
youtube Sargon of Akkad JonTron. I'm pretty sure a lot of youtubers are already redpilled

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>Where was you
was? are you a nigger? flag confirms

Okay kid, don't forget to do you homework, you must be finished on Monday.

he browses Sup Forums we know.
He likes this humor and wants to do it. Very good if he can provide comedy for people and also restore some sanity to the world.

Kind of funny how the nr1 youtube by far is a Sup Forumstard lol

Most redpilled Youtube "celebs" have been to Sup Forums at some point. Safe to say that they believe in some of what Sup Forums believes.

I'm not even human, I'm a monkey.

Too bad only kids consume his media.

in one of his videos he showed videos from YLYL thread on /gif/ lel.

He was pretty swede cuck in 2015, something happen in early 2016. Some said is due his Mom getting cultural enriched at work.

>be pew
>have youtube analytics
>analytics says traffic from Sup Forums is increasing
>checkout Sup Forums
>make content which people on Sup Forums could find funny

wow, 1488 my swedish brother

can you /r/the_donald fags stop posting jewtube shit? nobody fucking cares and its not even politics.

"he will not divide us"
His memes are up to date m8

The moment he memed 'he will not divide us' I knew it. He's a regular here.

>be Merkel
>have German chancellery
>analytics say everyone browses race-mixing porn, cuckoldery and arab rape of white women
>make import millions of young male shit-skin immigrants
>get re-elected to eternity

wow, madame generosity m8

>his Mom getting cultural enriched at work

what? Isnt his mom Ceo of Kappahl or some shit?

i'm pewdiepie ama

ITT 12 year olds shilling Bjorn's channel for views.

If we really think he browses here, we ought to post him some book recommendations.

how big is marzia's dick?

Why are his videos and "red pill" being spammed so much here?

Why live in Brighton, homo capital of England?

If you are really him, in your next video just say, "the ABSOLUTE STATE of [insert something here]".

Don't watch your videos, but I like the idea of someone red pilling the next generation, especially considering mostly white kids watch you.

proofs, what its the next vid going to be about?

The youth user, the youth. It is crucial if he awakes them.

Dubble trubble


>Too bad only kids consume his media.
Kids grow up.
What they consume now will dictate their thoughts in the future.
Children are the future.

Side battles part of the Great Meme War.


why are you shilling your videos here you faggot

if it's good enough for the us dems, it's good enough for merkel

Stop posting this idiot

What did he mean by this?

It means that he won't divide us

how many times do you think we've called Pewdiepie "Ahmed" to mock him being a Swede on here though?

it's pretty clear he's one of us, even if we don't like him that much as an entertainer.

He might even be reading this thread right now

hes living in the UK.

No I'm not!


Why is he imitating Filthy Franks way of talking?

>makes a video of him watching hitler speaches
>makes a parody of a cartoon muslim kid on his phone actually being a terrorist
>makes jew jokes constantly
>even says the CEO of fiverr must be a jew for banning him
>constantly talking shit about Hillary and supporting Trump

truly /our guy/

literally nigger water

>Too bad only kids consume his media.

Maybe explains why Gen Z is more based.

didn't know that

how many times have we called him a bong then?

prove it, I trust your digits, but the fuck man, that RE7 play through was dope but why haven't you gotten on that Conan Exiles train yet?

>following jontron for the last 4-5 years
>everytime he does a video or podcast he becomes slightly more ant sjw
>mfw jontron joins sargon and says he hopes wilders and lePen win in europe

Its a great thing to watch a man realize whats wrong with society.
Altough im kind of sad knowing he will never come onto the tgs podcast again, seeing as totalbiscuit is a raging cuck.

normies think that alt right dude is the face of Sup Forums

>but really it's pewdiepie

many times probably

Stop putting on that gay ass voice its gotten old already


>Fuck Canada
>How can we mobilize the Bro Army?
>Like if you said "Go kill your government representatives and start the revolution!", how many do you think we could get?
The Jew is gathering intel on Pewdiepie

TB has been on Sargon's stream a few times. He stopped because people kept giving him shit and he is dying of cancer and doesn't need it

what? really?

Red pill or no, I wish someone'd shoot this faggot already.

>Too bad only kids consume his media

Kids shape the future user,and your personality develop as a kid.After 21 your personality will barely change and hardly be influenced.

Tb is a fat cuck

Is he really pro-trump?

t. 60%


>Too bad
More like luckily

Really?, i havent seen those yet i'll make sure to look them up.
To be honest tb has had a few good moments where like he called out muslim apoligists and sjw feminists. but since trump won the election he had gone full autistic schreeching mode.
Not to mention the anti gun speech he did after the orlando massacre while live on the podcast.

/gif/ has the worst humor

wtf I love club penguin now


when are you going to fuck Jasonsepticeye or whatever the fuck that cute bottom name's himself? he obviously wants your cock inside his anus.


@1m33s explains why Pewdiepie "Loves Filthy Frank"

That's a one rare pepe. where did you get that? can i save it?

He was red pilled after viewing my when hub app




Idk, he was kind of subtle here

He's Swedish, he just thinks our politics are funny


can you cuck me?

Doubt it tbqh.

Probably just seeing what's happening - same for me.

He's slowly losing it.

One can only hide from the truth for so long

Pewdiepie pls go

>nu/pol/ will defend this thread.

Man this place really turned to shit during the election. Oh well, we had a good run.

Sup Forums is getting more mainstream. That is the price of Trump's win. We're no longer the edgy fringe containment board, we're seeping into the outside world and its culture.

We've secured the future commander

It's up to you to fix the present now

You have twice as many subs as the population of Sweden; when are you going to coup and MSGA?

I em rlls pewdiepie

That subtle salute and "heil" whisper at 5:10

Yes they are way back when Sargon was sub 50k followers. They also were together on one of hats stream. This is obviously in the old gamergate days


Is it weird If I want to make out with him ?

im a guy btw

Typical Swedish name. Not Jewish.

Anyone else notice CarryFish?