Cnn reports lowest approval rating for trump
Are we losing?
Cnn reports lowest approval rating for trump
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Is 2.3% more disapproval bad? 2.7% more people voted for Clinton.
paid concern troll
fuck off
>Anything CNN says
Are you dense or trolling?
46% approval isn't bad. Obongo's average is 47. It will likely rise because Trump is getting the controversial stuff done early.
>Trusting CNN
I know
Doesn't change the fact that OP is Share Blue cancer
>and in related news, hillary clinton is projected to win by 98% according to the latest CNN poll...
98% is true though because thats the popular vote and she should ve won. My problem is that the majority of people are against trump.
the thing i dont get is why Sup Forums isnt making concerted efforts to scream just as loud IF NOT LOUDER that he's doing an incredible job and redpill everyone. remember, YOU are the true supporters of trump, the ones that are here every day doing the ground work... if you amp up the efforts and get people involved you can become the vocal minority by overpowering the opposition's voices and control the narrative. and Sup Forums has the power to do so, through thread generals. and those only take one person to make
>muh poppalur boat
America lubs Trump
Accept it
Dont those red states have very low populations? Like half of ny from all of them combined?0
>low populations
>62+ million people don't exist
Does it hurt being this retarded?
>62 million out a population of 320 million
>most regret even voting for him.
Byt cnn cant lie about the polls wouldnt thatbe illegal?
>this is what 30 million shillbux buys
Nah, most are enjoying the left having their heads explode
>most regret voting for him
Shareblue please go or show proof
leave your echo chamber
and them my country
Donald Trump 60,375,961 (47.28%)
Hillary Clinton 61,047,207 (47.79%)
That’s a difference of 671,246 votes.
Losing what?
The elections he just won?
>most regret even voting for him.
Let me guess, 15 people tweeted #trumpregret as well as hundreds of butthurt clinton and sanders supporters and suddenly the """entire country""" is regretting it, according to your "credible sources".
>keep insulting the rust belt and farmland states that helped get Obama elected twice
>then wonder why they're not on your side
There should be a law about only eating fruits/meats/veg/etc that were grown / come from counties that voted for your party so you would all starve to death.
but but they are an important gateway.
t. Crew
Cnn doesnt lie, they just omit certain details like obamas ratings.
People don't trust the government period, even with trump in office you'd be stupid to just eat whatever shit they gave you as "truth".