Generation Z, our guys?


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reportedly started as a joke in response to another group of students holding up the black power fist

notice that only the whites are in trouble

i've been saying that. The next generation is gonna uncuck all this shit. it's millenaials who are the cucks. (iäm also a millenial)

>only white students in school
>100% redpilled
The rest is a game of voter turnout.

Really? I'm not surprised.


Good name.

Gonna start spreading that around. Once the media picks up on it they'll start talking about it and it'll become a self fulfilling prophecy

Bunch of cucks trying hard to be cool.

>omg they must know about National Socialism and the Jewish lies and other dank memes
Sup Forums is retarded.

>tfw you can't even throw your hands in the air like you just don't care at a football game without being called a nazi

No, they're just edgy and trying to play upon the political incorrectness of the 'alt-right'.

Total bros, they are the future

They did this in response to a black student doing the black power fist.

And the pendulum swings again...

i'm generation z. :)

You're generation hue.

>865 ▶
>File: 1460832267193.jpg (222 KB, 1600x1920)
> (OP)
>i'm generation z. :)
if you're born in the 90's don't think you hsould count yourself as a generation Z. Tbh, gen z should be people born 2000 and later. i'm born 96 and i guess that technically counts as gen Z. but don't really see my self as one of them

Doubt it, me and my dumbass friends did this same shit.

Only difference was we never got in trouble or put on the news.

Lost hard.

"Generation Z (also known as Post-Millennials, the iGeneration, Founders, Plurals, or the Homeland Generation) is the demographic cohort after the Millennials. There are no precise dates for when the Gen Z cohort starts or ends; demographers and researchers typically use starting birth years that range from the mid-1990s to early 2000s, and as of yet there is little consensus about ending birth years."

I'm from 96 too. and it counts as generation z. If your childhood was on the 2000s, you are gen z.


Generation Z

>mfw SJWs created an ultra-redpilled generation

Fucking awesome.
I hope this spreads to more sports events.

And even better - it's YOUNG whites doing it.


Tattoos are for fags and dykes.

>born 2 years too early

Baby boomers most be so pissed right know

>right-wing all-white society
>youth wants to rebel against societal norms under the guise of sympathy for third-worlders, equality, freedom, justice
>left-wing decadent society
>youth wants to rebel against societal norms by going full 14/88
this century will be fucking nuts and it's only the beginning

It's working lads.

yes gen z, best gen im gen z

>mrw you were born in 1994

Gen Z are post-millennials. You're a millennial. I'm a millennial. Millennials are still fucking scum. Let's burn some shit down, Viking comrade.

Libtards, the judges and their masters should be less worried about the civil war they want so desperately bad and they should be worried about generation z.
Even if we lose, gen z will be like our manticore poisoned spear. They will rise up and create a fucking America Reich at this rate.
We may fail, trump may fail , but if the left actually does get purged , it will be by theses kids 15-20 years from now

>Bunch of spineless, pampered retards
No you fucking idiot WE are /ourguys/
We are the ones destroying the system
We are the ones fighting the Jews on the front lines
WE are the ones redpilling the world
Not them, not the boomers, not the Asians, not the Christcucks, not the nationalist parties who sit on their asses, not the faggots at stormniggers
There is no /ourguy/ there is only us and our will to turn the rides of history for the men of the west

Haha gen z little nazis.

only black power and spic raza signs are allowed

A few weeks ago, I would have despised this image. I was center-right enough I wouldn't say anything on social media.

After a few solid weeks of reading white nationalist texts and listening to The Right Stuff, you know what?

I see those salutes and smile.

I know this feel

>They don't like tattoos or gays
I call bullshit

love how they're in black and white to make them more a e s t h e t i c

since when do black people have to pay for their actions when law enforcement isn't involved?

> Same sex marriage
> Trans rights
> marijuana legislation
None of which are nearly important to me as our national security and job growth. I am perfectly fine with all of the above to the positive, but I want to still have a country in 20 years.

"Hitler pose" lol normies are non-thinking cancer.

>Okay with tranny rights and hi.os
Get out and don't come back

i NEVER saw someone under 22 with tattoos, or even wanting them.

I think that they come with the package. Every conservative is a nationalist and every nationalist want national security.


>mfw I've seen kids praising Franco as the best leader of Spain and fucking hate left-wing parties to the core.

>with tattoos,
Im 20 man.

>i NEVER saw someone under 22 with tattoos, or even wanting them.
You live in fucking Brazil, your scope of exposure to western trends is almost non-existant

Sorry, this () was not for you. It was for you

im born in 2003 :)

If we purge them, there will be no end of Shoah-tier propaganda about how mean we were. The best is to counter-signal and lobby for the right to avoid them in social clubs. The "religious liberty" bills will go a long way toward this.

