How does Sup Forums feel about vidya? I haven't purchased a game in over a year but have recently felt the need to. I feel like it's a waste of time and more yet a waste of money.
Are Video Games Degenerate?
Very much so, you'll realize it as you age.
This. I fell for the vidya jew for many years, big waste.
loved the shit out of vidya as a kid, great memories with friends
but now I just never have interest or time, whenever I play one by myself i feel like a big piece of shit
You appear to be correct.
My jobless friends are always saying, "user, buy this new game with us so we can play together all day and chat over a microphone"
I say, "no I've got better things to do."
>tfw still addict to video games
>keep switching between games because bored every 30 minutes
>stuck in this
help me
>I've got better things to do
No you don't
sell your consle or PC
The continuous switching between games is where it begins. You can either continue the trend until you're in your mid 30's having spent thousands of dollars & hours of your single precious life on vidya or you can quit now.
I don't really care too much what people do for entertainment in their free time.
If I was forced to rate it it would e above watching TV, somewhere on the same level as reading fiction and below physical activities.
It's a form of entertainment like anything else. The money you spend on it isn't any less wasted than if you spent it going to the movies, buying a book, or downloading an album.
If you can spend $60 and get 60 hours of entertainment out of it, it's probably more cost effective than any of the things I mentioned above -- perhaps with exception to music, though that's non-interactive, so the experience is surely different.
Sell your system, get a gym membership. Lifting weights and keeping track of your progress will keep your autism at bay.
Pull out your mega drive or old game console play that.
You can buy games for €1 to €4.
But if you can play old games spend no new money.
What the fuck can you even do in GM for 4000+ hours? I played it for about 17 and got bored.
Watching clouds is more productive than staring at a screen, degenerate.
Is there a sauce for that semen demon?
What the fuck can you even do for 4000+ in GM? I've got 17 hours total and it got boring af.
'They really are. I lost interest in video games 2 years ago. I really enjoyed Deus EX: HR and played it like 3 times to completion. I was so hyped for Mankind Divided, but it's been installed for months and I haven't played it. It's a weird feeling.
Ayylmao classic
Just one of those games you get caught in young. Lots of editing and stuff which is useable by your basic user.
Bro shouldn't you be out protesting the rapefugees they're getting ready to send to Latin America?
Played it a shit ton in high school.
Also, Gmod has a million fucking gamemodes.
Some gamemodes have minigames. So it's basically games inside games.
I see your point.
But also
>Doesn't pay for music
>Goes to the library for free books
>Watches movies illegally
>Doesn't drink
To be fair, creative games such as GMod and Minecraft arent actually all that bad to be addicted to compared to for instance, League of Legends or Dota 2.
If you actually play video games (instead of just buying them and then never taking a second look at it) it's actually a pretty cheap hobby. Most of the time you'll end up with something like $1/hour.
There are a lot of hobbies way more expensive, if you want a cheaper pastime you have to go for 2nd hand books, hiking, biking and so on.
>bought mankind divided too
>can't get into it at all
i don't know why
they are pretty much the only popular industry that stood up to the left with their buillshit attempt to sjw the fuck out of it with jack thompson in the 90s and most recently gamergate. they are ok by me.
Im on my break
He was probably rather referring to the fact that you waste your time posting on Sup Forums so clearly you aren't as busy or valuing your time as much as you implied.
Resident Evil 4 was the first game that I played in months and it is fucking amazing
Only have like 2.8K hours between garry's mod and TF2
Video games can be representative of creativity and puzzle solving, ie: Zelda.
Other than that, they're good for quick brain stimulation and nothing more.
Answer his question
Who is that fluid druid?
Overwatch is fun
>too old for video games
I suppose spending your nights on Sup Forums or researching dank interdimensional alien memes are a much better use of your time
its just not a good game. ive tried to get into it 3 times now and its boring and the same thing as every other game for the last 12 years.
Good taste.
I played the new DOOM recently and its great, testosterone out the ass
But being addicted to them is degenerate.
Videogames aren't degenerate as a hobby.
Just don't become one of those people who put vdeogames above everything else.
Just like any hobby , it's not bad as long as you don't overdo it.
