

Do you have more anime ones?


Akari would be a lib

I can live with this. Don't really care for Yui, but at least worst girl is in the right spot.

Why didn't you put a character in for libertarian left though?

Where would Yui be?



>Don't really care for Yui
I assumed you thought she was not in the right part of the political compass



Nah, she's just not my favorite yuri so I wasn't a fan of her representing my square.

OP you need to make more anime ones.

any le request?
I'll do Kill Me Baby next

No idea, but I never realized it worked so well for yuri yuri. Good job.

Best one I've seen in a while.

You take that back, my precious daughter is not a filthy hippie.

Monmusu, plox.

Sonia would be top left
Ninja would be bottom right
Where would Yasuna and unused go?

Clean one

why do these cartoons have such big eyes? What happened to their noses? Are these supposed to be little girls or something? I dont get it

Because it's idealized to what we want.

are you 30+ years old or something

why is libertarian left blank?

Interesting, thank you.


i don't understand, can i get this redone in k-on form?

Best as usual.

Chinatsu absolute worst I agree

Why did you even come to this site?

>Chinatsu hates Kyouko
>Kyouko loves trolling Chinatsu
>Chinatsu raped Akarin
>Akarin looks up to Yui
>Yui and Kyouko are good friends, although Yui thinks Kyouko goes too far at times

this is perfect

You prefer this one perhaps?

I came for political discussion...but instead theres these Chinese cartoons everywhere

leafman ruining another thread

Oh, thanks.

Wasn't my intent, but my questions were graciously answered and so I will depart the thread.

Cute boys>Girls with dicks

Well, it'd do you good to go back to /reddit/ or kikebook or youtube comments or wherever else you came from.
Damn it, there is only one thing I'm sad about concerning Trump - the influx of normgroid newfags to the boards that started during his campaign.

r8 my OC

If revolution by the Beetles is considered left authoritarian, then the meaning behind it was misinterpreted. It refers to communist revolutionaries as "minds that hate" and says "but if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow"

>brat will never be your daughter

Top left could be better, but it's pretty good. Also need to work on the cropping.

I have this one

source it



now that I think about it Red Son Superman is perfect for top left

bretty gud

Crusch's republic is the best republic.

I like it famalama
>tfw no bottom left ferris

This one is fucking awesome.


sakurako was worst girl