Why are Males so pathetic and childish?

This guy has a point. Almost all men think with their dick instead of thinking ahead.

And please, don't be in denial. Men are also responsible for over 90% of crimes.

Becauz women drive them crazyXD
shit thread

Men are sexual beings and so are women. Women aren't anymore better. Women are more promisicous than men. When women start saying all men think with their dick that usually means that a woman is bored of attention and sex from guys because she's had too much and is no longer pleasurable. A man saying that is just a beta male trying to please a roastie.

It's easy: If you dress and behave like a whore, you will be treated like a whore.

But he contradicted himself
>guys who take girls on dates etc
They do it so the girl will have sex with them 9/10 times.

Women dont appreciate chivalry anymore its 2017.

>I couldn't change Chad or get him to commit!
>My beta orbiters are starting to ignore me!

Men commit over 90% of the crimes, yet women don't seem to have any problem with having sex with criminals or spending money which can be the result of a lot of crimes.

Go look at the vagina insane people like El Chapo get and tell me more about this shit.

Girls have lost a lot of reason to be respected.

Listen to this guy with the repeating numbers


because they don't want to srub your kitchen floor?

He's either a fag or a beta who wants to fuck girls so badly that he thinks he can get girls to notice him if he acts that way. But watch as the girl fucks the guy who said "I'd smash that" instead of him.

Because they're promiscuous and have grown an insane sense of entitlement simply due to being women.

They openly ridicule "nice guys". It means something bad now. It went from something just not very good for you (which is fine, being nice is sacrifice) to one of the most loathsome thing you can be.

Whenever women complain about men, it tells you about the type of men they actually prefer. Those are the men they have grievances about because they're the ones they're interested in.

I have no interest in girls except for reproduction

Chivalry is dead. And the modern women killed it.

In western society it's women that select when and with whom they're going to have sex with. If men lost respect for them then it's entirely on them for giving up sex to easily. If they want more gentlemen in the world they should be harder to get.

Good point that. Haha.

>meanwhile, men can just lounge around in just their shorts



OP is a true Autist and I only presumre this would go for Chad's and shit. Your regular John is rarely like that. Like fucking always ist the guys fault. Fkn Stacies get smashed by Chads and then compain how noone loves them. Then they fkn settle down for some guy with a higher education and a stable income. Chivalry, fuck that. I wonder where being a true lady has gone?

th fuck?

no, girls get manipulated by these bad guys

Yeah, this.

Women are the gatekeepers of sex in the West. It is them who filter which behavior will be prevalent among men.

I don't see men running around in Yoga pants and string tangas.

women killed chivalry

post your teeth to prove how british you are or just another paki

>missing the end quote
into the trash

>women killed chivalry


What a cringey white knight faggot

no, because they're revealing themselves even more when they're on the side walk in just shorts and sandals


Come on guys. show some class

Equal rights.

troll post on whatever social network that is to get alt right aligned dweebs to start barking about equality for men and all women are whores.

dont seek this guy out to respond

>A guy should want to do things for a girl
Why? I do enough. I work five days a week.

>"If I'm lucky I'll get her number"
If I'm lucky? What fucking cunt is so entitled as to think guys should just come up, initiate a convo, and peacock for her and she just picks them like a new car?

Let in all the dindus and sand nigs to rape her and everybody like her.

We don't want women, or their tradcon lapdogs in Trump's America.

all you bastards who think this way deserve my long hard black dominating pulsating ejaculating male organ

>someone showing respect for women is cringy

not as cringy as the loud fuck who goes around fucking women like a whore

This has nothing to do with Sup Forums or anything affiliated with Sup Forums

Remove this thread, mods.

as far as the image. most women these days aren't worth more than a quick nut bust. proof? i've had plenty of women and a large majority will start off as a good quick fuck. but then they get needier and needier while not providing anything useful in return besides some company and a vagina

