She's gaining. Can she do it?
She's gaining. Can she do it?
It's probably going to take one more truck of peace or shooting, but I think she will.
How is it even possible if France is filled to the brim with muslims
How much longer till the election? And I have a strong feeling she will win in a similar fashion like trump did. However, the French are pussies so who knows.
Not really the centralist's votes are split at the moment, she needs a few more too have a chance.
Mélenchon is our guy
It's not. All the frenchcucks and americucks are hoping for it, but allah will prevail
She wins
no because as we explained countless times, she won't pass second round.
>oy vey divide and conquer
Never trust the mountain jew.
And even if she won the second round she would not win the parliament and thus would be powerless
I always keep a close eye on the French because of my heritage. You fags better not pus out.
reminds me
Sadly it would take a massive terror attack or something to accomplish that. If a FN candidate makes it to the final round of an election, the left and the centre-right collude to prevent FN from winning. It happens every time.
We just have to wait and see if Islam delivers.
If she wins second round you can bet a fuckton of people will vote FN for parliamentary elections.
That she's polling so high at all is a miracle.
She could do it. The polsters lied about Brexit and then lied x10 about Trump's chances. Both were "improbable" if not outright "impossible" outcomes.
Why not Marianne? It's not like the French are particularly fond of their dark skinned immigrants?
>Still trusting (((polls)))
Fake news, fake poll. Have you queers learned nothing over the past year?
Yes. She will probably win this time.
Fucking bolcheviks
Voting is SHIRK m8, Allah forbids it.
One slight detail overlooked by New Labour when they turned the tap onto full. Less than a quarter of muslims vote here in the UK, that's in any election. It's considered an irrelevant worldy practice of temporary power, not equal to that of god Allah etc etc They are insane.
>media keeps saying Fillon will easily beat her
>suddenly Fillon loses ground due to corruption scandals
>out of nowhere they have another guy who "will totally beat her"
Did they just not talk about Macron before or did they pull him out of their ass in desperation when Fillon was no longer an option?
For the worlds sake, I hope so
They're actually only supposed to participate in government based on the Quran, so they're allowed to vote, but only if they have enough of a majority to implement Sharia.
Macron is gonna win. I want to quit the country if that happen though. Garbage candidate that, somehow, all the media are shilling for.
Online bets are more reliable than polls
>she would not win the parliament
Why not?
Macron was going up since even before the scandal. Now if Fillon is out people who are against mlp will prefer to vote Macron than seeing Le Pen win.
Alright. Just never saw anything else in our media than "It will be a battle between Le Pen and Fillon!" so I was wondering where that new guy suddenly came from.
You forget that al of the people that voted fillon wanted muslims out. Those will vote marine
Everyone betted againts donny
A lot of*
Because it's not the same thing to vote for the charismatic leader of the party than for the shady nerd who would represent your circonscription.
>Trump will never win
>Brexit will never happen
>Le Pen can't get elected
Le Pen will win bigly
Brexit and Don weren't favorites till the votes started to be counted
Any french sandskin want to die for a good cause?
A bomb would swing the election easy. Take out that silly metal tower they have in Paris.
Yeah, that's why they were wrong about Trump & Brexit. Really accurate
>Leader of a 1st world country
>What WAS: Germany
>Can she do it?
You better hope not.
I believe that she will win
I believe that she will win
I believe that she will win
I believe that she will win
I believe that she will win
I'm no expert on French politics, but these numbers don't mean the most. The real question is who people will gain more support in a run-off. All this means, and this assumes the polls are right, is that Le Pen would have to double her votes and Macron would ave to increase his by a 1/3.
Muslims here are talking about voting this election just to keep the PVV out of power.
>Fillon is in the race
>the race is entirely about Fillon and Le Pen, Macron is barely even in the running
>Fillon gets busted
>the race is entirely about Macron and Le Pen, with Macron in the lead
There's something disgusting about this
>Le Pen
They're spinning the polls, Le pen obviously has a much larger silent following.
Muslims just shout and demand money and rights, they need to piss off and die.
no, the glass ceiling meme applies to her, she has no chance whatsoever unless something extraordinary happens
who the fuck made that poll?
so she gets on average 26-27% in the first round? and somehow she's at 23%
Macron gets 19-20% at best... 42? Lol
better odds than trump had
>20% means theyre wrong when the 20% happen
youre probably the kind of idiot who thinks poll (or (((poll))) right XDDD) are fake
so I don't usually browse pol and don't really care about politics but...
who should I vote for?
That's what they said about Trump.
Critically acclaimed political pundits were estimating a 95% chance of a victory for Hillary. Kek is with us, brother.
Le Pen. She will make anime real.
Le Pen, she actually cares about France as a sovereign country.
That's whats so funny all the memes about "sexist alt-right" and then Sup Forums supports Le Pen
After Brexit I said to people that Trump and Le Pen would get eleceted.
Brexit was the ripple that started the wave
Le Pen if only on the grounds that her name reads like a spurdo meme
Le Pen is mightier than le sword
>Can she do it?
no, because france is lost. civil war in less than 50 years. france will look like the balkans.