For every screaming libtard around them, there are six other people wondering how they can fend off social engineering from BLM and NAMBLA without the right to bar individuals on an ideological basis. Hell, some gays I know want the right to bar women on their property.

It's almost like everyone wants to be left alone to their own devices among their own kind. Funny.

>i NEVER saw someone under 22 with tattoos, or even wanting them.
I'd prefer to not have identifying marks.

>exposure to western trends is almost non-existant
Your ignorance to my lifestyle is ridiculous. If you don't know, you shouldn't be assuming like a vapid whore.

Bunch of weeb edgelords. I know sme degenerate manchildren who do the exact same thing to appear as edgy despite being obese and advocating degeneracy. Values the National Socialist movement was clearly against for

Shit man, hide yourself before the mods appear!!

i am now hidden

We weren't really that cucked until Obama came along, it was college that wrecked us. Hopefully genz can resist the indoctrination better

This.DO this immediately.

Amazing, it's like he was never here.


>since when did anyone?

This is certainly worthy of a national news story tbqh

Happily I did not get a tatoo.
I will swim in gen Z pussies by 2020.

>Becoming the Jews
Not an option

Isn't Gen Z late 90s.
yeah I'm your guy,Sup Forums.

You aren't the west
You aren't the US you aren't Europe
No matter what you monkeys do it has no effect on us and neither do your trends and vice versa

Hate and peer pressure isn't the way. Trying to belong to a greater whole is degenerate as fuck.

Yeah instead you wound up here being a fucking faggot.

Its shit been born before 96.
I'm born 93 and most of the people I know around my age are fucktard leftists and they just infuriate the shit out of me.

Fuck millennials.

I graduated college before Obama and I'd definitely say that overall it seemed less cucked than the kids I know now. There are definitely some late 20s - early 30s cucks, but when you start looking at early 20s and late teens currently most of them are complete faggots. Tight pants and all.

>Tfw you were born in 94
>Tfw you are the Last Millenial
Pls god take me with u.

>They don't like drugs or gay marriage, and they HATE tattoos
Will Generation Zyklon save civilization?

>one chance at life
>you had to be born into generation nu-male instead of generation zyklon

Don't respond! Just lurk for the next 5 years until your old enough lad.

Your lack of knowledge about how culture and states relate to each other surprises me. It's like a third world country called mexico wasn't fucking with the US for some time now.

>best leader
Basically a literal moron who was under the direct orders of Opus Dei



Thank you based youngins.


>tfw born early 1999
>tfw always classified as millennial

I fucking knew I wasn't a millennial piece of shit I'm a Gen Z at heart

They are going to be entering college and the workforce over the next few years. We must be their mentors and their guides. Together we can fix this mess.

I wonder if it's because they have to grow up with record numbers of niggers, shitskins, faggots, transgender, and whatever the fuck gender people.

Yeah 80s born millenials aren't the rabid leftist sjws the 90s kids seem to be. We were ignorant druggies in some ways but we hated niggers, faggots, and feminists as teenagers. Everything seemed to change in 06 when more people started listening to nigger music and molly became the drug of choice. I think MDMA created a lot of lefties.

They don't have to fight the system alone.

We open the way, so where we failed they may prevail.

>white people in texass are racist

zomgggg a resurgence of white supremacy?

this is literally nothing. whites are like 25% of generation z anyway.

>with record numbers of niggers, shitskins, faggots, transgender, and whatever the fuck gender people
That's exactly what's has happened. Counter-culture. They see the bullshit.


They are too outnumbered.

you know this only applies to americans right? it doesn't apply if you're not american.

>being so insecure that you look to some edgy middle school kids doing a nazi salute to justify your ideology

neck yourself op

1 white warrior can kill 100 shitskin savages, we've done it before.

>Fucking with us
>Not our own politicians
>Implying that has fuckall to do with the fact that you are nowhere near the pulse of current trends and thinking because again you live in fucking Brazil not in the west and no matter what you think your scope consists of favela monkey's twisting current culture to their own ways and the internet


>tfw '97fag

i will stop posting so i wont get banned

you guys are gonna get hella sad when you find out their only doing this to be edgy, literally Gen Z is about 10/16 right now, pubescent EDGE is at max hence why Filthy Frank is so popular

They do these things to annoy people not because they actually believe the rhetoric you fuckboys spout

I am a fan of MDMA but to add on to that... once MDMA hit the rap scene it exploded in popularity (molly in particular). Following this, quality of MDMA pills and molly drastically dropped. I wouldn't fuck with anything without reagent testing it. The MDMA scene does have a lot of losers, such as the people you mentioned but even before that and currently there are raver and hippie types preaching PLUR (peace love unity respect) in the E scene. This goes back to the 90s. It's mostly just an excuse to give rolling some philosophical meaning so you can get fucked up and pretend you are a part of something.