>work full time
>school full time
>don't smoke or drink
>better myself everyday

my ex
>work 20 hours a week
>no school. no intentions of going to school
>smokes pot all day and watches reality tv
>had a nice fat ass, small waist, big tits
>complete brat
>lives with parents

now tell me why would i invest more and more time and energy into this women. she started off as my fuck buddy and let me fuck her whenever i wanted. one day she asked if we could be "boyfriend/girlfriend" and since she treated my dick so well i said yes. over time she became needier and bitchier to the point if i was too tired from the ENDLESS LABOUR and mental gymnastics i have to do getting my engineering degree she would try to "punish me" by being a complete bitch, or the silent treatment. i left her after i decided that her pussy isn't worth it

and there's a very large number of these women. more so than not. now tell me. why would someone like me with their own car, apartment, and a future in a respectable career waste more time than needed on someone like described above?

i wouldn't.

that being said there are a few select decent women out there who support themselves and aim for a better life. but they're rare and usually they have longer, more fulfilling relations with men. most of them are already taken by men who have "made it" and can recognize a woman with a good head on her shoulders.

now. for men commit 90% of crimes. women typically aren't as committed to doing ANYTHING as a man is. this is the same reason why men suicides are MUCH higher than women. crime also involves risk taking, which they don't excel at either

Women killed chivalry for the sake of self-empowerment and then complain that chivalry is dead.

>equal rights

I'm pretty sure that isn't what killed chivalry.

People being free doesn't kill things, it only makes thing better.

- No testosterone
- Nags alphas to be a bitch like him.
- Surprised he can't get laid.


Please fuck off to Reddit or Sup Forums

politics is related to society

we are trying to figure out the men problem

you fucks hate on POC for commiting crimes too, yet you don't get Sup Forums hating on men, who commit crimes

without men, we'd be in space now

This guy is a faggot white knight that needs a handful of red pills.

And yet he fucks the women while you are a kissless virgin whiteknighting on the internet.

Should tell you a lot about the women you are trying to shield from criticism.


man stronk woman weak HUE
woman no good man good woman go to cave play with man stick

>says the 20 odd your old
>thinking he knows about women

>take Bible away from schools because "it's sexist!!!"
>want to take male philosophers away from curriculum because "they're sexist!!"
>wonder why moral depravity is rising

no, people like him are pretty much forcing and manipulating women into their dangers

>nice guys

If modern women want to be treated like they granndmothers were then they should behave like their grandmass did.

How old are you, and why are you on Sup Forums?

Pretty much. You know what they say, "Can't go out and be a whore, if you're at homing scrubbing the floor."

Nice virtue signalling. He might actually get a few responses and "atta boy" from some roastie.

I only have anecdotal evidence but you can see it all around you. Douchebaggery is rewarded and politeness is ignored.


That is the most redpilled thing I have heard all day.

Girl wants to be cherished and taken care of
Girl wants to be strong independent woman
Girl is 35yo and behaves like 20yo

I'm 33.
I've been divorced.
I'm a socially awkward HFA, so my only friends are ex girlfriends and failed romances.
I'm literally an insider in female social circles.

AMA faggot

Equating,"damn bro I'd ruin her vagina" to actually going up and speaking with her is fucking stupid. It's like when people say, "Man I would have..."

All talk, nothing there.

The funny thing is that women talk about men among themselves like that all the time and think nothing of it.

I'd rather work on my creative writing endeavors than engage in wooing and attempting to pleasure the opposite. I choose not to try to lose my virginity, because I have ascended beyond mere fleshy wants. I only pray my brothers on Sup Forums are brave and intelligent enough to do the same.

I stopped caring about the gender divide a while ago. If she wants to help me develop a website, that's cool. But all girls want is some chump to treat them royally or some chad to pretend he is.

>Sexuality is self-expression.
>Only men focus on sex.
Hypocrisy should be punishable by death. Feminism is sexism.

You'll be thier BFF. Trust me!

>Why can't I the master autist get laid?! Im so nice to girls, they deserve so much better than the guys they're with now

I used to do all those things. The women told me I was sexist and demanded I pay for all their bullshit. Now I don't even want to fuck them anymore so no I'll not be holding any doors. If you "deserve" more respect you need to act like an adult.

>IMPLYING I deserve respect simply because I'm a woman

This is why I come here. I hate my own gender.

