Conservative Waifus

Are Afrikaans women the perfect solution for Sup Forums's virgin problem?
>Dutch/Anglo genes
>Hates niggers
>No seriously, they fucking hate niggers
>Loves guns
>Desperately need to leave SA
>Will marry you if you're not a total creep
Seriously though, why haven't you married one yet Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Why are SaFa women so perfect?

>Anons, you don't find niggers attractive, do you?

>cucking yourself to a greencard whore

Why do white men love to show their women off to non-whites?

>He thinks after saving a woman a SaFa woman would leave you
Wrong, they hate niggers.

She had a baby with an Asian. Stop idolizing this woman.

>Hey user, have you heard about a land called Rhodesia?
>Oh ya ya? My parents come from there.
>Where are you from user?
What do you respond?

what's your end game anyway? Why don't you yourself get on a dating site and go for some of these SA chicks eh?

>he thinks sa women are disloyal
Spotted the retard folks

So are Afrikaners anglos or aryans? Or just a mix of the two like Americans?

Propagate the white race.
Is that even a question?
It's not like any of you fags are getting laid.
Also, if we import these women, they're not going to fuck any niggers.

>Desperately need to leave SA

So they'll say or do anything to get a green card and then once they become Americanized, fuck me over.

No, it's a cuck move that your bargaining chip would be a greencard. What happens when she gets it? You lost your bargaining chip.

Might as well get a white girl here. It would be easier and the leverage you'd have would be the same.

>posting the same woman over and over

Is that the best you got? I came into this thread to save pics dammit

OR or or or or.OR
>Go to SA for a summer
>Find a nice girl
>Don't mention America
>If you click, bring her back.

OR or or or.OR
>Go to SA for summer
>Find a nice girl
>Don't mention America
>get her preggo and leave

Oh hey its this thread again... For 4th time this week (that ive seen) umm... fuck off yea?

>OR or or or or.OR
What did he mean by this?

Check the face, tiys, hair color, face and bikini bottoms.
Theyre different people, but some are the same person

>Anglo genes

who is this cum plum

OR or or or or.OR
>Go to SA for a summer
>Find a nigger
>mention America
>get clubbed by a bunch of them

If they are so conservative why are they using that shitty nigger flag instead of the old one?

fuck off

>not white

i think dutch people are the masterrace

Afrikaners are descendants of Dutchies, Belgians, Germans and Frenchies


afrikaners aren't anglos and hate anglos, they're a mix of dutch and french protestants mainly

the woman in the op has a french name

I concur

You're not wrong.
I respect all of these ethnic groups for different reasons.
Dog gless Belgy.

Dutch genes famalam

Pretty sure they like blacks.

>Americans can't control their women so they desperately try to gab some from an obscure white enclave.

FFS stop obsessing over girls that won't stoop so low as to marry a whore-enabling amerifat and start red-pilling your women!

Post more.
You couldn't be more wrong.
Afrikaans hate blacks, and I mean fucking HATE
A hate that literally might surpass the 3rd reich.
Here's a video to show you.
No seriously, you're wrong.

>checks flag

Of course (You) would think that cuck.

Afrikaans women love black dudes, stop lying to yourselves

i'm only 1/4 dutch, wish i was more. they're hot, massively tall, blonde

I would give just about anything to have South Africa white again

She has a non-white baby

You would too if yours actually looked female

1/2 reporting in.

Time for me to go to South Africa then.. hehe

Falklands are white.

Oh no... it's the muh-heritage fag

Says the black German

>Sup Forums's virgin problem?

I have a feeling that white south Africans are just as cucked and pc as the rest of the white race. I think most of them bought into the Mandela rainbow nation garbage. Even with a front row seat to witness complete nigger destruction and incompetence. Breddy sad.

no you aren't faggot.
you too nigger lips

She is sucking on lithuania.

i didnt claim to be a true dutchman or something, fuck off nigger

>implying every american isn't muh-heritage
Also, if Americans can't be muh heritage. Argentinas can't be Spanish.

babbys father

Fuck South Africa their whites have up and let themselves become second class citizens rrreeeeee don't make me type all of this again!

I'm 0.00000000003% Dutch and 0.00000000005% Irish

Trust me

>b-but this ONE international model had a baby with an Asian! Surely all SAffer girls are cucked according to this ground breaking logic!


That kid looks white, is it half asian?

OP youre fucking retarded

We should open our borders to any and all Afrikaans who wish to flee those lands.

After that its up to you to stop being a beta permavirgin and to bring something to the table beyond a fucking greencard, christ you people are fucking pathetic sometimes

That guy looks like med, everything seems cool.

>Argentinas can't be Spanish

what did he mean by this?

This thread was posted once and I thought maybe in the future I'll consider traveling over there and looking around for a good girl. But then this same thread keeps repeatedly popping up over and over again and it starts to make me wonder could there possibly be someone out there with an agenda that they are paying people to repeatedly post this thread or is it honest genuine interest with no other motive than in hunting for a good redpilled wife?

We have many french derived names, just pronounce then way different, naude, le roux, jacques etc

>They consider this black
Looks like a tall Spaniard to me.
Middle eastern at worst, which that's not good either, but better than black.

>cherrypicking: the thread
wew lad

I think you missed the part about them hating niggers

She's a fatso. Once her cunts blown out from having a kid she'll turn to a whale.

If she's so conservative why is she taking provocative pictures?

Oops, that wasn't supposed to be a reply.

Go to google.
Type in white south african women
Thank me later Croatia.
If it makes you feel better, Croatia is my favorite Balkans country.
Slovenia close 2nd.

i think you missed the part about non white baby and her braggging about being a "wifey"

True they are redpill but they also look for big strong alpha males. They don't like little beta cucks, because they know they need protection against the kaffers. If you're big they will date/fuck you even if you're an idiot simply because they crave the safety you can provide.

So how does one go about meeting a south african girl as Austrian? I'd like to save a white life and bring it back home to Europe.

oh boi
are those natural?

She's just a model that Sup Forums drools over.

80% of our women are conservative.

Are you implying that if you could make millions of dollars from posing half nude a few times in your life, you wouldn't?
Wew lad.
>Retardation the post
>A real conservative lady would waste her genetics and go flip burgers at Maccers
Fuck off.

>Kill yourself
>Reborn as a non-beta


No, because if I did kill myself there'd be a chance that I'd be reborn as an argentinian negro.

keks your women would rather date a nigger than a dutch man

and this is true fact

Victor Matfield

This is good to know that all of them do not dress so provocatively or make lewd photos like a attention whore.

When you think of South Africa the first things that come to mind - Zef, racism apartied and crime...

>Conservative wife
>Dressing like a whore

This. But more white men. They fail with their women but fuck it up still with foreign womem

damn, bro is 6'7


not really, I think of Zulu Zulu Foxtrot.


that would probably be the best thing that could happen to you Ahmet

you won't need to hide from terrorists anymore

Zef to death baby!

>Mediterranien look
>Rugby player
>Plowing a SA goddess
Jealous desu.
185cm, reporting in.

You mean the good old daya, when we we're still making progress over here

These look like nigger mongrels to me. Trust me, I'm an expert in detecting nigger blood.

that's not her husband, that's an international rugby player and an anglo btw (name's matfield)

I know right? I'd be the mother of this guy's baby if i could.

>A real conservative lady would waste her genetics and go flip burgers at Maccers
Thats literally what she would do, do you even understand what conservative values are?

A fucking Pietie padda. Tommie Tier reporting in

So you have to be retarded when you're conservative?
How about no.

The anglo spaniard that looks like he comes straight out of north africa?

The women aren't cucked, the men are.
