In terms of overall culture Japan is pretty up their they openly dislike foreigners and lack a pc culture which seperates it from other economic cultures (im black tho so I'd never live their)
The us atm is taking the cake living here is cancerous as everyone's basically divided
One I would live in
I think Italy would be cool not sure how their government is but their culture seems cool
Best/worst countries
>effective government
list is complete bullshit, 100%
U spel gud! IM Sur Jap want U!
>effective government
>germany making the list at all
kek, the only thing they are good at is to ruin this country. Otherwise they are a group of dumb corrupt degenerates.
Bbbut its from the "Reputation Institute"
It says effective, not good
Hood list bro
it says effective, if the swedish and german government WANTS to ruin their culture and country then they are literally being effective
>effective government
Traitor to your country and Great Grandfather. But i'm guessing your brown and your grandfather was picking cotton not spilling blood for his homeland
The Japanese culture should not be celebrated.
>effective government
>Appealing environment when 90% of the island is inhabited by Satan's spawn
>Effective government with Trudeau and the Liberals in office, not fulfilling any of their promises besides bring in 10 trillion rapefugees
>Go to Sweden
>Gang of refugee children approach
>"Eyy läänii får jag låna din telefon?"
>Go to Germany
>Gang of Kebabs approach
Truly the pinnacle of Western Civilization, good call, Jewish listmaker.
>1st world country
wew lad
this list is shit
Something tells me a leaf put this image together
My parents are both immigrants to the us my ancestors go from Nigeria and France
Thought as much. Point is there is zero to admire about the Japanese atm
There was a time where you could stand in awe at their work ethic, fighting spirit and honor but that has long gone.
How could you admire their culture, nobody talks to each other they have civility going for them but are shut ins who can't express emotion so fap to drawings alone in their houses wtf
This makes me happy
They basically don't put up with forced "diversity" and don't bow to social justice pressure with things like vidya
>becoming Number 3 by 2030
The only things awaiting us in 2030 is a civil war.
I don't know what they sniff at the UN but it must be powerfull.