Can someone get up their and redpill everyone on Pizzagate. We should be nonstop redpilling everyone on Podesta, Laura silsby, Haiti, Clinton's, Jorge, dyncorp, the CIA, Obama $65,000 pizza/hot dog orders, Podesta hot tub parties with 3 young kids. This just the start. Somebody redpill the fuck out of paper and everyone down there.
Hwndu: Pizzagate edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying paper isn't part of it
See cripplechan Sup Forumsres/9148409.html
Reminder that aurora will never get so sick she slobbers all over you
This nigger is involved.
Paperboy is a payed shill
Reminder that mods are deleting agnes threads
Venti left with pol blart, Naruto and Jackie yesterday. You really think if shes so different off camera blart would be hanging out with her? You really believe she and fucking Stolen Valor are a thing? How delusional can you be
There was no agnes in the last thread. Stop memeing. Nobody likes your fat ugly waifu.
reminder that deleting a thread just causes 3 more to pop up
mods can't divide us there
>You really think if shes so different off camera a fucking male will still want to fuck her
you're pathetic kid
>mfw bogdanon was redpilling the stream on Monica Peterson and Laura Silsby and the entire Haiti kidnapping of children agenda. I hope Puerto Ricobro is still alive guys
say bye bye to this thread =)
Mods are deleting threads cause /qa/ is having a tanty right now
Guy, remember to use the hashtag hewillnotdivideuspaper.
bye bye to this thread =)
mods don't like that we brought attention to it
Its shit over there, I dont wanna
Mods are deleting the threads because you faggots keep posting about Aurora.
>eceleb drama
>white knighting for venti
alright I love this stream but you need to fucking kill yourself as soon as possible
bye bye
Say hello to the several others that will be made
Can someone go dressed like paper and call themselves Cardboardman and just steal his entire gimmick? It would piss him off to no end.
>deleting the thread 160 posts in
>for free
It's gonna be a long four years.
ya ppl need to post more of my nihilistic waifu. pls come back T.T
wtf? i love paper now
Mods are deleting this thread because it doesn't belong here and is just you autists sitting here cheering for e celbs to say memes on camera. This ended when Shia got arrested.
No they were getting deleted before too. It seems to be around the same time
I'll keep feeding the mods in /qa/ then brother however long it takes
fugging gillurselve xDDDDdDDD
He didn't take all those bogpills to die now
>meanwhile other quality threads are being slid, like "is swearing degerante?" and "Did trump really fart on ivanka?"
reddit called and they want you back
stop waifuing liberals
Wrong. they are actually having political discussions on cam now
The problem is that Pizzagate is a semi-ploy, they wanted us to focus on Alifantis. He's still part of it, but they used him as a ploy when the leaks came out and Sup Forums and Alex jones started talking about it. Then the term "Pizzagate" was coined a week later and talked about on here.
Everything else is pretty factual. Podesta definitely loves getting into hot tubs with 8 year olds for entertainment, that's a fact.
Whats your point? cuckchan has blacked spam and shitposting while we actually have real psyops and real discussions. Most Sup Forums stuff worth mentioning in the past years such as with open gates came from here not cuckchan
Other threads being shit doesn't validate this thread not being shit user. You know this.
Life as a kissless autist sure is full of meaningful things to fight for, huh?
Underage, please go. You belong here about as much as you think the threads do.
What's the tanty about?
post rare auroras plox
Yeah I do post there too, I just like shitposting in these threads
damn I dun goof'd with my pasta
replace "here" with cripplechan, and "we" with "they"
cripplechan is objectively better, redditor.
go back to /r/the_donald
you don't belong here
Once Paper leaves,
/ourguys/ will come in
then SV comes in
then more /ourguys/
then another villain
then some normies
most of /ourguys/ leave
SV still main villain
more normies
SV leaves
/ourguys/ protect the night
This is literally every day. Similar schedules every day.
you tell me
this. i just come here to fight.
Sup Forums btfo
that many nigger dicks she had
Anything interesting happen since Plaidman and the others left in the morning?
>i want the thread to get deleted
I just copied and pasted a post from an 8anon :^)
>she will never get a cold and slobber all over you
we have rare auroras at 8ch :^)
and the threads don't get auto deleted either :-)
I wouldn't know anything about it, as I'm not the one stalking and reporting a thread about a thing I clearly don't care about, just because I think that other people cannot be entertained by something I don't like.
We need Shia back to save the show.
>Paperboy got called out so much he's actually toned down the shilling
Reminder eyeliner douche is with skelly crew and alt-right ethno-nationalists.
Reminder that the Evangelion OP has been updated.
not the same person
A few quotes from the qa faggots
>I've been watching it. For every 5 minutes of legitimate political discussion there's 18 hours of children screaming memes at camera and literally antagonizing people for no reason. The people I've seen on that stream over the last few weeks that keep namedropping Sup Forums and shitting out Sup Forums memes are cancer incarnate
>You have to ice these things as well: report them as Illegal Content. The mods do not punish people who do this, but the GR7 exception here is VERY narrow: it is dangerous to do this for other kinds of threads.
You guys can entertain yourself all you want with this shit. Just not on Sup Forums. Take this to Sup Forums where it Sup Forumselongs.
M8 it's Season 3, Paperboy isn't the main baddy anymore. This is the season of Stolen Valor.
KeK. I'm sure that they find lots of meaningful political discussion in all the other copypasted shill threads that shit up the board and are left there untouched.
t. /qa/ddit
He looks like a G'd up John Snow
Season 3 is when Jesus returns tonight
one of those was me lol
8ch net Sup Forumsres/9148409.html
I like that season 2 ended with him getting BTFO by a minor character. He'll be back stronger this time.
Today is the Season 2 finale. Me thinks shit will hit the fan when a lot of people show up.
SV's heart is in the right place. Too bad he's too retarded to have anything to backup his opinions.
Someone should make a meme out of this lol
Pls respond
pizzagate is fucking real and everybody that lurked the threads from the beginning fucking knows
I wonder how Jesus' entrance will be this time
I mean, the cancer thing isn't really 'wrong'
blocked in my country holy fuck
If you checked Sup Forums for five seconds you would see that most of the place is porn threads. It would be impossible to have this thread there.
I dont know, I think its either going to be dead or invested by underaged faggots
newfag here redpill me on redpills XD
Paper is involved.
valor got banned for pissing on the museum
>It would be impossible to have this thread there.
Not my problem
>Thread about a political "art-project"
>That is currently showing a group of people having a political debate
>does not belong to Sup Forums
Yeah sure. I'm sure that whenever a "DRUMPF BTFO" thread pops up you are among the first that enthusiastically replies to it, to show the evil CTR shills what true/pol/ users are made of.
No man.
In the morning Paper showed up and ranted for about 3 hours then Stolen valor came and they had an argument and the Stolen valor left and then more normies and now these guys.