Pretty much this, when being moral and ethical is seen as weak and defective, there is no real reason to hold compassion and empathy. Women created this mess by valuing boorish and brutish behavior over people who want to keep things stable.

based wizard poster


Ding ding. Winner.

I like your reply.

He does have a point, when I told a friend I liked a girl at work and he asked if it was her big tits. I told him we had chemistry and just stared and laughed at me, like his normie brain couldnt process the fact some people look beyond just physical lust like niggers. All I want is a nice girl to share my life with, if you think you are 'alpha' with your 'game' and your meaningless hookups youre a nigger or an animal.

Yeah, those kind of guys that's she's talking about, they don't get on so well I hear, women see them as weak, what a female claims she wants in a man is not what she actually wants, they don't have a great deal of insight into their own minds.

The entire point of interacting with women to begin with is to have sex. Just because he's listing the steps required to get fucked doesn't make him a supreme gentleman.

lmao dude
go ask some "chivalrous gentlemen" who tip their hat while holding open doors for women about how successful they are with women

Keep telling yourself that. Meanwhile looks like the guy who shot up the movie theater in Colorado has hundreds of women sending him nudes

They deserve more respect when they earn that respect and quit complaining about it on twatter

please display your breasts

Hitler digits confirm the leafs post, I love that fucking strawman from the faggot that you responded to.

>If you hate women you're obviously a virgin and never talked to women!"

Being in relationships and around women who arnt your family (sometimes even the women in your family) are the easiest ways to get a dose of reality on women.

Women, as a whole offer very little, and ask for everything in return. Why should men slave away, all to please vapid cows, who will leave and take everything you have, everything you have ever achieved, the moment some Chad strikes their fancy? Why exactly should men waste away, giving up everything, when they are given oh so little, in return?

Chopping your dick off and taking artificial hormones doesnt make you a grill.

modern women aren't worth the effort

or at least most of them arent

>dips bedora :DDDD

>The entire point of interacting with women to begin with is to have sex.
That's not true. Lots of guys want more than that. Pretty sure most do. Problem is most women can't give them more than that. Most women don't realize that it goes both ways. If they want to be valued for who they are, they have to value a guy for who he is. Or it's not gonna work out (neither for them or for him). Or they think that any Chad will reciprocate if they do this. They love the idea of "winning over" somebody hard to get and beating the other girls at it. Women are the ones choosing. Their problems are 100% brought upon themselves.

Basically the only red pills you really need about women are

A. If you are a manlet you will never have a loyal wife. But it doesn't mean you can't score.

B. Women are 100% motivated by extremely short term emotional gain. They are incapable of deliberately subjecting themselves to short term emotional strife for the sake of long-term strategy.

Well the male monkey is programmed to fuck as many females as it can.
The female monkey is programmed to fuck the best male she can and raise offspring.
The animal is strong in both but in different waays.

The animal

>the male hypergamy blue pill

Is tumblr down or something? where are these people coming from.

The end result is companionship which involves sex. It's always about sex for fucks sake.

>A guy should want to do things for a girl

I knew women don't get rich as often as men because they take less risks. I never thought about the fact that's also probably why they don't commit crime or commit suicide as much. Interesting.

>be male
>everything you ever do is an attempt to find a mate
>invent agriculture
>invent society
>always push the boundaries of technology
>compose painfully structured prose about the most benign things of a woman like her wrists or the nape of her neck
>all because you just want to dick a girl down

the world is lucky that men have done so much in the pursuit of pussy.
Women will never love men the way that men love them to be honest family.


I wouldnt put 100% into A but B is spot on. I know a dude whose 5'5 and his wife is 5'6 and shes really loyal, trust me i've tried to fuck her multiple times.

Doesn't mean it's only about sex. If you're going to spend a lot of time together, it better not be.

Male feminism is just the laziest and most ineffective way to reach the same goal of getting your dick wet.

Don't ever listen to a woman when they spout this shit.

She is probably just mad no one is doing that to her but she sees it being done to all her friends

Then you failed. I've even cucked lanklets before.