This makes the Americuck hide behind tariffs in fear.
This makes the Americuck hide behind tariffs in fear
i would put my dick in that
What about the market principle, eh, Drumpftards? What about making better products, instead of outlawing competition like a fucking Communist?
If you have not noticed: our wages are not much lower than yours. Audi, BMW and Mercedes are all luxury brands. We are not making cheaper cars, we are making BETTER cars.
oh shit i responded to a shill thread
>What about the market principle, eh, Drumpftards?
>A German using a German name as in insult
desu they are bretty gud..
I am about to roll 300,000 miles on one of these.
I have a bmw, it's bretty gud
It kinda lets you know about the state of Cuckmany right now.
>"A German"
yes we are scared because theres a chance that the muslims who built that put a bomb in it
Wait, wat? I thought the ones calling for more government interference into the economy are left-wingers?
He never had a German ancestor named "Drumpf". Its "Trump" to begin with. Weak attempt.
German cars have, by far, the highest avoidance rate in America at 42%, meaning that 42% of Americans wouldn't even *consider* buying a German car.
why buy that when you can buy a ferrari or lambo
>bmw with identity crisis
>bringing up demographics
Ehm. No, I refuse to bite.
If only you refused the 2 million """""""""refugees"""""" then things would be slightly better.
It's almost like the Germans sent us shitty versions of their cars for years throughout the 80's and 90's
why are so many foreign car manufacturers obsessed with animu
this shit looks like goddamn gundam
>bmw is only a higher tier car because america allowed its import and they increased manufacturing spec to raise its price and quality with the profits from such lax regulation
this makes america great again.
Gotta hate those 'modern' car designers you can do better hans, no one can beat german engineering. But fuck man that design
> not an M car
Sorry germ-allahu-akbar-ny
The us won this competition in Norway
but i like the i8
>He never had a German ancestor named "Drumpf". Its "Trump" to begin with. Weak attempt.
Are these alternative facts to what fake news has been telling me, Affe?
That makes me wonder about the inflated costs of german goods.
I just saw a brand new Jetta, with all the bells and whistles, for under13,000 a few weeks ago.
You can't give them away fast enough hans.
Best car off all time, the i8 uses speakers to create fake motor sounds and is made in asia just lmao fuck my germany
Explain away German car manufacturers being at the bottom of British reliability tests year after year then.
i8 is quite a turd
VOLKSwagen is the only acceptable brand
BMWs are the worst cars to work on. Look at all this bullshit you have to remove just to get to the alternator
This makes teutons cheat on pollution tests.
>speakers to fake motor sounds
What. That is quite strange, desu.
Because brits like to disparage anything that's greater than what they can produce.
Brits have always feared Germany, because it made them look irrelevant in Europe.
Brits still can't stomach the fact that they lost the empire and they're now just an island with bad weather and bad food.
What tariffs NIGGER, it's cheaper over there than in your own back yard. Motherfucking BMW and their price gouging on jahreswagen offerings.
t. 1er, 3er, z4 owner...
Are you retarded? Germany made the best cars on the planet up to the early 1990s
The modern ones are dogshit with the exception of Porsche
BMWs are shit
What that oil leaking, over priced piece of shit. At work we all call BMWs, Bavarian manure wagons. Hell I'd take a GT350R over a German machine any day.
Sure thing taco wrapper sure thing.
Good attempt except "British" cars bottom out the list as well.
Name one good car that comes out of your country.
Tough to beat that Bundesbank financing.
The Bundesbank has no mandate anymore.
This thread is stupid
Don't American cars cost an arm and a leg in Germany? The irony of this thread is very real.
Hurr... We export educated people out west to provide economic relief and intellectual support to the countries tainted by mongrel hordes ;)
I am also an unfortunate owner of a Dodge Challenger, care to explain that MUH AMURKAN STEEL meme to me cause the car is rusting like a motherfucker.
stop badmouthing muh Gundamu
it's only the more recent """Gundams""" that look retarded, original designs were top tier
Zakus were fucking sexy too, especially in the Origin OVA
Mustang 5.0 GT 50 to 70k€ - 80k ish $
that's for the fleet dealer optioned car.
Or perhaps they're wondering why a BMW OP would know so much about bank mandates.
This makes the Germ hide behind Euro in fear.
Build me a 450hp V8 BMW for 40k like picrelated, and I'd consider it.
Until then, BMW is for faggots that buy cars based kn what crest is on the hood
You always had to devalue your currency to compete with the Germans.
Now that we are on even ground, your actual worth is showing.
You literally bought the shittiest of the American car brands. All Fiat Chrysler has for them is SRT, ram and Jeep. On a side note undercoat it.
Otherwise Ford is the best American car company.
I will, but it will be a pre 95 car and a naturally aspirated one at that.
I might break the bank with new disk brakes and tires.
