Hey Sup Forums. I got punched by the tolerant left last night

Hey Sup Forums. I got punched by the tolerant left last night.

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lol fucking cuck

looks infected. RIP maga bro

cool story bro

they punched you in the middle of the forehead?

Better get ready to fight Voldemort

Can you give us the description of the culprit?

that you screech?

No, you were being ass fucked from behind and your head bumped on the floor. Use more lube next time and you won't get pushed over as easily.

You're a goy, Harry.

You should get that stitched up, at least put some super glue on it

Black antifa guy.

Pussy. Getting punched. You look like a jew.


What is your ideology?

Voted for trump.

U can get skullfucked with microdick from a fellow trump supporter now.

Nigga imma cum back fo dat ass boi, best strap yo self b4 me n my boiz come back bitch ass cracka

that's pretty clearly fake

grow up

Hahahah LMAO nigga, I got yo bitch rite here, she just BEGGAN fo da BBC


Get some fucking stitches pal

Why don't you get in touch with some prominent altright commentator and tell your story.

That could make a nice scar!Take care to not get that infected.Godspeed OP.

Who? I tweeted it to some fox news chicks but they didn't respond

>hiding your scars from the meme wars

what would he tell his grandchildren?

I read that as

Wow upvote, man you're so cool, fuck those sjw haters!!!
I'm going to post this on /r/donald so I can get my gold.

>attacked by liberal
>literally turned you into harry potter



Yup, I was right. Definitely a jew. I see what you're trying to sell.

Tweet it to:


heres my original tweet, i will tweet it to them now twitter.com/Whippodilly/status/827934265895690240


now that's a Jewish face. Did you gewt punched for being a Nazi because that would be hilarious.

>Get punched
>Smugly brag about it on a message board

Man this is gonna be a fun four years if everyone on the right is as much of a pussy as you.

That looks like you should get stitches m8.

Looks like it got infected
RIP press F to pay respects

He is a jew.

new tweet twitter.com/Whippodilly/status/827940774247555076

Why didn't you fight back? Cuck

nice brain matter faggot

no concealed carry?

antifa commies deserve death nothing else

nice make up faggot


I'm sad to see this, OP. The left have been allowed to get away with anything when the democrats were in charge.

Your struggles have not gone unnoticed. I really think that most protesters are just anti-white racist minorities who can get away with it for the democratic party.

Nice movie makeup dude. That used to be my hobby.

Irish catholic.

I was knocked out, couldn't fight back

what is a skull

If women weren't trash these days, you could've probably quipped with "you should've seen the other guy" and got mad pussy.

Feminism backfiring into DDlg culture can't happen fast enough.

Care to disclose the particulars?

Suuurrree, shlomo.

The goy who lived!

What did they hit him with? Thats a dug in wound.

Dude, do you not fucking see my ER gown? Do you see what the fuck I am wearing? I took the picture in the emergency room, you dipshit.

Jesus, did they hit you with an object ? Doesn't seem like a punch to the forehead could do that.

Holy shit did the police caught them?

Om Namah Shivaya.

No idea, i was knocked out. Hoping someone got it on video twitter.com/Whippodilly/status/827940774247555076

Thanks for that, Boss

Whats the thing with the rag in the tweet?Looks like alot of blood.

Go to a hospital right now user.

File a police report too. Dont go to sleep with a wound like that open.

You look like you deserve to get punched on a daily basis, mate.

Fakest and gayest false flag I've ever seen holy shit CTR isn't even trying anymore....

start a gofundme too and post it on the_donald.

those tolerant peace loving humanitarians? you must be a fascist racist because you're white.

Did they get arrested?


Why didn't you wax the fucker, OP?

Preferably with a .45

You gonna have a Hairy Pottery scan

What is the back story, OP?

post it on reddit

you definitely were hit with a weapon user, punches dont do that.

Why did they attack you? Were you wearing a trump hat?

Damn dude, that's gonna need stitches.
Did he hit you with brass knuckles?

Was there a confrontation leading to the strike? Do you remember the lead-up?

Hope your recovery is pain free, and also there's a ton of research showing that girls are attracted to guys with scars, so good luck.


Oblivion looking ass nigga one Harry Potter looking ass niggas one I got a pussy on my forehead ass nigga

she did a video interview with molymeme


get some acid
drip on a headband
wrap it around your head
trip till you heal or die of sleep deprivation

i dont know how to use redit, you can go ahead and post it tho

Shit, are you alright?

to bad you have no healthcare. KEK

This is fake and gay role play it's makeup you retards Jesus Christ.

Where did it happen?

Get stitches bro.




are you sure he was antifa? what if he was just a regular nigger attempting to rob you?

Yeah, what's the story OP?

Why were you in Oslo user, checking to see how cucked it is? Great multiculti there.

Notice those Soros-paid-for antifa Useful Idiots never try this shit at an NRA rally.

So this POGO player gets beat by a nigger wearing a GoPro cam filming him committing crimes? Do we live in an alternate reality or what...

Man, I wonder why that might be, Cletus.

>black people are good, i'm so tolerant!

Hopefully one less democrap voter.

Yeah its a weird wound, I'd guess brass knuckles too. I've been in plenty of fights, been opened up a few times too. Nothing like that happens from fists, rings don't even cause that much damage.

It's just a headlamp dingus, helps for rummaging through gloveboxes in the dark

Don't forget to buy your little sister extra lube for her islamic gang-bang later, Stefan.

looks like you got hit with a blunt object to me