>tfw I'm only half-white
Get with the times, Sup Forumsacks
>tfw I'm only half-white
Get with the times, Sup Forumsacks
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw half white
>tfw half turk
>tfw pol tells me to hate non-whites
>tfw pol tells me to be proud of my lineage
wat do
Your a non white
Same boat different race mix.
If the race war comes and we are granted honorary aryan status good.
If not accept death.
Half nig reportan
no such thing, you are either white or a shitskin.
same mix here
>half anglo
>half turk
we should breed
gas yourself shitskin
There's no such thing, unfortunately.
Well, maybe the Nordic lot.
New times, new terminology.
You are a Turk.
>The current society is completly corrupted, go with the current society
>new times, new terminology
you are showing your true colours now, filthy shitskin (((progressive)))
This. Just round down if mixed.
Don't worry, there's enough room for you and me here.
75%+ of Sup Forums is mongrelized.
Fascists who are autistic about "muh race" are stupid. Civic Nationalism is the future.
>Don't worry, there's enough room for you and me here.
yes, but that doesn't mean you are wanted here.
True, for you the room is turkey
Speak for yourself fag
But I was born here and I own the citizenship. By all legal means, this is my turf as well as yours.
where are we wanted?
Doppelpassler unite.
All the conveniences of both countries without the need to actually chose one.
Einzelpassler are just mad jelly. Sucks for them.
I only have one pass, though. I find it pretty unfair that you get to have two.
Legal citziens equals a paper currently believed in by the powers that be, in a certian state. Being a true part of a nation means having a metapysical and biological Community of destiney/Schicksalsgemeinschaft.
Trash bin/favela.
civic nationalism is a meme
That's a lot of babbling. My family contributes to this country and does indeed also do it's part to preserve it's culture.
A bond by a paper is as easy torn apart as a paper. There needs to be more, than just a vague partly shared believe in some abstract principals.
>Civic Nationalism is the future.
It has been the status quo since the 1960s. It's the present nightmare, half-breed.
This x 1000. People who are members of abstract "nations" will not be willing to defend them in the long run.
If you become a man one day, you will understand what honor means
The babbling comes from you. If you work at a Zoo and you help sealions to learn the tricks their fathers already learned, you are preserving "their" culture. And yet it's still not really their culture and you are still not a sealion.
I have my doubts that you know what you're talking about, François.
I am very willing to defend my home.
That's a nice image, but draws quite the arbitrary line. You think the two of us are as distinct from one another as a human to a sealion?
It's only slightly hyperbolic to make the point more clear. Every human category could be seen "abitray" in a cosmological sense. When Aristoteles very clearly elaborte on the concept of categories (others did it before but not in a meta discurse), he laid the foundation for modern science and the hole world, which sourrounds us, at least in the west today. For me it's a contradicto in adiecto, if anyone wants to participate in adicussion, without agreeing that categories exist, even if the borders between them aren't sharp in all cases.
I accept categories. I don't accept you using them arbitrarily, though. That we are different sorts of people is quite clear to me. It is not clear to me how the level of categorization chosen by you in this case (my mother being a foreigner from south america, unlike yours as I presume) excludes me from this nation.
I don't think, if your mom was from latin america, this completly excludes you from the "nation". There is a chance you could be tollerated by the nation and your descendents becoming a part of it. This would mean they would either have to become genetically more similar to the native inhabitants or just have the status of foreigin people who are allowed to live on the nations territory.