though

Good, we need more of the right kind of white people