You'd be right if you had posted a Honda Accord or something, nobody buys BMW frequently here.
Meh i have it on a lease for rental purposes, achmeds that come here and chinks love to pay 150€ per day for it. It's a cash cow, i hope someone totals it - i insured the car for 150k€
Trump mentioned BMW.
>boohoo mama Merkel save us from the evil Italians and their central bank! Also, give us more refugees danke
Sounds like you're getting the good end of the deal then. Win win situation for you.
holy shit that's a lot
the top spec Shelby GT350R is $67k fully loaded over here
Just like the smell of gas you use to cook. It is added. Smell is added so you know whether its leaking gas and sound is added to the vehicle so that it can aware people that you are in traffic. If its all silent, many accidents could happen
Compare your government debt to ours and you will notice who is the one in need of Central Bank intervention.
Mate the lease on my 5.0 GT (gray with gray interior no HUD no bells and whistles) with an aftermarket clone of a borla sport is costing me 570€ per month.
Buyout will be a solid 330d f30 price.
GT350R is pro-tier af
>beats eurocrap sportscars that cost twice as much
>manual only so F1 paddleshifter euroqueers cant drive it
I want one
Makes sense
Maintance cost a fortune.
Same for Audi, Merc, pretty much all German cars.
>German poster
>Brags about cat made in the UK
>To piss off Americans
u wot m8?
Can't wait till 2018
The Tesla model 3 will be out and Britain will have a trade deal with the US meaning I can buy one cheap.
Fuck off Ahmed.
True, imagine this I'll be selling a year old S5 to fund a Camaro SS and a Nissan GTR...
Which in the two years i plan to let them go will cost me less than a service on the S5 and two or three brake and liquids changes...
I mean i am the biggest BMW fanboy around but fuck, if it wasn't for the M2 and M4 i don't know if i'd be supporting any german made car - audi killed it for me... S-Tronic service for 3.5k€ and discs almost the same ? Fuck you i can buy a Pontiac GTO via eBay and have it shipped to Europe for that price.
modern german cars are not dogshit.
they, including porsche are undeniably the best in the world.
Sorry Hans, America is already Great Again™.
This car is like an AMD processor, while BMW is like intel.
AMD may boast 8 cores and whatnot, but is completely destroyed by a 2 core intel.
gt350 masterrace
Japanese cars are more reliable than German cars...
>driving a plastic nazimobile
>German engineering
>made in Mexico.
German cars are overly complicated, expensive to fix, unreliable expensive pieces of shit.
Just like the Tiger tank that breaks down before it reaches the battle field.
As long as it's not a hennesy I'm down for some v8. (as long as there are chinks, bosniaks and achmeds willing to rent them from me that is)
Let's see that car on the street after 28-30 years , and still look badass like Merx 500-560 sec for example. Germans&Japs make the best fucking cars , you know it ,we know it even they know it.
Bmw drivers from ro are huge fags and 60 % gypos , it's like bmw asks customers if they are assholes & or just plain dumb and gives a discount or something.
Also i sold my ford focus 2009 and bought a fucking dacia logan 2011 1.6 and doubled the kilometer range without a problem 460k km on the dash and no engine repairs ;)
Woah actually I never seen this flag before
bmw hasnt been shit for 10 years.
especially in racing, bmw m6's get ass raped by the new ford gt in every race.
this is unbridled autism. you are a fucking faggot.
there are videos on youtube of people sneaking up behind pedestrians in electric cars then using air horns to scare them, funny shit but dangerous nonetheless.
according to some drivers the real risk is not in children either, it's in adults. children always look for cars before they cross the road, adults just cross if they don't hear engine noises.
>racing cars are what you get from a ford dealer.
There is a reason why almost no American cars are sold in Europe - because they are an inferior product at a similar price range.
Japan makes the best cars in the world and has for some time.
Okay Achmed.
I'm not paying for "proprietary" tools.
>Germans&Japs make the best fucking cars
objectively false.
No retard, look up any quality control reviews.
Japan is ahead of Germany every single time
Nah yurocucks have to hide behind high import tariffs to compete with superior American products
>ITT : Red scum defends the violation of the NAP by Trump governments
Fucking communists
Honestly I actually liked Audis, though. And I the R8 is pretty nice.
Japan pretty much only makes appliances masquerading as cars.
Jap cars have no soul.
dude, you can literally buy that car off the lot...
also, most Americans want fast cars not luxury cars.
>both handle better than any German car
Both are more reliable than any German car
>Both are more comfortable than any German car
>B-but muh heritage!!!
Germans btfo
we are debating which country is responsible for better car, not which country gets better quality control reviews.
if you think it's all about statistics and red tape, then you are a pleb who can't form his own opinion.
not to mention a weeb.
Do people not know the sound of rubber tires on pavement? It's like they've never had push a car uphill in the snow or something.