How white are u?

How white are u?

200% white here

Other urls found in this thread:

U look Mexican.




>brown eyes

I'm a second generation immigrant from Italy. My family is from Northern Italy.

I have olive eyes and light brown hair, so I guess my Sup Forums standards i'm white(??)

Wtf that's not you faggot I know that fucking guy


No you don't, look at the money you retard.

>brown eyes
More like 200% polluted gene pool.

I'm pretty white bruv....

Only thing on that pic, I've had blacks call me boss WAY more than whites.

They seem to do it to any white coworker on the same level as them.

I gave my DNA to Jews just to prove it


big ole goose egg here


tits or gtfo

We are the whitest of the white. Kill yourself.

Those Arab eyes

> freckles


pls be London(derry)

post feet

wew somebody doesn't know about the germanic tribes

feeling pretty white

Brown eyes are extremely common in all parts of Europe. Only Northwestern countries have abundant light eyes.

I think I'm white, therefore I am.

So you're literally 2 white guys... that's intense.


>>Falling for the alphabet agency iris identification jew.


I am pretty much master race:

>6ft 1'
>200 lbs.. muscle
>large bone structure..damn near unbreakable bones
>sandy blonde hair
>green eyes
>high cheekbones
>straight bridge on nose

and you know something? It does not mean a damn thing. You all are the most despicable, hateful, evil losers on the internet.

be my ai gf

This to be completely honest

Proud Mongolian snownigger reporting in

Post vocaroo of sexy irish accent.

pic related is from a paper on some samples from Latvia and Ukraine that have been dug out and analyzed, from the mesolithic and neolithic, came out just few days ago

the Ukranian one is from about 11k years ago, and notice how he had the derived alleles for white skin, but he had both dark eyes and dark hair
the blue eyed samples from Latvia were mostly dark skinned ironically

so you are safe, ignore the faggots


your eyes are pretty as fuck

Not just white, but ANGLO.

You're basically a nigger, get the fuck off of this board.

show your cute white tits with freckles and semen all over them

tfw i know who that is

What the fuck you're more British than me

I doubt this is really you but cool eyes

ft 1'
lbs.. muscle
>>large bone structure..damn near unbreakable bones

Good bod for raping and pillaging
would follow into battle

>tfw half mongolian and think about rape and impregation near constantly

"white" reporting in

mfw all these retards posting image without pulling the exif data off them

6.000.000% bitch oy vey


Im starting to reeeallly hate liberals

Check out my gf's eyes.
Keeping the non-european gene pool strong and pretty since 7th century :^)

How dumb is OP
100% dumb

You look like me.

> 0,4 broadly Southern European.

t. Alberto Barbosa.

Now make Sup Forumsexit.

>guaranteed replies by virgins

I'm 1/128 native american, so pretty white.

and only North western Europeans are white

White enough

Recently I heard a Nigerian girl saying "colonial masters" unironically. Floored me.

Fuck off shitskin

Pure white italian

if you post pictures of your muslim dick inside a pig she'll probably respond


>turkish black metal LARPer

I am surprised Erdogan allows this


B-b-b-b-but the Irish arent white r-right guys?


You goys wanna get a load of my "white" hands to?


Damn I wish I was beautiful like you

Do your eyebrows go all the way up to your hairline?



My 23 and me report says I'm pretty god damn white.

you have nothing to be proud about you look like just another white devil to me.

Brown eyes do not = white
Fucking kike

Please do not reproduce with anybody and I advise you to kys.

Post the image you fuck

>Do your eyebrows go all the way up to your hairline?
it keeps receding and they can't catch up

then you've never seen a mexican, because that is a white guy eye.


oooooo pretty.

>200% white
>green eyes

i don't think so pal

Wife and daughter are both blonde hair and blue eyed as well.

nah m8 pretty fucking mexican if you ask me

WTF is wrong with your skin.

>it keeps receding and they can't catch up
hahahahahaha some fantastic banter from Argentina

You are gonna get doxxed.

what's my eye colour m80's? It's like a greenish-blue

im arab

Im at least 1/16 Turk and 1/4 kike. The rest is Slavic genes. So basically not white at all.

pls kys thx

fuckin hell m8 HD enough for ya?

He is Norwegian


It's greenish-blue.


>blue eyes
>brown hair

What % am I?

>How white are u?
>200% white here
I suppose the photo is random then, and not of your 200%edness. Dark hair and nigger eyes

a faggot