>The continuous switching between games is where it begins.
That only happens if the games are lackluster or boring (a sadly common occurance these days).
A great game can easily keep you occupied for hours on end, at any age. And it's easy to find cheap older games of proven quality.
Dollar for dollar, a good video game delivers a better, longer, more satisfying experience than any TV show, film, music CD, or most books.
I'd rate an hour or two non consistently and not consecutively at the most spent on Sup Forums below physical fitness and above vidya on par with socializing in a coffee shop.
You should learn to sew instead
Get a wii and mod it. You can put almost every game ever on it for free and have an unlimited choice forever
depends on the video game, I play strategy games and complex old levelling up RPG action hybrids. I assure you that it makes me smarter than browsing this shithole in the afternoons.
Modern gaming is bullshit though.
the idea of video games, no. the content of current video games, probably.
ultimately it's just a form of entertainment, but unlike form of entertainment that can also provide value and raise your IQ like books, this one provides no real value. You can tell it provides no value, because so many people go out of their way in attempts to prove it provides values. So many studies out there attempting to prove that video games make you smarter or faster in one way or another will little or no positive results.
Ultimately its entertainment that's a waste of time and has no positive effects on you other that making you better at following and executing simple tasks.
Obviously simulation games are a different story...if you are learning to fly a plane or practicing how to drive a racecar, it starts to be useful.
You don't have to pay for most games, either.
I think with games it's exactly like books -- the topic changes what you get out of it. Creative games require different skills than games where you need to think tactically to defeat other human opponents.
I wonder if people mocked chess when it was invented the way they do today with any other non-athletic game.
That's why you pirate games or buy them when they are cheaper.
>mfw got NWN on GOG for free
Wii controllers are all terrible though
depends which games you play
esports are degenerate
Those scripted animations seemed so dumb to me. It has not the dark occult spirit of the old 90s games, or even Doom 3, just another gore fest.
Most of the problems really stem from the maket being oversaturated with bland shit.
I had multiple times where I thought I had grown out of video games because I kept flipping through them but nothing really got me hooked so I just went back to reading.
Then you find something good like Factorio and realize that it was due to the other games being shit and not because you suddenly made a maturity leap that left you incapable of enjoying things.
Eh I have to disagree. I'd say it depends on your reason for playing vidya. Video games can be interactive art. I can cite several games that inspired me and served as a massive influence.
Think reading for example. You can read Milton Friedman's Capitalism and Freedom and become a better person. However, you can also read Fifty Shades of Grey and lose 10 IQ points. Would it be fair to say "all reading is degenerate?"
Also - I've known people who say vidya is a "waste of time"... these same people binge on Netflix marathons, or spend every Sunday parked in front of the TV watching football all day.
If you want to argue vidya is a waste, that's fine, but you should argue entertainment as a whole is wasteful because singling out vidya is inconsistent and unfair.
They're no worse than watching movies or tv shows. Some can even be educational.
If you invest a lot of hours and money on them they are degenerate.
MMO's are a priori degenerate.
Achmed is on a boat planning on raping your mom, sister, cousin and your gf while you take a break. No wonder we're heading for white genocide.
Huge waste of time and energy, I was totally addicted to league of legends for years. I should have been coding, reading, and going out to bars to socialize.
the most non degenerate game ever made
even redpills people on satanic cults
I don't mean money.
>that face
that gif triggered me
I thought my 400 hours in Morrowind was bad.
What a fucking meme.
all entertainment is a waste of time, just like this place.
i wasted too much time playing them
i dont even have joy about playing them anymore
Jew doesn't mean money?
Some dumb thot who has probably had more black dick than your ex gf. Population displacement is real brah. Maybe you don't want to have kids but some of us do. Remember the 14 words.
Those kill animation things are meant to appease the "brutal doom" crowd. I'm not sure how I feel about them
Mount and blade anno domini 1257 is pretty sweet, it's a mod of M&B but it is what geniunily got me interested in learning borders and maps and all the cool history that comes along with it.
plaing successful crusades is pretty fun
Any all-consuming obsession with a form of entertainment is degenerate.
It's an enjoyable way to pass the time. Don't turn it into your life or personality.